Will 10000 mAh charge a laptop?

Your question lacks necessary details to give an appropriate answer. For instance, what kinda laptop do you have and whats the power input requirement?
Assuming you have a standard laptop, the answer would be no. This is because the power input is likely to be 12 to 19.5 volts and 3 - 3.5 amps. You didn't provide any info about the kind of power bank you have particularly the output power. Assuming its astandard power bank, the power output is likely to be 5 volts and 3 - 5 amps.

As you can see, theres a huge power mismatch. If you manage to get the right connectors, your laptop will probably flash and power off immediately as it will immediately suck up whatever power you have in your power bank. Attempting to charge the PC with the power bank would be similar to filling a swimming pool with a cup of water. Is it possible and how long will it take?
What you need for your laptop is a laptop power bank or asolar matcapable of producing up 19.5 volts and output at least 3 amps. You can then be sure of powering/charging your laptop over a reasonable time. Better still, you can get yourself a mini solar home system -Solar Generator Kit: solar panel, inverter, charger power pack

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