
If you need to use a remote computer lab, your instructor will list web addresses on your D2L course site. [Learn more about D2L.] Be sure to use the web address for connecting to remote computers via desktop application. Connecting via web browser uses a different web address.

Get Microsoft Remote Desktop for macOS

Microsoft Remote Desktop for macOS is a free application. Click or tap the Get button from the Mac App Store's Microsoft Remote Desktop page to download and install.

Set up Microsoft Remote Desktop for macOS

  1. From the Applications folder, open Microsoft Remote Desktop.
  2. Click Workspaces. Then click Add Workspace.

  3. From your D2L course site, identify the web address for connecting to remote computers via desktop application. Enter that web address into the text box and click Add.

  4. You are prompted to sign in. Enter your email address and click Next.

  5. Enter your Marquette password and click Sign in.

  6. You have signed in. Your college's remote computer lab screen appears.

    If you receive an error message stating resources have not been set up for you, contact the IT Services Help Desk. Be sure to note which Marquette college you are part of [e.g., Arts and Sciences, Business Administration].

    Note: The single computer icon pictured below represents multiple computers. It does not mean there is only one computer left in this remote lab.

    Double-click the Windows 10 Desktop icon.

  7. Enter your Marquette password and click Continue.

  8. The Windows 10 desktop appears. 

You have successfully connected to the remote computer lab. When you need to connect again, launch Microsoft Remote Desktop from your computer and follow steps 6 to 8.

Sign out when done

When you are finished using the remote computer, go to the Windows start menu of the remote computer, click or tap the power icon then select Disconnect.

Back to Remote Computer Labs for Students

NOTE: If it is not already installed, you will need to install Microsoft Remote Desktop. You can check this in the Applications folder. If installing on a personal computer, go to Apple App Store and download the Microsoft Remote Desktop. If installing on a TXST computer, install Microsoft Remote Desktop using Jamf.

  1. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop and click the PCs tab.
  2. Click the + button and select Add PC.

  3. For the PC name, enter the host address of the Windows computer you want to access. 

    NOTE: You can also give this computer a Friendly name.

  4. Click the Display tab. From the drop-down menu, change the Resolution to 1920x1080 and check the Start session in full screen box. 

  5. Click the Devices & Audio tab. Check the Printers box.

  6. Click the Folders tab. Check the Redirect folders box.
  7. Click the + button and select a local folder [e.g., your Desktop]. Click Add.

  8. Double-click on the listed PC to start the remote connection to your Windows computer.

    Congratulations! You have successfully accessed a Windows computer with a Mac using Remote Desktop.

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