Why is coordination important in supply chain?

Coordination in a supply chain from Chaitrali Gijare

Today, most of the manufacturing systems are changing very fast in terms of the adoption of new technologies. New technologies being implemented are Internet of Things, cyber physical systems, cloud computing, Big Data analytics and information and communication technologies. Most of the organizations in the value chain are implementing these technologies at the individual level rather than across the whole supply chain. It makes the supply chain less coordinated and causes suboptimal utilization of resources. For efficient and optimal use of modern technologies, supply chains should be highly coordinated. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate an approach for determining the index to quantify coordination in the supply chain.

The term Coordination means tasks which are intended for improving the total supply chain profits by various agents. This also involves tasks to stop things that might hurt both local profits and total profits. So it is important to coordinate with the various sections in Supply Chain Management to increase the profits of the organization. Improper coordination in Supply Chain Management creates large amounts of products in the store or shortage of products. Lack of coordination can contribute to the following aspects

Consumer behavior has achieved great importance in customer-oriented marketing planning and management. A marketing manager must understand the social and psychological determinants of consumer behavior to enable him to plan his marketing strategy. As a matter of fact, consumer behavior is dynamic.

Why is coordination important in supply chain?
why is it important for marketers to understand consumer behavior

Therefore, it is necessary to continue to study, analysis and understood it and monitor this understanding for the marketing management so that effective decisions can be taken in respect of production, pricing, channels of distribution, etc.

All activities of the business must be focused on the consumer. This is an essential viewpoint in the firm that operates under the marketing management concept.

Consumers judge business performance by how they exercise their purchasing power.

Modern marketing is customer-oriented. Therefore, the study of customer behavior is vital in framing production policies, price policies, decisions regarding channels of distribution, and above all decisions regarding sales promotion.

Importance of Studying Consumer Behaviour in Marketing

The Importance of consumer behavior can be studied with the help of their following points:

1. To Operationalize the Marketing Concept

In its fullest sense, the marketing concept is a philosophy of business that states that the satisfaction of the consumers is the economic and social justification for a firm’s existence.

To operate consumer-oriented marketing, it is relevant and important to understand consumer behavior to identify their needs, desires, and expectations.

2. Production Policies

The consumer behavior gives an insight into the various factors, which prompted him to purchase and like a particular product.

If it is known that it is the packing that attracts the buyer then the producer will pay special attention to the packing of his products.

Thus, consumer behavior helps a great deal in formulating production policies.

3. Shorter Product Life Cycle

Because of the fast pace of new products, introduction the lifespan of many existing products has become shorter.

Faced with the much shorter Product life cycle, companies need a constant in the introduction of new product ideas to satisfy the names of their target markets.

Consumer research into the present and evolving consumer lifestyles and unsatisfied power may provide the basis for a steady stream of new product concepts.

4. Effective Market Segmentation

Under this strategy, the marketing company divides its potential market into smaller and homogeneous segments for which it can design a specific product and promotional campaign.

Market segmentation strategy requires a great deal of insight into the consumption habits of selected market segments.

It requires a close and detailed study of specific needs, personality, and left styles of a particular consumer segment.

5. Price Policies

The buyer behavior is equally important in having price policies.

The buyers of some products purchase only because particular articles are cheaper than the competitive articles available in the market.

In such a case, the price of such products cannot be raised.

On the other hand, some other articles are purchased because it enhances the prestige and social status of persons.

The price of such things can easily be raised. Effect of Price on Consumer Buying Behavior.

Some articles are purchased under particular attitudes and emotions. Prices of articles purchased under emotional motives can also be raised.

Related: What is the basic factors that affect price in any market?

6. To Avoid Product Failure Chances

The technological explosion is resulting in Rapid instruction of new products in markets.

Many of these new products prove to be a market disaster.

Some experts estimate it is to be over 80%.

To increase the likelihood of successful new product introductions, marketing companies need comprehensive and correct information regarding various aspects of their consumers.

7. Helpful in the Understanding of Buying Behaviour

The study of consumer behavior helps understand the purchase behavior and preference of different consumers.

Consumers differ in terms of sex, age, occupation, social status, religion, nationality, income, education, and family setup.

These differences may be identified and their effects on buying behavior may be evaluated effectively.

8. Adjustment with Change

Consumer behavior is dynamic, consumer behavior may change over a long time due to changes in age, experiences, lifestyles, income, and other similar factors.

