What are the 4 elements of style that Characterise good technical writing?

Brevity, Clarity, Flow, Simplicity, Unity–these elements of style remain critical for writers to consider when drafting, composing, writing, revising or editing their works.

And yet a lot of things have changed in the past century. Consider, as an example, recent changes to pronoun usage:

  • Pronouns and Inclusivity
  • Pronoun – Guide to Writing with Pronouns

Or the societal move toward information empathy and audience awareness:

  • Inclusive Language
  • Disability Studies – Abelist Language – Inappropriate Disability Metaphors

The internet and modern communication technologies create new opportunities for writers. The writing space is now more visual and multimodal. Especially in professional writing contexts, writers, speakers, knowledge workers are expected to break up long chunks of alphabetical discourse by using shorter paragraphs, less punctuation, headings, bullets, lists, data visualizations, and infographics. In some situations, they may integrate videos and audio files into their emails, letters, memos, and other texts.

As a result, the elements of style may now include tools from the artist’s toolset. Thus they may need declarative knowledge about

Technical writing is a writing discipline that involves communicating complex information to those who need it to carry out a specific task or achieve a certain goal. Because of this, technical writing is often defined as “simplifying the complex.”

It’s a subcategory of technical communication and is primarily used in technical and operational disciplines, such as digital technologies, engineering, science, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, electronics, forestry, and biotechnology.

Although many people associate technical writing with the creation of computer and software manuals, the process of technical writing may be found in any sector or business where complicated ideas, theories, practices, or procedures must be communicated.

Technical documentation also includes things such as press releases, memos, reports, business proposals, datasheets, product descriptions, specifications, white papers, resumes, and job applications, for example.

Technical writing is carried out by a technical writer. Their main duty is to communicate technical information to another individual or audience in the clearest and most effective way possible.

The concept of technical writing has been in existence for as long as there have been written languages. Modern references to technical writing and technical communications as a career originate around the time of World War I, when technological advances in military, industry, and telecommunications began to accelerate at even faster rates.

2. What are the differences between technical writing and business writing?

Although technical writing and business writing sound similar in nature, they are not the same thing.

Business writing is the broader category of writing that technical writing falls underneath. Therefore, technical writing covers a lot of the same ground and deals with many of the same documents. However, the process and results of technical writing are completely different from those of business writing.

3. What is the goal of technical writing?

The primary goal of technical writing is to convey complicated information to readers in a way that they can comprehend and then use, even if they have no prior expertise in the subject.

Technical writing is intended for readers seeking knowledge about a particular subject, such as how a certain object works or how to perform a specific task. For example, the reader's intention may be to use a software application, operate industrial equipment, prevent accidents, consume packaged food safely, examine a medical condition, comply with legislation, coach a sports team, or do a wide range of other tasks. In fact, technical writing is a necessary element of any activity that requires expertise or skill to perform.

Only a small percentage of technical writing is intended for the general consumer audience. Companies and organizations create a large volume of technical documents with the goal of explaining internal procedures, designing and manufacturing items, executing processes, marketing products, and services to other businesses, and setting rules.

4. Characteristics of technical writing

Technical writing has some key characteristics that set it apart from other types of writing. To be successful, technical writing must be:

  • Clear: Technical writing conveys information in a clear and concise manner, leaving a minimal chance for misinterpretation. It, therefore, uses succinct and straightforward language.

  • Straightforward: It conveys facts in a direct and to-the-point manner, without using creative writing techniques.

  • Precise: The terminology used in technical writing should be very specific to precisely describe objects and processes.

  • Easy to understand: Effective technical writers don’t use complicated words that readers might not understand, and they write in a simple, understandable tone.

  • Denotative: Technical writing is centered on the literal definition of words. This avoids misunderstandings that can arise due to the many different connotations—or suggestions—of words.

  • Detailed: Technical writing is extremely thorough and informative, leaving no room for interpretation. An excellent example of technical writing is a textbook, as textbooks often provide the most complete and factual overview of a topic.

  • Very structured: This style of writing must have a clear structure that allows readers to easily follow along. This is because readers rely on technical documents to provide them with step-by-step instructions.

  • Easy to skim: Technical documents are written with ‘skimability’ in mind, so audiences can simply scan the whole text to obtain the information they need. Technical writers provide relevant, descriptive headings as well as a comprehensive table of contents and/or index.

  • Problem-solving: The core aim of technical writing is to solve problems, so every document is written with this in mind. Readers use these texts to learn how to accomplish certain tasks or to obtain technical information. Therefore, they are structured in a way that makes it easy to refer back to when issues arise.

