Oops, we couldn t connect to Session Desktop sign in failed

Issue – AVD could not connect to session desktop

I have seen this exact error “couldn’t connect to session desktop” many times and a couple of AVD PoC testers raised this issue.

Error Message – Oops, we couldn’t connect to “Session Desktop” – we couldn’t connect to the remote PC because the admin has restricted the type of logon that you can use. Ask your admin or tech support for help.

Fix AVD Could not Connect to Session Desktop | Admin has Restricted the Type of Logon

Cause of AVD Admin has Rejected Type of Login Error

Well, the cause of this admin has restricted the type of logon error when you try to connect to session host in AVD is mainly because of ignorance of the end-user. What? Yes of course. This is why I highlighted in the first paragraph of this post that I have seen this issue mostly with PoC/Test environments.

In PoC or Test environment, the test users might have more than one user accounts to test and certify different scenarios. This error occurs when:

  • User Logs into AVD Web client with a user ID [for example – [emailprotected]].
  • Click on Remote Desktop Icon to logon to session desktop/remote PC.
  • The user [[emailprotected]] will get prompted to re-enter the user name and password [domain-level authentication].
  • But because of user error or ignorance – The user enters a different user name [anoop2@htmdforum.com] and password.
  • Click on Submit button.
Fix AVD Couldn’t Connect to Session Desktop | Admin has Restricted the Type of Logon

Refresh and Session token Policies for AVD

You can read more about Azure AD refresh and session tokens-related configuration from Microsoft docs. In Azure AD, a policy object represents a set of rules that are enforced on individual applications or on all applications in an organization.

Each policy type has a unique structure, with a set of properties that are applied to objects to which they are assigned.

Error Message & Fix

The following is the exact error message that you get mostly because of time-out.

Oops, we couldn’t connect to “Session Desktop”. We ate working on refreshing your token, please try again after a short while or refresh page.

  • The fix is to click on the REFRESH button.
    • In most of the scenarios, this refresh helps. If not, check out the following steps.
Fix AVD Refreshing Your Token Error | Couldn’t Connect to Session Desktop
  • Logoff from the AVD Web client portal. //aka.ms/wvdARMweb
Fix AVD Refreshing Your Token Error | Couldn’t Connect to Session Desktop

Close Browser, Re-open, and Login back.

Fix AVD Refreshing Your Token Error | Couldn’t Connect to Session Desktop

5 Replies

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Feb 20, 2020 at 08:13 UTC


Have you assigned users to the resource:

Add-RdsAppGroupUser -TenantName Companytenant -HostPoolName Host-Pool -AppGroupName “Desktop Application Group” -UserPrincipalName

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louiearbs Feb 20, 2020 at 15:01 UTC

yes i did do that. that got me the icon when I would sign in to the web portal. Now when I click on the icon to start the remote session, it tries to connect but ultimately fails and says " We couldn't connect because there are currently no available resources. Try again later or if this keeps happening, ask your admin or tech support for help"

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Feb 21, 2020 at 08:26 UTC

I followed://securityboulevard.com/2019/11/windows-virtual-desktop-the-best-step-by-step-walkthrough/

Just skipped the VPN stuff

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Sep 23, 2020 at 16:34 UTC

Just found this - had the same problem today so adding in the solution I found for others who find this on a search engine.

In my case I had two Host VMs in the pool - I keep one turned off most of the time to save costs, I turned it on today as a lot of users needed access to an application. The second Host started OK but it was set in Drain mode [doesn't allow new connections], for some reason the pool was trying to connect sessions to this VM first and was giving the No resources error - turning Drain mode off fixed the problem [although sessions were still added to the second VM first]

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ExR90 Jan 28, 2021 at 06:51 UTC
1st Post
OMG I just had the same issue, same fix.... I forgot I turned on Drain mode. #DOH!


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53 Replies

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Apr 17, 2018 at 05:37 UTC

Hi maybe you have some cached credentials for the rdweb portal?

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Pure Capsaicin
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Apr 17, 2018 at 12:57 UTC
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert
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339 Helpful Votes

meuchel wrote:

We are able to connect to the service and see the apps but when we launch them it says: Your computer was unable to connect to the remote computer. Try to reconnect. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.

Are you connecting via FQDN? If so, try the IP instead.

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Apr 17, 2018 at 13:32 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

seannoy2I looked in the credential manager and there is nothing for the RDweb. Is there another place it caches creds?

DragonsRuleI am using the FQDN but it is resolving properly and making a connection to the remote server the issue is when the apps try to launch.

