Top-down vs bottom-up AI

top-down approach
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top-down approach

computer science
Alternate titles: symbolic approach
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Top-down vs bottom-up AI
detailed illustrations of the top-down and bottom-up approaches for building structures at the micrometre scale
Top-down approaches have been developed for building structures at the scale of the micrometre (μm). Bottom-up techniques have also been developed for assembling small groups of atoms or molecules at the scale of nanometres (nm). The remaining task is to combine these approaches in order to create extended structures at the nanoscale.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Learn about this topic in these articles:

artificial intelligence


  • Top-down vs bottom-up AI
    In nanotechnology: Top-down approach

    The most common top-down approach to fabrication involves lithographic patterning techniques using short-wavelength optical sources. A key advantage of the top-down approachas developed in the fabrication of integrated circuitsis that the parts are both patterned and built in place, so that no assembly

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viewed by Brooks

  • In Rodney Brooks

    research, especially with the fields top-down approach to problem solving. The top-down approach, which dominated the field at that time, presupposes that a computer must first be supplied with an internal representation of the essential features of the world in which it operatesan immensely difficult framework problem for all but

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top-down approach

computer science
Alternate titles: symbolic approach
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Top-down vs bottom-up AI
detailed illustrations of the top-down and bottom-up approaches for building structures at the micrometre scale
Top-down approaches have been developed for building structures at the scale of the micrometre (μm). Bottom-up techniques have also been developed for assembling small groups of atoms or molecules at the scale of nanometres (nm). The remaining task is to combine these approaches in order to create extended structures at the nanoscale.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Learn about this topic in these articles:

artificial intelligence

  • Top-down vs bottom-up AI
    In artificial intelligence: Symbolic vs. connectionist approaches

    The top-down approach seeks to replicate intelligence by analyzing cognition independent of the biological structure of the brain, in terms of the processing of symbolswhence the symbolic label. The bottom-up approach, on the other hand, involves creating artificial neural networks in imitation of the brains structurewhence

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  • Top-down vs bottom-up AI
    In artificial intelligence: The CYC project

    is a large experiment in symbolic AI. The project began in 1984 under the auspices of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, a consortium of computer, semiconductor, and electronics manufacturers. In 1995 Douglas Lenat, the CYC project director, spun off the project as Cycorp, Inc., based in Austin, Texas. The

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  • Top-down vs bottom-up AI
    In nanotechnology: Top-down approach

    The most common top-down approach to fabrication involves lithographic patterning techniques using short-wavelength optical sources. A key advantage of the top-down approachas developed in the fabrication of integrated circuitsis that the parts are both patterned and built in place, so that no assembly

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viewed by Brooks

  • In Rodney Brooks

    research, especially with the fields top-down approach to problem solving. The top-down approach, which dominated the field at that time, presupposes that a computer must first be supplied with an internal representation of the essential features of the world in which it operatesan immensely difficult framework problem for all but

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