5. The different types of technical writing

Technical writing takes several different forms, depending on the type of documentation being written. These include:

Technical documentation

Repair manuals, owner manuals, maintenance guides, engineering specifications, technical manuals, and reference materials are examples of technical documentation. Because this type of technical writing is intended for a particular audience, the writer must be aware of the reader's level of expertise, as well as have in-depth knowledge of the topic at hand.

End-user instructions

When you buy software, install a computer component, or buy a digital device or consumer appliance, it comes with a user handbook that explains how to use it. These are known as end-user instructions however, documents such as troubleshooting guides, assembly instructions, “dos and don'ts” lists, warranty details, and legal disclaimers are also included within this category.

Writers of these instructions must analyze highly technical information and convey it in user-friendly language that a broad audience can understand.

Technical reports

Many products also offer information on the product's origin, development, or structural or operational modifications, in addition to instructions and advice. Technical writers arrange and edit material for clarity and accuracy.

Feasibility studies and corporate reports

Feasibility studies and corporate reports, such as a company’s financial reports, involve thorough research by a writer. This information must then be presented in a way so that every level of employee, executive, or shareholder can easily understand it. Therefore, visual aids such as graphs or charts are frequently included within them — especially when relating to topics including finance, timelines, and social or business practicality.

Research results

Products relating to the medical and pharmaceutical industries often come with documents detailing relevant laboratory research or findings. Because this form of technical writing typically includes details on medication combinations, side effects, and other critical health-related problems, exceptional attention to detail is necessary.

Policies and procedures

Businesses of all sizes require guidelines outlining their policies and procedures to manage their organization. Additionally, they use employee handbooks to help safeguard themselves against lawsuits from workers who claim they were unaware of particular rules and regulations.

These documents are presented by technical writers in simple, non-discriminatory language.

Business plans

Before granting loans to new or established businesses, financial institutions want a detailed business plan. These documents require highly technical research and understanding of a company’s finances and operation, including spending predictions, potential losses, and profit margins, as well as competitive analysis, marketing practices, and thorough background information on the owner's professional history and financial health.

White papers

White papers are documents that a company creates for an external audience to help them make decisions and solve relevant problems. They’re used to discuss a problem and suggest a specific solution, product, technology, or procedure in a variety of sectors and business types.

Case studies

Case studies are detailed written assessments of real-world events. They might focus on people, groups, organizations, medical approaches, decisions, or the study of a particular subject over a period of time. They try to find patterns in data about the subject and then use these to make assumptions and detect trends. Case studies are commonly found in scientific publications, but they may also be found in industry and commerce.

Literature reviews

A literature review can be used as a separate document or as part of a larger report. It’s a type of technical writing that summarizes what is known about a topic. Literature reviews consolidate and explain prior research and discoveries on a topic while highlighting research milestones, contradictory results, and what needs to be learned through additional research.


Proposals are written with the aim of motivating a person or a group to take action. Common scenarios when a proposal is required include when applying for grants, undertaking projects, or buying products. Additionally, proposals are needed when enhancements to an organization, product, process, or service are being considered.

Because a proposal needs to be very convincing, it must be written with the intended audience in mind. The writer must also identify the situation at hand, as well as outline—and persuade readers to follow—the recommended course of action.

6. The basic principles of technical writing

There are five basic principles of technical writing, including quality content, audience and purpose, accessibility, grammar, and writing style.

Quality content

Technical writing that satisfies a client's expectations or goes above and beyond the project's initial scope is considered high-quality content. Technical writers must keep the intended audience in mind, as well as understand what research needs to be conducted to complete the project. Additionally, the writer must be aware of the format or platform that will be used to present the information. An understanding of the full scope of the project — including applicable deadlines and why the material is being written — is also important to create high-quality content.

Audience and purpose

In order to produce successful technical writing, the writer must understand both the purpose and target audience of the project. The target audience for technical writing varies depending on the business and the client. A lap report's target audience, for example, would be the product manufacturer seeking the report. The target audience for an eLearning training lesson, on the other hand, might be a financial institution in need of compliance training.

When it comes to connecting with their audience, the writer must know how much the readers already understand, along with what responsibilities they have.


The audience must be able to easily access the information that the writer has produced. Accessibility can be enhanced through headers and footers on a document, for example, or anything within computer modules that help formatting to be more universal and clearer.