Therefore, it is necessary to continuously study, analyze, and understood changes so that effective decisions may be taken in respect of the product, price, promotion, and distribution of products.

Thus, through the study of consumer behavior, the marketing company may adjust to the changed situation.

9. Decisions Regarding Sales Promotion

A study of consumer behavior is also vital in marketing decisions regarding sales promotion.

What are the advantages of consumer behaviourWhat are the advantages of consumer behaviour


It enables the producers to know what motives prompt buyers to make purchases and the same is utilized in advertising media to awaken the desire to purchases.

The marketers make decisions regarding the brand, packing, discount, gifts, etc.

Based on consumer behavior for promoting the sales of his products.

10. Environmental Concern

Increased public concern regarding environmental deterioration, resource shortage, and population explosion has made marketing companies aware of the potentially negative impact of such products as high suds detergents, aerosol sprays, products using CFC pesticides, chemical, dye, and chemical fertilizers.

Research into consumer interests and practices enables the marketing company to develop and effectively promote environmentally sound products for socially concerned consumers.

11. Effective Marketing Decisions

The study of consumer behavior also contributes to effective marketing decisions.

For effective marketing decisions executives, must develop and understand their consumers’ behavior, the buying process, and the factors influencing their process.

12. Increased Interest in Consumer Protection

The growth of the consumer protection movement has created an urgent need to understand how consumers make their buying decisions.

For example, to identify the source to understand how consumers, perceive and interpret various marketing and promotional information such as promotional appeals, packages, labels, warranties, etc.

Consumer research has provided the basis for the number of recommendations concerning consumer protection legislation.

13. Exploitation of Marketing Opportunities

The market offers enormous opportunities for marketers.

Study of consumer behavior may be extremely useful in exploiting marketing opportunities and in meeting with challenges and that the market offers.

14. Decisions Regarding Channels of Distribution

The goods which are sold and purchased solely based on the low price must have cheap and economical distribution channels.

In case of those articles which requires service after such as TV sets must have different channels of distribution.

Thus, the decision regarding channels of distribution is taken based on consumer behavior.


Thus, In short, it may be said that in the interest of effective and fruitful marketing decisions, marketers must develop an understanding of their consumers’ behavior, the buying process, and the variables influencing consumer behavior.

Hence, it is the duty of the marketing manager to ascertain the behavior of the consumers.

Simply, consumer behavior covers a tremendously wide range of issues.

From the consumers’ first recognition of a need, through the external influences of people, information, and products, to the decision to purchase (or not), and its subsequent effects all these activities and processes come under the heading of consumer behavior.

The profit position of a product hinges on the kind of predisposition positive/negative that a consumer has developed towards that product.

It is essential to study and analyze it to understand why he/she has developed such a predisposition.

What is the need to study consumer Behaviour?

Without understanding the behavior of consumers, it is difficult for marketing managers to determine marketing strategies. It is a fact that marketers cannot share the buying power of the consumers unless they understand the behavior of the consumers which is influenced by many social and psychological factors.

why do companies study consumer behaviour

In other words, consumer reactions to the market offering decide the success or failure of the firm, which is influenced by various factors. Therefore marketing companies must understand the complexities of consumer behavior and give weight to what they believe to be more important forces acting on the consumer. The marketing company needs to recognize why and how individuals make their consumption decisions to achieve better marketing planning.

What is coordination in a supply chain?

Supply chain coordination aims at improving supply chain performance by aligning the plans and the objectives of individual enterprises. It usually focuses on inventory management and ordering decisions in distributed inter-company settings.

How coordination affects the supply chain performance?

A lack of coordination creates "bullwhip effect" in the supply chain. Due to this effect, fluctuations in sales become larger and larger fluctuations in orders at higher stages in the supply chain. This leads to situations wherein large shortages or large surplus capacities are felt in the supply chain cyclically.

What are the benefits of planning and coordination in the supply chain?

Advantages of Supply Chain Planning Supply chain planning can help streamline operations, enhance efficiency, avoid delays and bring down operating costs. Done right, planning can reduce costs associated with several processes, including purchasing, production, inventory management and logistics.

What is required for supply chain coordination?

Top Features and Requirements. Monitoring and Planning. Order Processing and Inventory Management. Transportation Management. Sourcing and Supply Management.