Topping dx7 pro tpdz

ggannuch said:
Would you pair this with Meze Empyrean Headphones with Impedance 31.6 Ω? Use as DAC only with paired with lower output impedance amp? Or go with different DAC/Amp combo?

Thanks, @amirm great review
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It would work fine, yes.

Tks said:
I'd go with another device personally. Apply the 1/10th rule to be sure as possible you don't suffer from Frequency Response shifts. So if a devices' output impedance is 6 ohms for example, make sure your headphones are 60 ohms. You could get away with 1/8th rule if you really wanted though I suppose if it's a device you absolutely love (which this device is something I see through my eyes).
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Planar magnetic headphones don't suffer from FR shifts due to impedance mismatch.
Tks said:
Sorry fellas, I totally slipped my mind >_<
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ClosDeLaRoche said:
This is a rule of thumb and doesn't apply to headphones with a flat impedance curve which all planar magnetic headphones have (there may be one exception out there but I couldn't name it).
OTOH some dynamics have extreme impedance curves, like some models from Focal, and may need more than 1/10. I'd have to do some math to know for sure.
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Veri said:
It would work fine, yes.

Planar magnetic headphones don't suffer from FR shifts due to impedance mismatch.
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Thanks for your help
marcinpiano said:
Hi. Anybody use Topping DX7 pro with integrated amp and 2.0 speakers? I d like to change CD-player to DAC (in stereo system) and use it as main source but i m not sure, if sound quality will be at least the same than from CD.
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Yes. It is provably transparent so unless there's a problem with your CD player it should sound the same (and if there is then better). What will you use as your digital source if you get rid of the CD player? Computer? If your CD player has digital output (even if it doesn't actually), since you have an integrated I presume you have more than one input on it. No reason (IMO at least) to restrict yourself.

I don't use an integrated with it currently (I have it direct to powered monitors on my desk) but with how it measures I can guarantee that your integrated amp is worse as far as noise and dynamic range is concerned. ;)
batfunk said:
Received my topping dx7 pro today, here is my subjective review about its headphone amp fonction.
First, I only use Grado Rs2e headphones, known for its crystal highs and punchy has low 32 ohms impedance.
Topping dx7 pro 1/4 output gives very precise sound:bass is precise, highs are clinical, no problem of power but... It lacks something. I changed gain high to low and low to high, no changes except on volume. After one hour of listening, I concluded it's not fun, too clinical and even tiring with all these highs at the same level of the rest of the sound spectrum
Well, I decide to re-install my old Teac ha-501(tested by Armir) to compare.
I kept dx7pro as preamp/dac, linked to teac by rca. I had to put dx7pro volume to max(0 db) to get sufficient power.
Boy,much better! Bass is smoother, and more powerful, Soundstage is cohesive(not a sum of instruments put side by side as with the dx7pro) , livier,highs are less precise but more enjoyable and placed a little bit behind the mediums and bass.
I can't help tapping!
Well, I think the better amount of power of the Teac is the key here.I probably have bought Dx70 instead of Dx70pro if I had the chance to listen to it, so beware!

Oh, one more thing: by laziness, I first used a used power cord with the dx7-pro. Results:no bass, poor sound, so stick with dx7pro power cord!

Well,dx7 pro as headphone amp was a little disappointment. Tomorrow, il will try it as dac/preamp with my new nc400 stereo amp and compare it to my Teac ai-501 dac.
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Well, after one month of use of Topping dx7 pro, I won't keep it.
I don't need to change a word of my first review.
On my system, it really lacks bass and Umph on both modes, dac and headphone amp.
I reinstall Teac ud501 and Teac ha 501 and I'm tapping again. Sound is live again.
Well, I don't have a scientific explanation, so if you have one... lol. Teac ud 501 dac chipset? Power output voltage?
Well, I replaced first Teac ai 501 with nc 400 power amp, I gained a bit transparency. I added room correction with pw link, same success. Topping dx7pro ruined it for me, too much transparency, less music. Maybe I need a safe amount of noise, like listening room need reflections opposite to anechoic chamber.

Well, I'm fully satisfied at the moment. But I'm curious to hear similar experiences. Or not :)