Which of the following is a reason that Americans are more likely to work for a political campaign than are citizens in Europe quizlet?

All of these answers are correct.

* is a limited form of political participation.

* provides citizens with a regular way to express themselves.

* is the most widespread form of political participation.

* is both a means by which government controls the people and a means by which the people control government.

Unconventional activism is another name for social movements and protest politics. Social movements are usually channeled through conventional forms of participation, such as political lobbying, but citizens sometimes take to the streets in protest against government policies. Protest politics can threaten established authority, and occasionally provoke a violent response from government, as the Kent State shootings illustrate. Through demonstrations, picket lines, and marches, protesters dramatize their opposition to official policies. The abolitionist, labor, women's suffrage, and civil rights movements all used unconventional activism to varying degrees. In general, most Americans are not highly supportive of protest politics. Protest politics have undergone changes in recent years, and are now much more likely to be planned events involving detailed coordination to bring higher attention to a particular cause.

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Which of the following is a reason that Americans are more likely to work for a political campaign than are citizens in Europe quizlet?



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