mommas boys là gì - Nghĩa của từ mommas boys

mommas boys có nghĩa là

1] A grown male still dependent on his mother.
2] A grown male who allows or desires his mother to control most aspects or decisions of his life for him.


I thought I loved him until I realized he was a momma's boy who can't do anything without his mother's permission or approval.

mommas boys có nghĩa là

One who cannot make decessions for himself and has to have his mothers approval no matter right or wrong.
One who needs to hear from or see his mother on a daily basis and definately more then once.
One who will die at the same point and time his mother does because he simply cannot live without her and would be lost in his life as he does not have his mother directing him.
One who would slice the throat of his wife at his mothers request.
One who was born without a doctor present that did not cut the umbilical cord.


Calls mother for the fifth time in ONE day..."mommieeee can you come and wipe my patootie? I forgot how"!
What a momma's boy!

mommas boys có nghĩa là

Type 1] A male who is overly dependent on their mom into adult hood. This can lead to things such as a grown man letting his mom make decisions for him despite the fact he's old enough to make decisions for himself. He also lets his mom order him around with no disapproval. This can have a bad effect on relationships and can be the driving force to breaking up as his girlfriend can grow tired of him letting his mother control his life. This type of momma's boy tends to be looked down upon by society. Type 2] A man who simply loves his mother and isn't afraid to show it. How this differs from Type 1 is that the son is perfectly capable and willing to take care of himself while still holding a close bond with his mother without all the negative effects of Type 1. This type of momma's boy is sometimes misunderstood because he's willing to repay his mom for all she's done for him. This type also isn't afraid to proudly proclaim themselves a momma's boy, after all, she carried him in her stomach for nine months, gave birth to him, fed him when he was a baby, took care of him when he was sick, raised him into a respectable adult, and is pretty much the main reason he came into existence in the first place. Maybe he would get a tattoo that reads "Mom" on his arm to pay tribute, or maybe he's willing to defend his mom from any miserable cocksucker that would dare threaten her good health. If he is tough, insulting his mom can be a death note, because even bad men love their moms.


Type 1] Girl: "I'm thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend; he's such a momma's boy that he let's his mother control his life and he does nothing about it." Type 2] Mr. T: ""I'm a mama's boy. I PITY THE FOOL WHO AIN'T ONE!"

mommas boys có nghĩa là

A wimp. A sissy. A wuss. An immiture adult male who refuses to grow up by allowing his mommy to run his life. If he's married, his wife is probably a frustrated and lonely woman in constant opposition to her mother-in-law. If he's single and seeking a spouse, he will want his mommy's permission to date/marry her. There is NOTHING wrong with a man who wants his mother's approval for his woman [harmony between the mother and other woman is important], but wanting her permission is another issue. Upon his mother's death, he will emotionally withdraw and want to die with her and won't be able to function without her. A man becomes a momma's boy either by being coddled since childhood or his insecurity hasn't allowed him to mature and indivituate from her emotionally.


Being a momma's boy is probably the #1 thing that can ruin a man's relationship with the woman in his life.

mommas boys có nghĩa là

1. A grown ass man who tells his momma every damn thing.
2.A man who cant keep a woman because his mommas jealous of his girlfriends, and acts like she his wife;the girlfriend is the other woman.
3. A man that wont take his mouth away from his mommas titty and let go!!


We cant even have a relationship, cause he's such a damn mommas boy, if i fart to loud he runs back and tell his momma;then she call here starting shit.

mommas boys có nghĩa là

One who cannot make decisions for himself and has to have his mothers approval no matter right or wrong.
One who needs to hear from or see his mother on a daily basis and definately more then once.
One who will die at the same point and time his mother does because he simply cannot live without her and would be lost in his life as he does not have his mother directing him.
One who would slice the throat of his wife at his mothers request.
One who was born without a doctor present that did not cut the umbilical cord.


Calls mother for the fifth time in ONE day..."mommieeee can you come and wipe my patootie? I forgot how"!
What a momma's boy!

mommas boys có nghĩa là

Some say a momma's boy is a punk or sissy.
But I'm here to tell you these so called momma's boys are good men.
Who actually respect you & treat you like the Princess you are!
Unless you are not then stay with the cheating dirt bag who left you in the gutter. 1 He is one who loves &respects women [when other little brat kids are talking back and being disrespectful] 2 Shows respect to all women & adults 3 Protective of his friends & family [isn't that what you want as women a men who will stand up for you and protect you and yours] 4 Prob was the man of his house at a young age - making them have much more experence of being a real man 5 Receiver of much love very affectionate - Omg he might even kiss you in public 6 and I'm sure he will not leave the toilet seat up & let you fall in Queen Mom


I meet this man he's smart, kind and soooo handsome. He makes his own decisions, respects women & he's an awsome football player not a punk at all u should see him play he's a beast!! Future NFL star. They say he's a Momma's boy and he loves his Mom alot!! But don't we all!! That shows me he's a family man & will be a great husband and father one day! To a real women. His momma didn't raise no fool.

mommas boys có nghĩa là

A guy who depends on his mom and is super scared of everything.


"He's scared of FLOWERS?! Wow, that guy is such a momma's boy."

mommas boys có nghĩa là

1. A 21 year old boy, who can bust balls at work, but in return can't handle the pressure. Resulting in a phone call from his parents to his manager.


Chad, I recieved a phone call from Dan's parents last night. Please don't pick on him anymore at work, because he is a momma's boy.

mommas boys có nghĩa là

What is a Mommas boy?

“A grown ass man who still lives at home with his single mother”. This person is a complete and total Idiot who is characterized by his efforts to cope with his lack of acceptance in society by verbally assaulting the only person in the world who even cares about him; his own mother. He thinks this is “cool” and excepted; he also has the last word in any argument, right or wrong and is a complete Tool. This person thinks he’s the shit, but he is really clueless to how everyone mocks him behind his back. This person can’t even keep a women satisfied; She left his sorry ass after cheating on him several times, for another woman no less!

This kind of person suffers from mental problems such as schizophrenia and may have a drug usage problem. This person would also most likely suffer from alcohol abuse and neglect from his peers because he is a egotistical bossy assclown who is still permafried from taking to many drugs and or is half retarded and who’s only aspiration in life is to listen to rap music and pretend to be a gangsta, all the while the world passes his no talent unemployed sorry ass waste of space by. You’re not going to school, you have no job, no money, you’re 23 and your mommy pays your bills! You think the world owes you a fucking living. Well my sad and pathetic friend you are in for a rude awakening, one day you will wake up and realize you’ve drank your life away and your pathetic life has passed you by. You’ll be lucky to work at the corner quickstop for minimum wage you dirty sheepfucker!


Mommas boy, Need I say more?

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