Video stops when I switch tabs chrome

Question: Q: video pauses itself if I click on another tab

If I have a video playing in one tab (I usually use Brave browser, which I hear is chrome-based), and I want to read my email in a different tab, I drag the tab that's playing the video off to the left side, then click on a different tab to read my email or surf the web while at the same time paying attention to the video. However, the tab that's playing the video seems to know I've turned my attention to something else and assumes I can't do two things at the same time, so the video freezes itself. I've looked online for the last hour for a solution, and all fixes are way out of date. For example, solutions that ask me to locate certain flags in chrome and disable them. Those flags aren't even there anymore. Sheesh.

I'm on a 2019 macbook pro, using Catalina 10.15.7.

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MacBook Pro 16, macOS 10.15

Posted on Feb 20, 2021 11:11 AM

Reply I have this question too I have this question too Me too Me too

Feb 20, 2021 2:25 PM in response to punzq In response to punzq

Just finished trying with Safari. Same exact problem. I start a video in one Safari tab, then drag the tab away from the other Safari tabs with the video still playing, but it freezes (pauses) itself as soon as I click on one of the other Safari tabs. So the problem doesn't seem to be browser-specific. I recently did a software update and that's when things changed. I always used to be able to have videos playing while I did stuff in a different window. The software updates were from Apple.

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Feb 20, 2021 2:25 PM

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