Which of the following identifies the difference between a mission and a vision statement?

Starting or running a successful business, takes planning and focus. Part of the process includes setting goals, running projections, and defining your purpose.

Your business plan is an outline of your overall business strategy including marketing, sales projections, target markets and your place in them, and more.

Two elements that are critical in defining your business objectives and should be included in your business plan are your mission statement and your vision statement.

Your company's goals and objectives are stated, summarized, and defined in these two documents. Each serves a different purpose for your business, but they are often confused with one another.


A simple way of remembering which is which is to think of your mission statement as a description of what you want to do now, while a vision statement outlines what you want to be in the future.

What Is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement defines your company's purpose, and informs you about the desired level of performance. It basically describes HOW you will achieve your business goals while defining the purpose and primary objectives related to your customer's needs and your team's values.

It should answer the question, “What do we do?” while outlining your company's competitive differences by answering, “What do we do that is unique or different?”

Your mission statement drives your company. It should have the effect of clarifying exactly what you do right now that will take your business into the future. Think about what, for whom, and why.

As a general rule, mission statements should be kept pretty short. A majority of mission statements fall between two and four sentences and are less than 100 words.

A mission statement may change slightly over time, but it should always tie back on your core company values, customer needs, and vision for growth. A good mission statement will clearly state purpose and corporate philosophy, define who your primary clients are, and what your responsibility is to them.

What Is a Vision Statement?

A good vision statement defines the future of your business and promotes growth, both internally and externally. It helps your team focus on what matters the most and invites innovation. It is aspirational and inspirational.


Your vision statement is longer than a mission statement and defines your vision of your company's future. It inspires your team to do their best and helps to shape and define why they are working for your company.

A well written vision statement should:

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Describe a bright future – a positive vision.
  • Be memorable and engaging.
  • Express realistic aspirations and achievable goals.
  • Be in alignment with your organizations values and corporate culture.

The Difference of Mission vs. Vision Statements

Your mission statement focuses more on the present, while your vision statement should focus on tomorrow and what you want to become.

Basically, a mission statement defines your cause and defines something you want to accomplish. A vision statement defines what you want to pursue for that cause and represents the future aspirations of your efforts.

Knowing where you are and where you want to go is crucial to achieving your business goals. It is the foundation of any organization's success. Make sure your company's mission and vision are clearly defined and understood by every member of your team.

A lot of times, businesses choose to combine the two statements into one long mission and vision statement. While it's not essential for a business to create both, it can help you determine the differences between what you want your business to do and how you want to grow in the long term.

How Mission Statements and Vision Statements Work Together

Well-composed mission and vision statements help to align and inspire an organization. They provide precise terms and guidelines that lead the team members in an organization forward with purpose and intention.

This is because the mission describes the company's reason for existing and the vision helps encourage success for the present and the future. 

Here are some of the other benefits of creating a mission and vision statement:

They Guide Your Team's Behaviors.

People often invest a lot of time and effort into their work. They want to make sure they are doing things that would be approved or praised by the organization. 

A clear mission and vision helps employees to interpret them, and they are more likely to ask themselves, "Will this action be in alignment the organization's mission?  Will this action get us closer to our vision?"

They Inform Performance Standards.

When you create your key results areas (KRAs) for your employees, it can be difficult to come up with performance standards or guidelines for your employees. 

Measuring the performance and standards of your employees is easier when you think about how their tasks can be aligned closer with your vision and mission statement. 

They Can Attract Top Talent.

Good candidates for hire will research your company's mission and vision statements when you set a date for their first interview, if you make them visible to the public. When candidates are aware of your mission and vision statements, they can decide if they are a good fit for your company or not.

Interviewers can also use their mission and vision as a guideline when they develop interview questions. This may help them to better assess the candidates in the interview to see how well they align with the company's goals and ideas.

They Provide a Stable Framework.

If your vision and mission statement is an integral part of your organization, they give the company direction even when the key founders who created them are no longer there. 

A great leader who believed in the mission and vision may be gone, or executives may change, but with a great mission and vision, the leaders that take over can follow that vision and continue on the mission. 

The 10 Best Mission and Vision Statement Examples

The Best Mission and Vision Statement Examples

  1. 1. LinkedIn
  2. 2. Uber
  3. 3. Tesla
  4. 4. Alzheimer's Association
  5. 5. Hulu

  • 6. PepsiCo
  • 7. State Farm
  • 8. Caterpillar INC.
  • 9. Sherwin Williams
  • 10. MasterCard

What is vision and mission Meaning?

Definition of vision and mission: A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what an organization wants to ultimately become. A mission statement focuses on today and what an organization does to achieve it. Both are vital in directing goals.

What is a vision and mission statement examples?

Mission statement: We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience. Vision statement: To be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Which of the following summarizes the difference between a firm's vision and mission?

What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement? A mission statement defines why your organization exists. A vision statement expresses where your organization is going in the future. They work together to express your reason for existing and> how you're setting out to change the world.

Which is bigger vision or mission?

The vision is a bigger picture and future-oriented, while the mission is more immediately focused on the present.