Text or graphics printed at the top of pages in a document.

ABTo remove or display rulers, click on the ribbon to display the _____ tab and then click the View Ruler check box. (WD 5)ViewTo enter a blank line in a document, _____. (WD 7)press the ENTER key without typing any text on the line____ allows you to type words in a paragraph continually without pressing the ENTER key at the end of each line. (WD 8)WordwrapA _____ underline indicates the text may be incorrect grammatically. (WD 9)Green WavyA document _____ is a set of unified formats for fonts, colors, and graphics. (WD 14)ThemeCharacters that are somewhat thicker and darker than others are called _____. (WD 29)BoldTo see the entire page on the screen at once, click VIEW on the ribbon to display the VIEW tab | Zoom group, and click the _____ button. (WD 30)One PageA selected graphic appears surrounded by a selection rectangle, which has small circles and squares, called _____. (WD 35)Sizing HandlesTo return a graphic to its original size, click the Size Dialog Box Launcher, click the Size tab, and click the _____ button. (WD 37)ResetThe little white circle attached to the top of a selected graphic is called a _____ . (WD 38)Rotate HandleA _____ is a named group of formatting characteristics, including font and font size. WD 70Style_____ is the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph. WD 72Line SpacingA ____ is text and/or graphics that print at the top of each page in a document. WD 74HeaderWord has an _____ feature, where it predicts some words or phrases as you are tying and displays its prediction in a ScreenTip. WD 78Auto CompleteIf you do not want to keep a change automatically made by Word, you can undo the change by clicking the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or by pressing _____. WD 87CTRL+ZBecause Word documents use variable character fonts, the rule is to _____ after periods, colons, and other punctuation marks. WD 88press the spacebar only onceA superscript is used as a(n) _____ to signal that a note exists either at the bottom of the page or at the end of a document. WD 92Note Reference MarkYou can look on the _____to see the total number of words in a document. WD 100Status BarA _____ page break is one that you force into a document at a specific location. WD 105Manual_____ is the process of placing items on the Office Clipboard, while leaving the item in the document. WD 111CopyingA _____ is a graphic that you create using Word. WD 142drawing objectWhen the mouse pointer changes to a(n) _____, you can drag from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner to form the desired location and size of a shape. WD 143Crosshair PointerAn ______ chart is one that is on a worksheet.embeddedWith a graphic selected, you would click the _____ button to remove all formatting. WD 154Reset PictureWhen you type an email address, Word’s _____ As You Type feature automatically formats it as a hyperlink. WD 163Auto FormatTo remove all tab stops, click the _____ button in the Tabs dialog box. WD 169Clear AllA(n) _____ is a special space character that prevents two words from splitting if the first word falls at the end of a line. WD 173Nonbreaking SpaceIn a Word table, the intersection of a row and a column is called a(n) _____. WD 174CellThe table resize handle is a _____ that appears when you point to a corner of a table. WD 178Small SquareYou can press the _____ key to move to the next cell in a table. WD 179TabIf you use Point mode to enter a formula or select a range, you must press the ______key to complete the entry.ENTERYou can rotate text counterclockwise by entering a number between 1 degree and ____ degrees on the Alignment sheet in the Format Cells dialog box.180Press the __ key to lock in place the cell reference in an Excel formula.F7A formatting mark is a character that Word displays on the screen but is ______ on a printed document.not visible______ is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell.Fill handleIn Word, the default tabs are places at _____ intervals on the ruler.one half inchThere are _____ that are used to create resumes.templatesSelected placeholder text automatically is _____ when you begin typing.deletedTo center cell entries across columns, highlight the cells, press ______.merge/center buttonTo Format Numbers in the Worksheet with a Floating Dollar Sign, Highlight the cells to be formatted, right-click_____.Click format cellsThe _________ function sums the number in the range and then divides the sum by the number of cells in the range.AVERAGEA ________ is a specific location on a storage medium.FolderAn alias used with a password to grant access to accounts and websites.UsernameOn a column chart, the ________ identifies the colors assigned to each bar in the chart.legendUse a(n) _______________ in a cell to enter numbers as text.apostropheHow many times do you return after the dateline in a letter?Four TimesExcel opens a new workbook with ____________ worksheets.oneWhen copying a range of cells using the drag and drop method, you first point to the border of the selected range so that the mouse pointer changes to a(n)_________.cross hairWhen Excel automatically sets the width of a column based on the widest entry in the column, it is called ______.best fitTo enter column titles that appear on two lines within a cell, type the first word, press _____ and type second word.Alt + EnterThe _____, called the primary tab, contains the more frequently used tools.Home TabWhen a red wave appears under a word is means the word isincorrect____ is an example of an alignmentCenterThe keyboard shortcut for SELECT ALL is ____CTRL + AThe keyboard shortcut for PASTE is ___CTRL + VThe keyboard shortcut for COPY is ____CTRL + CA ______ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page.FooterA research paper is ______ spaced.doubleIn the header when writing a research paper, your last name and the page number should be _____.Right-alignedTo insert a new citation you must be on the ______ ribbonReferencesA __________ is the coordinates of the intersection of a column and a row; for example A1.Cell Reference__________ involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.Merging CellsA _________ is a prewritten formula that is built into excel.Function_____ is the first thing that needs to be done to add a chart in to Excel?Select a range of dataAn Excel _____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.worksheetThe _____ box displays the active cell reference.NameThe _____ feature of Excel works behind the scenes, correcting common mistakes when you complete a text entry in a cell.AutoCorrectWhen you enter numeric data in a cell, Excel recognizes the values as numbers and _____ the values.right-alignsA _____ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells.rangeA preceding _____ alerts Excel that you are entering a formula or function and not text.equal signFont size is gauged by a measurement system called _____.pointsThe _____ command on the Clear menu is the only command that clears both the cell entry and the cell formatting.Clear AllIf the following arithmetic operations ( +, *, /, ^) all are found in a formula with no parentheses, which one is completed last?plusWhen you copy a formula with a relative cell reference down a row, the row references _____ in the formula.changeThe _____ function is used to determine the lowest number in a given range.MINTo assign a dollar sign to appear immediately to the left of the first digit with no spaces, use a _____ dollar sign.floatingGreater than is a _____ conditional formatting operator found in the New Formatting Rule dialog box.validExcel includes a(n) _____ you can use to check a worksheet for spelling errors.spell checkerA(n) _____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of each page.footer_____ are values in cells that you can change to determine new values for formulas.AssumptionsThe _____ is a temporary storage area in the computer’s memory that allows you to collect text and graphics from an Office document and then paste them into almost any other type of document.Office Clipboard_____ format symbols include all of the following symbols -- dollar sign, comma, and percent sign.validA _____ shows the date a workbook, report, or other document was created or the time period it represents.date stampA formula using the _____ cell reference B4 instructs Excel to adjust the cell reference as it copies it to the destination area.relativeExcel displays the following _______ ##### in cells that are not wide enough to display entire entry.error messageThe _____ feature evaluates the selected data and makes suggestions regarding which chart types will provide the most suitable representation.Recommended ChartsWhen you _____ a worksheet, Excel enlarges the view of the characters on the screen, but displays fewer columns and rows.magnifyWhen working with a large worksheet, you can split the window into two or four _____ to view different parts of the worksheet at the same time.panes

What is the text that prints at the top of each page?

Header: The header is an area that appears at the top of every page in a document that can contain one or more lines of text. One common use of the header is to include information about the document (such as the title) on every page in the document.

Is printed at the top each page in a document?

Text inserted in the top margin of each page of a document is called a header, and text inserted in the bottom margin is called a footer.

Is a text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page?

A footer is text and/or graphics that print at the bottom of every page.

When text or graphics have filled a page Word inserts A and goes on to a new page?

When you fill a page with text or graphics, Word inserts an automatic page break and starts a new page. To force a page break at a specific location, you can insert a manual page break.