A tree is known by its fruit là gì

Dưới đây là một số câu ví dụ có thể có liên quan đến "a tree laden with fruit":

Tree laden with fruits

Cây trĩu quả

A tree is laden with fruits.

Cây trĩu quả.

Seeds so planted will eventually grow into fruit-laden-tree.

Những hạt giống như vậy được đem trồng sẽ lớn lên thành cây nhiều trái.

Tree is heavily laden with apples.

Cây táo nặng trĩu quả.

Tree weighed down with fruit

Cây trĩu quả

I like your coconut trees heavily laden with fruit.

Tôi thích những cây dừa nặng trĩu quả của bạn.

There is the tree laden with fruits over there.

Có một cái cây trĩu quả ở kia kìa.

A tree bears small fruit.

Cây có quả bé.

They planted the tree with stoneless fruit.

Họ đã trồng được loại cây có quả không hạt.

A cart is laden with goods.

Xe bò được chất đầy hàng.

A lorry is laden with supplies.

Chiếc xe tải chất đầy hàng tiếp tế.

A tree is known by its fruit.

Rau nào sâu nấy.

A tree is known by its fruit. /Good fruit never comes from a bad tree.

Rau nào sâu nấy/Cha nào con nấy.

A tree is known by its fruit./Good fruit never comes from a bad tree.

Rau nào sâu nấy/Cha nào con nấy.

Cart laden with goods

Xe bò chất đầy hàng

Gerrard replied in a voice laden with contempt.

Gerrard trả lời với một giọng điệu đầy sự khinh miệt.

Such fruit such tree.

Giỏ nhà ai quai nhà nấy.

Mind laden with grief

Tâm trí đầy đau buồn

Native ability without education is like a tree without fruit.

Tài năng bẩm sinh mà không được giáo dục giống như cái cây không có quả.

She prepared a table laden with food and drink.

Cô ấy đã chuẩn bị một bàn đầy đồ ăn và thức uống.

a tree is known by its fruit[, a man by his deeds]

proverb A person's or group's character or worth is determined by others based on their actions or the results thereof. It's all well and good for these companies to claim that they're going to work towards protecting the environment, but a tree is known by its fruit. A: "He claimed he would do anything he could to help me, but he always came up with some excuse or another whenever I actually reached out for help." B: "Well, I guess you know what kind of a person he really is. A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds." Now that he's stood you up for your date, I guess you know what kind of man he is. They do say that a tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

tree is known by its fruit

Prov. People judge your character by what you do. [Biblical.] The politician may say she believes in more spending on child care, but the tree is known by its fruit; she hasn't voted for a single measure that would help.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:
  • teach a man to fish
  • village
  • it takes a village
  • when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter
  • a man is judged by his deeds, not by his words
  • actions speak louder than words
  • desperate times require desperate measures
  • drastic
  • drastic times call for drastic measures
  • drastic times require drastic measures

a tree is known by its fruit[, a man by his deeds]

proverb A person's or group's character or worth is determined by others based on their actions or the results thereof. It's all well and good for these companies to claim that they're going to work towards protecting the environment, but a tree is known by its fruit. A: "He claimed he would do anything he could to help me, but he always came up with some excuse or another whenever I actually reached out for help." B: "Well, I guess you know what kind of a person he really is. A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds." Now that he's stood you up for your date, I guess you know what kind of man he is. They do say that a tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Prov. People judge your character by what you do. [Biblical.] The politician may say she believes in more spending on child care, but the tree is known by its fruit; she hasn't voted for a single measure that would help.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:
  • teach a man to fish
  • village
  • it takes a village
  • when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter
  • a man is judged by his deeds, not by his words
  • actions speak louder than words
  • desperate times require desperate measures
  • drastic
  • drastic times call for drastic measures
  • drastic times require drastic measures

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