Are you thinking change the FQDN to the IP in the .rdp file?

In windows 10 there is a remoteapps control panel that establishes the connection to the feed and setup up the apps in the start menu but they still don't launch.

I was going to try to change the computer name to see if that does anything but not sure.

  • DragonsRule
    Pure Capsaicin
  • seannoy2
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Pure Capsaicin
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Apr 17, 2018 at 13:34 UTC
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert
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339 Helpful Votes

I would change it to IP both in the initial connect and also anywhere it's located in the RDP file. Just because you get the initial connection doesn't mean the software will properly resolve the names every time.

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wesleyfox Apr 17, 2018 at 13:57 UTC
1st Post

We are having the same issue and found it be related to the workspace id. We have a ticket with microsoft for it but do not have a resolution yet. I can respond once I hear from them.

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Apr 17, 2018 at 14:21 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

I can log in with the ip to the web portal but I am assuming the .rdp files are hashed because when I change the IP in them it corrupts them.

I also tried renaming the computer.

This is driving me nuts.

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Pure Capsaicin
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Apr 17, 2018 at 14:23 UTC
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert
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339 Helpful Votes

meuchel wrote:

I can log in with the ip to the web portal but I am assuming the .rdp files are hashed because when I change the IP in them it corrupts them.

AFAIK that's not possible. The RDP file is just a text file. If it was anything else your local PC's RDP client wouldn't be able to read it.

Maybe the editor you used is the issue?

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Apr 17, 2018 at 18:28 UTC

We've just started having the same issue on two Windows 10 machines. There are no error logs on either the server or the clients, no cached credentials, no missing/extra certificates, same updates as all other computers, no new updates on the server or clients - everything is the same. The client does not even appear to be contacting the server at all, there is no record of it. One of the clients is on prem, so its not even using the gateway at all. Both clients can connect to the server via manual RDP setup, just not through remote apps and not through RD Web access. Such an annoying issue, and, per usual, Microsoft's response is "reinstall Windows". No, I'm not going to reinstall Windows.

I'm going to start rolling back updates on both the clients and the servers and see if I can get these clients connecting again. Very annoying.

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wesleyfox Apr 17, 2018 at 20:52 UTC

So been on phone all day with Microsoft support getting bounced from team to team and still no answer. They have no idea whats causing this. We are seeing this on about 20 out of about 3,000 units so sporadic but once it happens to that station it doesn't go away. Will keep posted as I work this with MS Support.

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Apr 17, 2018 at 21:18 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

I tried notepad.exe and notepad++ any edits cause corruption.

There is a signature as the last setting.

The host says it isn't even hitting the server logs.

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wesleyfox Apr 17, 2018 at 21:28 UTC

If you remove the signature completely from the file when your editing it, you should be able to edit it fine, or at least that's what I've been doing.

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Apr 17, 2018 at 21:54 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.


Hey you guys find any updates that hit it lately?

All my machines seemed to be fully patched but only some are having problems.

  • ARourke
  • wesleyfox
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Apr 17, 2018 at 22:03 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.


OK so I took off the signature and it let me play with the file.

I deleted the workspace id: option and BOOM! I was in!

I don't know who to give credit to but I will mark you all for helping now.

  • wesleyfox
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wesleyfox Apr 17, 2018 at 22:03 UTC

Same boat as you. The machines that are having the issue, I started with a system restore as far back as I could and then ripping patches and have not found anything yet.

  • meuchel
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wesleyfox Apr 17, 2018 at 22:04 UTC

Exactly the same as me. Microsoft team can't seem to explain it to me and have been bounced to 5 different teams today. So much for partner support.

edit: referring to workspace id issue

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Apr 17, 2018 at 22:10 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Well I am happy to have a work around.

I didn't want to format a computer for 1 silly line of code.

But it would be nice to have a fix!

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Apr 18, 2018 at 04:05 UTC

Hi Meuchel, I'm abit late for the party but had some thoughts that maybe can help:

1. make sure date/time on client computer is in sync

2. try disabling NLA on the remoteapps see if that helps

3. what certificate do you use in your farm? maybe its missing or invalid on the client?

4. do you configure work resources using GPO? if not - try configuring it under: User config - Policies - Admin Temp - Windows Components - Remote Desktop Services - RemoteApp and Desktop Connections - Specify default url connection: should be something like




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wesleyfox Apr 18, 2018 at 14:31 UTC

Unfortunately those did not assist for ours.

1] verified time between session host, connection broker, and gateway with the workstation

2] Negative disablg changed nothing

3] We use wild card cert and installed it on workstation and all servers

4] Good thought, and thought you might be onto something but after trying it still failed, and we use the default url connection string.