The technical writer must determine the most effective techniques for helping readers navigate the document, such as a bibliography, page numbers, and a table of contents. To help explain the material, the writer might also include visuals such as diagrams and charts.


Any technical document must be written in a clear, precise, and straightforward manner using proper grammar. Pieces should also be proofread and edited to address any issues or inconsistencies in language, style, and structure. Unless the client specifies otherwise, a technical writer should always write in the present tense, especially since the reader should be doing exactly what you're telling them to do. Simple phrases with gender-neutral nouns should always be used by the writer. Concise sentences assist readers in properly understanding the actions they must take to achieve what they set out to do.

Writing style

Every technical piece has a different writing style since it’s strongly dependent on who the audience is and the reason why the project is being written. The style serves an important role in informing the reader about the type of tone necessary to perform the task. Because it ties back to who your audience is, word choice is also a vital element of writing style that helps writers meet the needs of the audience.

Additionally, when citing sections of information or websites, it’s important to give clear and accessible access to the data using tools such as figures and tables.

7. What does a technical writer do?

Technical writers are talented wordsmiths who often create product manuals, how-to guides, online help sections, journal articles, and other material that simplifies and explains technical information.

These writers usually have a background in their subject matter, whether acquired academically or on the job. This subject matter often includes science, medical, engineering, software, manufacturing, or other technical sectors. They build on this foundation to clarify difficulties and get their readers—which often include developers, project workgroups, engineers, and consumers—on the same page.

Overall, a technical writer’s mission is to make procedures simple to grasp and products easy to use.

Almost all modern global enterprises require technical documentation. So much so that creating technical content has become a job title in itself. All levels of the corporate and commercial hierarchy require someone to translate complex information into easily understood text for the end-user.

A technical writer is responsible for a number of tasks, including:

  • Gathering technical information on their company's or department's line of business

  • Plan the creation of technical documents according to the needs of the company

  • Sort information according to its relevance and value

  • Create and edit the necessary documentation

  • Make copies of all technical documents and enter them into the database for data security

  • Maintain a comprehensive glossary and library of technical words and records

Along with this, certain technical writers may also have other responsibilities or duties within their specialty area. Medical writers, for example, frequently publish medicine-related material and product reviews in medical journals. If you work as a Google technical writer, on the other hand, you might write content on how users can embed YouTube videos.

Regardless of the field a technical writer works in, their role will involve two key duties: subject matter research and technical document planning.

Subject matter research

Technical writers must be subject matter experts to some extent since they produce the material that professionals would study to become experts in that field themselves.

Their expertise stems from extensive theory and research into a professional field or subject, along with the creation of material based on their findings.

While performing research on a specific topic, technical writers will:

  • Collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including journals, competitor material, theses, whitepapers, and even professional social media, such as LinkedIn profiles or job postings

  • Examine previously published material on a certain issue and apply it to their topic

  • Recognize the most important information and focus their research on certain areas

  • List those areas in descending order of significance to the topic

Additionally, writers might conduct interviews with established experts or enroll in courses related to their research subject.

Technical document planning

Because technical documents are critical to the company's operational needs, writers must carefully plan their material, rather than start writing straight away. Writers also plan the resources they will use and the significance of each technical document.

When preparing technical materials, technical writers will:

  • Determine the project's scope and resources required based on the document's complexity

  • Become acquainted with the topic

  • Senior technical writers keep a work record with daily tasks for both themselves and their team

  • Interview internal specialists and management to gain further insight

  • In some cases, senior writers work full-time as technical writing team supervisors. They’re responsible for implementing systematic writing procedures for more efficient work, as well as setting appropriate deadlines for team members

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8. Technical writing examples

There are many examples of technical writing, ranging from creating instruction manuals to producing comprehensive guides. In some scenarios, technical writing involves the preparation of research journals, the creation of supporting materials, and the development of other technical documentation.

Let’s delve deeper into three specific technical writing examples below, including standard operating procedures (SOP), case studies and white papers, and business plans.

Standard operating procedures (SOP)

Standard operating procedures are comprehensive protocols for each organization's numerous duties that are designed to ensure smoother operations. SOPs aid in making each process more efficient, time-saving, and cost-effective.

An SOP document may cover everything from the procedure of processing payroll and the way of storing payroll records, to hiring staff, calculating vacation time, and manufacturing guidelines.

Overall, SOPs guarantee that everyone in a company works together to maintain high performance. When implemented properly, SOPs help to reduce inconsistencies, biases, and other human errors. Additionally, SOPs ensure that staff can undertake the duties of an absent employee to ensure there's no lag in operations.

