Suffice it to say là gì

but i had to say it

but to say that it

suffice it to say

but suffice to say

suffice it to say that

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "suffice it to say", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ suffice it to say, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ suffice it to say trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Suffice it to say, I was wronged.

2. Suffice it to say, I refused to get involved.

3. Suffice it to say that the gun was his.

4. Suffice it to say that they're having marital problems.

5. Suffice it to say that the good thing fell down.

6. 5 Suffice it to say that they're having marital problems.

7. Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again.

8. Suffice it to say that the unusually high boiling point of acetic acid.

9. Suffice it to say that prayer is an important activity in the Synagogue.

10. Suffice it to say, there has never been anything like this on the screen before."

11. Suffice it to say that the following responses of some umbelliferous plants have been observed.

12. Suffice it to say that in any extended study of the martial arts it warrants closer examination.

13. I won't go into all the details. Suffice it to say that the whole event was a complete disaster.

14. For the moment,[sentence dictionary] suffice it to say that I take a skeptical view of the structural analyses offered.

15. Suffice it to say that in some circumstances they authorise treatment despite the objections of the patient, whether minor or adult.

16. I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster.

17. Suffice it to say that he subsequently asserted that no one else had ever gone to such extremes of self-mortification.

18. Suffice it to say the case against him was not exactly ironclad and that he was not represented by the Dream Team.

19. Suffice it to say that the whisper eventually turned into a shout and the five-foot pile of dirt was reduced considerably.

20. Suffice it to say, though, it is Arthur [with crotchety old Grandsanta's help] who finally saves the day when elder brother Steve's high-tech logistics system overlooks one little girl's stocking.

21. But suffice it to say, Jobs's instinct for defiant iconoclasm and his insistence on unconventional approaches did not, in the end, serve him as well as it served Apple's customers and shareholders.

22. But I would suffice it to say that our interest in Svalbard region dates back prior to Independence because the Treaty of Svalbard was signed in 1920 and we acceded to this in 1923.

23. Suffice it to say that while, up to last week, FRONTEX was coordinating patrols in the Mediterranean, yesterday I saw an advert in the papers announcing that FRONTEX wanted to recruit a director responsible for its sea patrols.

24. 150 In the third place, as regards the criticism of the fact that the Commission took into account the last previous entry of a bank into the market concerned in 1996, suffice it to say that the reasoning behind the Commission’s approach of analysing the effects on competition of the most recent entry into the market in question as at the date of the contested decision is not misconceived.

suffice it to say Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

suffice it to say

suffice it to say
It is enough to say this and no more, as in Suffice it to say that the judge was furious when the invitation was withdrawn. [Late 1600s]

đủ [nó] để nói

Nói tóm lại; Tóm tắt; nó là đủ để nói. Thường được theo sau bởi "that". Tôi sẽ bất đi vào rõ hơn cuộc trò chuyện của chúng ta, nhưng đủ để nói rằng Bob sẽ bất trở lại vào thứ Hai. Có rất nhiều trở ngại bất ngờ trong quá trình đăng ký và toàn bộ sự chuyện trở nên phức tạp hơn rất nhiều so với đoán trước của chúng tôi. Dù sao, đủ để nói, cuối cùng chúng tui đã được cấp phép lập kế hoạch cho vănphòng chốngmới .. Xem thêm: nói, chỉ cần

nói là đủ rồi

Nói điều này là đủ và bất cần nói nữa, như trong Đủ nó nói rằng thẩm phán vừa rất tức giận khi lời mời bị rút lại. [Cuối những năm 1600]. Xem thêm: nói là đủ

nói là đủ rồi

Nói như vậy là đủ rồi. Cụm từ này, chỉ ra rằng những gì tiếp theo là tất cả những gì nên nói về một cái gì đó, có từ thế kỷ XVII. John Dryden vừa sử dụng nó trong Tiểu luận Linh tinh của St. Evremont [1692]: “Chỉ cần nói rằng Xanthippus trở thành người quản lý các vấn đề, vừa thay đổi rất nhiều Quân đội Carthage.”. Xem thêm: nói, đủ. Xem thêm:

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

“Suffice it to say” = đủ để nói -> nghĩa là tóm lại, tổng kết lại.

Ví dụ

Here’s what Brennaman said, which suffice it to say is horrible and insensitive [không cảm giác, không nhạy cảm]. It’s also important that we don’t ignore the video itself, because it’s critical here.

In his column on Aug. 9, “This is how we get things done,” Mr. Hine made an apparent reference to an obituary [lời cáo phú] published in the same paper on Aug. 2, that of the late Ned Walsh. Suffice it to say, it seems an unfair reference, as Ned cannot be given the opportunity for rebuttal [sự bác bỏ] after publication. Certainly, it was a reference made in poor taste, while a family is still grieving the death of a great man.

Tropical Depression Fourteen, also forecast to become a tropical storm [Laura or Marco] by Thursday night, is the storm that has the highest probability of bringing impacts to the state of Texas through the final week of August. As of the writing of this article, the forecast path and exactly how strong this storm will become is still highly uncertain. Suffice it to say that with the Gulf of Mexico running a fever with very warm sea surface temperatures, anyone along the Texas coast should have their hurricane plans in mind and be prepared for significant changes in the forecast.

Ka Tina

Bài trước: “Say it ain’t so, Joe” nghĩa là gì?

Suffice to say hay còn được viết dưới dạng suffice [it] to say trong tiếng Anh, có nghĩa là "đủ để nói". Câu này đề cập đến việc người nói cung cấp một thông tin gì đó, mà nó là đủ để khiến người khác có thể hiểu được.

  • suffice: đủ, đủ để, đủ cho...
  • to: đến, theo hướng, gây ra, với, đối với...
  • say: nói, lời nói, tiếng nói, tuyên bố...

Suffice to say xuất hiện nhiều trong văn nói, và thường đứng ở đầu câu. Chẳng hạn như bạn nói với bạn bè: đủ để nói [Suffice to say], cô ta sẽ không đến đúng giờ hẹn vì bận lo trang điểm.

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