wilmette là gì - Nghĩa của từ wilmette

wilmette có nghĩa là

the most "ghetto" of all the towns of New Trier Township. In reality, most of us are just as rich as anyone from Kenilworth or Glencoe, but our proximity to Evanston gives us the most street cred.


-What? Is that last season's Juicy track pants?
-Well, Duh! She's from Wilmette

wilmette có nghĩa là

Wilmette is located in the New Trier Township. Because it borders Evanston, it has a reputation of being the most ghetto of all New Trier towns. Truthfully, people in Wilmette are very wealthy, but not to the point of private jets/famous parents/mansions/etc that can be found in other parts of the New Trier Township.

Wilmette is divided into four sections. The two main sections are East and West of the tracks. The east side is on the Lake, and the houses there are almost comparable to houses in the other New Trier towns. The west side is slightly less rich, getting less and less rich the farther west you go.

Located in west Wilmette is what is known as Wilasia or the Wilmetto. Here is the poorest section of Wilmette, where almost all of the Jews and Asians live.

Also located in west Wilmette is Indian Hills. Although it is on the west side, it is the richest part of Wilmette. It is kind of like a gated community. When people from the outside try to find their way around the winding streets, they will certainly get lost. People from Indian Hills try to up their street cred by claiming they are from west Wilmette, but they are usually called on it, as Indian Hills DOES NOT count as west side.


kid 1: I'm from west wilmette, yo!
kid 2: Wtf, you live in Indian Hills. I live in the Wilmetto!
kid 3: Well I'm from Evanston.
kid 1 and 2: [run screaming]

wilmette có nghĩa là

Wilmette is the coolest place on the planet.
You can go to the beach,
You can go to downtown Chicago,
You can go to a breakfast restaurant,
You can go to a great public school,
You can go to a skatepark,
You can go to a park,
You can go to a pool,
You can go to a mall, etc. Every kid loves it, misses it, wants it. Parents find it a great place to raise a kid, minus the expensive land. The fun, crazy, loving, intelligent, humorous, athletic kids come from Wilmette. Bat/Bar Mitzvah's are insane in the area too. Come live here!!


"I'm really sad."
"I'm moving!!"
-"Aw, to where?"
"Uh, nevermind then.."

wilmette có nghĩa là

Wilmette is part of the Northshore community and a suburb of Chicago. Contrary to belief, Wilmette is neither poor and would not be defined as the "Wilmetto" nor is it a snobby upper-class community with spoiled kids. It is a mostly upper-middle class community that is family oriented. It was ranked as the seventh best place to raise children in the U.S., according to Business Week. There are five elementary schools that are all great places for little children. The middle schools are Marie Murphy and Highcrest. The students who attend Highcrest move to the Wilmette Junior High. It has won the Blue Ribbon award multiple times. It also has a great athletic program. After WJHS and Marie Murphy the students attend New Trier along with other students from the North shore. It is one of the top three high schools in Illinois. The school is known for its large spending per student, academic excellence, and its athletic programs, and its art programs. New Trier spends more than $15,000 yearly per student, well above the state average of $8,786. The school was called "quite possibly the best public school in America" by "Town & Country." It was named Grammy Signature School Gold. The park district offers many activities like sports teams, art classes, summer camps, a gym, and theater. People visit "Edens Plaza." Some other great places are the "Gilson Beach”, Centennial which has a great pool, ice rinks, and tennis courts, and a downtown which includes family owned shops.


Person 1: Hey! After camp wanna go to the beach and then downtown Wilmette?
Person 2: Sure, lets stop and get smoothies at Panera
Person 1: How about we go to lunch at Depot Nuevo?
Person: Okay, be sure to bring ur swimsuit to the beach, I'll bring a volleyball!

wilmette có nghĩa là

most ghetto place out of the north shore. We r the gangsters of the world.


Doing weed in the bathrooms, and the wilmette skatepark fight was real ghetto.

wilmette có nghĩa là

Wilmette is located in the New Trier Township. Because it borders Evanston, it has a reputation of being the most ghetto of all New Trier towns. Truthfully, people in Wilmette are very wealthy, but not to the point of private jets/famous parents/mansions/etc that can be found in other parts of the New Trier Township.

Wilmette is divided into four sections. The two main sections are East and West of the tracks. The east side is on the Lake, and the houses there are almost comparable to houses in the other New Trier towns. The west side is slightly less rich, getting less and less rich the farther west you go.

Located in west Wilmette is what is known as Wilasia or the Wilmetto. Here is the poorest section of Wilmette, where almost all of the Jews and Asians live.

Also located in west Wilmette is Indian Hills. Although it is on the west side, it is the richest part of Wilmette. It is kind of like a gated community. When people from the outside try to find their way around the winding streets, they will certainly get lost. People from Indian Hills try to up their street cred by claiming they are from west Wilmette, but they are usually called on it, as Indian Hills DOES NOT count as west side.


kid 1: I'm from west wilmette, yo!
kid 2: Wtf, you live in Indian Hills. I live in the Wilmetto!
kid 3: Well I'm from Evanston.
kid 1 and 2: [run screaming]

wilmette có nghĩa là

A total wannabe rich, wannabe ghetto town. Supposedly they have a rival with glenview after i read glenviews defintion. They think theyre rich cuz they touch kenilworth and they think theyre ghetto cuz they touch rich parts of Evanston and skompton. New Trier is a cheap huge high school. i will admitt the wilmette biddies are WAY better than the glenview ones


-Wanna go to Wilmette?

-Hell no! that town has nothing to do. all it has is a old ace hardware and a crappy movie theater

wilmette có nghĩa là

we think were rich
were not
we think were smart
were not
we brag alot because we have nothing else to do
so many famous people lived here and now that they got money...they left
can u blame them??


hi im from wilmette!!

umm ur poor and full of urself!!

wilmette có nghĩa là

The “poorest” place in the new trier areas. Filled with homophobes, racists, transphobes and white supremacists


I’m from Wilmette.” “Ew

wilmette có nghĩa là



WILMETTE DRIFTER A person who is continually moving from place to place with out any fixed home or job.

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