As a result, writing SOPs requires a detailed analysis of how a company operates, along with its procedures.

Case studies and white papers

Case studies and white papers can be used to demonstrate one's knowledge in a certain subject. Case studies investigate a particular event or project and provide insights that prove or disprove something. White papers investigate any industry-specific challenge, question, or problem.

Organizations employ both case studies and white papers to generate more business and leads.

Technical writers who create white papers and case studies should be experts in both the field and the project being written about. Companies generally prefer if the technical writer has prior expertise creating white papers on the subject too.

The writing style and format of white papers and case studies are unique. Both materials are produced for a specific audience and entail technical writing abilities. White papers are written in an active voice, whereas case studies are written in a passive voice. Overall, having a high level of expertise is essential to writing a successful document.

Business plans

Every company begins with a detailed business plan to build its vision and obtain funding. Even if an organization is opening a new branch, it should have a business plan in place.

A business plan is organized into several parts. In order to create a successful business plan, a technical writer will include the following sections:

  • Executive summary: Contains the business idea, product or service, and target market information. It may also include information about the main employees, the legal entity, the date it was founded, the location, and relevant financial data.

  • Product or service description: Describes the offering, the value it delivers, and the current level of development.

  • Team members: This section contains all of the details of the management team.

  • Competitor and market analysis: a thorough review of the target market and any industry competitors.

  • Organizational system: information about how the organizational structure will operate.

  • Schedules: This includes commencement dates, hiring dates, planning dates, and major milestones.

  • Risks and opportunities: Include profit and loss estimations and forecasts.

  • Financial planning: Involves predicted income statements, liquidity measures, a projected balance sheet, and other components.

  • Appendix: Contains the organizational chart, resumes, patents, and other relevant documents.

To create a comprehensive business plan, a technical writer should work collaboratively with the company's stakeholders.

9. Technical writing tips

Great technical writing can be achieved by following these key tips—regardless of the type of technical documentation being produced:

  • Know your audience: Certain abbreviations, acronyms, and slang that are directly applicable to the topic will be understood by an expert in that field. Because someone more inexperienced won't understand the information in the same way, every detail must be clarified and laid out for them.

  • Use an objective style: Write from the third person point of view, and as though you're a teacher educating a pupil. Any personal opinions should be avoided in technical writing.

  • Use straightforward language: To ensure the reader understands the process or instructions, the writing should be direct, to the point, and as simple as possible—whether it’s a simple list of tasks to reach the desired goal or a detailed explanation of an idea or abstract concept.

  • Do thorough research: Collect information from a variety of sources, analyze the data obtained so that it can be thoroughly understood, and then present the information in an easy-to-understand format to instruct others who read it. The more inexperienced your audience, the more information you need to collect and explain.

  • Be thorough: Be detailed in your description and include enough information to convey your points; yet, you must also consider word efficiency so you don’t bore your reader with unnecessary material.

By following these tips, a technical writer should be able to simplify a difficult process and explain a complicated piece of information quickly.

The Conclusion: Technical writing is vital to many businesses and sectors

As you’ve learned, technical writing simplifies the complex. It allows certain ideas, theories, practices, or procedures to be communicated in a manner that makes them easy to understand or accomplish.

It’s therefore highly relevant to any business or sector that utilizes technical documentation, end-user instructions, technical reports, feasibility studies and corporate reports, research results, policies and procedures, business plans, white papers, case studies, literature reviews, proposals, and more.

Technical writing has existed since written languages were invented, however, it continues to grow rapidly in popularity—especially in our advancing era of telecommunications. The practice is showing no signs of slowing down and will continue to be an integral part of our world for decades to come.

What are the 4 elements of style in writing?

diction (word choice) • sentence structure and syntax • nature of figurative language • rhythm and component sounds • rhetorical patterns (e.g. narration, description, comparison-contrast, etc.)

What are the 4 characteristics of technical writing?

Owner at Technical Communication Center.
1) Technical Writing is Comprehensive..
2) Technical Writing is Logical and Sequential..
3) Technical Writing is Action Oriented..
4) Technical Writing is Organized..

What are the elements of style in technical writing?

Style in Technical Writing..
lack, evaluation, actions, targeting, need, assistance..

What are the 3 elements of style in writing?

Elements of style Many elements of writing contribute to an author's style, but three of the most important are word choice, sentence fluency, and voice.