  • seannoy2
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wesleyfox Apr 18, 2018 at 16:17 UTC

Just got off the phone with Microsoft support again. They are escalating this ticket one more time to get a hotfix/patch made for it. They estimated a few business days till they have something. I will keep you posted.

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Apr 18, 2018 at 16:53 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Nothing done on the workstation changed anything.

I do not have access to the server as it is a hosted platform and they are claiming that since this is not affecting all machines there is no problem.

This is not a problem with connectivity to the RDweb service it has something to do with how the client is accessing the workspace or how the server is creating it.

Most systems are able to translate the workspace id and some are not.

I would think this issue is at the gateway because removing the option allows the session to complete.

I will wait on your response from Microsoftwesleyfox

If it helps I can provide you with more information to add to your ticket from my client privately.

I am severely disappointed in the host for not wanting to cooperate with us on this issue.

  • wesleyfox
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gb5102 Apr 18, 2018 at 17:40 UTC

Out of curiosity, what OS are you seeing this on? Does it seem to only affect Windows 10? If so, what version[v1607, v1703, v1709...]?

Just wondering if this is limited to latest v1709, we plan to roll out this version shortly at one of our clients who is a heavy [2012R2]RemoteApp user. PCs are currently running 1703 and previously on 1607 and 1511 and we have not run in to this issue across hundreds of PCs.

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wesleyfox Apr 18, 2018 at 17:41 UTC

I'm actually in the opposite boat as you Meuchel. We are the host and trying to resolve for the clients. You are not alone in this. Working with Microsoft it doesn't sound to be a gateway issue either but rather a remote desktop serivce issue. For example if you download and install the windows 10 remote desktop app from the app store it can access the apps. The terminal services on the client desktop are having an issue but I believe it is because of an update of some kind. One thing I was able to try that you may not since we are the host is we have multiple separate deployments with their own networks, firewalls, connection brokers, session hosts, and gateways. A machine that is having the issue has it with all the deployments. However, those same deployments work fine on a majority computers. Something else interesting is when using netmon we found if the workspace id line is in the handshake to the server is never initiated, it fails before even doing a handshake. If you remove the workspace id the handshake and packets happen as expected.

  • meuchel
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Apr 18, 2018 at 18:12 UTC

Meuchel Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Weird, we are on Windows 10 1709 on all machines with the latest patches with and without issues.

It happened after our 4-11 patch cycle.

KB4093112 is the only patch that was installed that has any association to RDP.

I rolled it back but it doesn't change anything.





All these are the same version from 9/29/17 on all pc's.

The mstsc app seems to not even launch the connection broker it IMMEDIATELY says it cannot connect to the computer.

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Apr 18, 2018 at 18:34 UTC

I made the same discovery as you both yesterday regarding the workspace id parameter. When I removed this from the rdp files in Notepad++, the clients could connect again without issue. Interestingly, I didn't have to remove the signature line for this to work [clients connected with no additional errors or prompts]. We had a third workstation start to do this today and it is running Windows 7, so I don't think this is a Windows 10 issue. This particular client just experienced this issue for the first time this morning - the last time his computer was updated was on 4/11, so I don't think this is related to Windows updates either.

I'm also using a wildcard certificate and my RDSH has different external and internal FQDNs. Maybe this is related to the issue?

I look forward to Microsoft resolving this issue. Could you mention to them that this is also happening in Windows Server 2016? That's what we're using.

  • meuchel
  • wesleyfox

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The issue

When the Slack desktop app cannot connect, it may be because the settings for your network or any security devices [such as a proxy, firewall, antivirus software, or VPN] are interfering.

Steps to troubleshoot

Step 1: Clear the cache and restart Slack

Click Restart Slack below the error message.

Step 2: Collect and send us your Net Logs

If you’re still having trouble, collect your Net Logs on the Slack desktop app and send them to us so we can investigate further. To collect Net Logs, click the Download Logs button below the error message, or use the steps below.

  1. Open the Slack desktop app, then click Help in your computer's top menu bar. [If you’re on Windows 10, click the ☰ three lines icon in the top left of the Slack app.]
  2. Select Troubleshooting, then clickRestart and Collect Net Logs. The app will restart. Once it does, you’ll see a pop-up window with the message Your log is in progress.
  3. Use Slack as you usually would. When the issue occurs, go back to the pop-up window and click Stop Logging.
  4. Locate the zip file in the Downloads folder of your computer.
  5. Send us a note with the file attached.

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