Types of list in data structure

Types of list in data structure
Image by author

1. Arrays

Types of list in data structure
Fig 1. Visualization of basic Terminology of Arrays (Image by author)

Array operations

Applications of arrays

2. Linked Lists

Types of list in data structure
Fig 2. Visualization of basic Terminology of Linked Lists (Image by author)

Linked list operations

Applications of linked lists

3. Stacks

Types of list in data structure
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Stack operations

Types of list in data structure
Fig 3. Visualization of basic Operations of Stacks (Image by author)

Applications of stacks

4. Queues

Types of list in data structure
Image by Sabine Felidae from Pixabay

Queue operations

Types of list in data structure
Fig 4. Visualization of Basic Operations of Queues (Image by author)

Applications of queues

5. Hash Tables

Hash Function

h(k) = k % m

Types of list in data structure
Fig 5. Representation of a Hash Function (Image by author)

Applications of hash tables

6. Trees

Binary Search Trees

Types of list in data structure
Fig 6. Visualization of Basic Terminology of Trees (Image by author)

Applications of trees

7. Heaps

Types of list in data structure
Fig 7. Binary Tree Representation of a Heap (Image by author)
Types of list in data structure
Fig 8. Array Representation of a Heap (Image by author)

Applications of heaps

8. Graphs

Directed Graphs

Undirected Graphs

Types of list in data structure
Fig 9. Visualization of Terminology of Graphs (Image by author)

Applications of graphs

Final Thoughts


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Types of list in data structure
Image by author