Cho 4 điểm ABCD Viết phương trình mặt phẳng đi qua A và song song với mặt phẳng bcd

Trong không gian Oxyz , cho bốn điểm A0;1;−1 , B1;1;2 , C1;−1;0 và D0;0;1 . Mặt phẳng α song song với mặt phẳng BCD và chia khối tứ diện ABCD thành hai khối đa diện sao cho tỉ số thể tích của khối đa diện có chứa điểm A và khối tứ diện ABCD bằng 127 . Viết phương trình mặt phẳng α .

A.y+z−4=0 .

B.y−z−1=0 .

C.−y+z−4=0 .

D.3x−3z−4=0 .

Đáp án và lời giải

Đáp án:B

Lời giải:Li gii
Chn B

Cho 4 điểm ABCD Viết phương trình mặt phẳng đi qua A và song song với mặt phẳng bcd

Gọi M , N , P lần lượt là giao điểm của mặt phẳng α với các cạnh AB , AC , AD . Đặt AMAB=k , 0 Ta có: VAMNPVABCD=AMAB. ANAC. APAD=k3=127 ⇒k=13 .
Ta có: AM→=13. AB→ ⇒M13;1;0 .
BC→=0;−2;−2, BD→=−1;−1;−1 ⇒n→=12. BC→,BD→=0;1;−1 .
Mặt phẳng α đi qua M và song song với mặt phẳng BCD nên nhận véc-tơ n→=0;1;−1 làm véc-tơ pháp tuyến có phương trình là: 0x−13+1y−1−1z−0=0
hay y−z−1=0 .

Vậy đáp án đúng là B.

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Một số câu hỏi khác có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been(31) ________ for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide.Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illnessthat could (32) ________ serious problems and ruin many lives.Special help groupshave been set up to offer sufferers help and support. IAS is similar to (33) ________ problems like gambling, smoking and drinking:addicts have dreams about Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; theylie to their partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, bill are unable to do so. A recent study found that many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; although they felt guilty, they became depressed if they were (34) ________ to stop using it. Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on Computer games and who (35) ________ it very difficult to resist thegames on the Internet. Surprisingly, however, psychologists say that most victims are middle-aged housewives who have never used a computer before.

    Question 32:

  • Tính chất hoá học đặc trưng của kim loại là:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been(31) ________ for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide.Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illnessthat could (32) ________ serious problems and ruin many lives.Special help groupshave been set up to offer sufferers help and support. IAS is similar to (33) ________ problems like gambling, smoking and drinking:addicts have dreams about Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; theylie to their partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, bill are unable to do so. A recent study found that many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; although they felt guilty, they became depressed if they were (34) ________ to stop using it. Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on Computer games and who (35) ________ it very difficult to resist thegames on the Internet. Surprisingly, however, psychologists say that most victims are middle-aged housewives who have never used a computer before.

    Question 35:

  • Cho a mol Mg tác dụng với dung dịch H­2SO4 loãng dư, thu được x mol H2. Cho a mol Al tác dụng với dung dịch H­2SO4 loãng dư, thu được y mol H2. Quan hệ giữa x và y là

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been(31) ________ for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide.Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illnessthat could (32) ________ serious problems and ruin many lives.Special help groupshave been set up to offer sufferers help and support. IAS is similar to (33) ________ problems like gambling, smoking and drinking:addicts have dreams about Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; theylie to their partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, bill are unable to do so. A recent study found that many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; although they felt guilty, they became depressed if they were (34) ________ to stop using it. Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on Computer games and who (35) ________ it very difficult to resist thegames on the Internet. Surprisingly, however, psychologists say that most victims are middle-aged housewives who have never used a computer before.

    Question 34:

  • Cho kim loại X tác dụng với dung dịch H2SO4 loãng để lấy khí H2 khử oxit của kim loại Y (các phản ứng đều xảy ra). Hai kim loại X và Y lần lượt là:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phases that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38:

    People have always dreamt of living forever. Although we all know this will never happen, we will want to live as long as possible. __(34)__, there are advantages and disadvantages of a long life.In the first place, people who live longer can spend more time with their family and friends. Secondly, __(35)__ have busy working lives look forward to a long, relaxing life, when they can do the things they‘ve never had time for. __(36)__, there are some serious disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill and consequently have to spend time in hospital or become burden __(37)__ the children and friends. Many of them find this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, __(38)__ the fewer friends they seem to have because old friends die or become and it’s often difficult to make new friends. To sum up, living to a very old age is worthwhile for those who stay healthy enough to remain independent and enjoy life.

    Question 35:

  • Tính chất hóa học đặc trưng của các kim loại là?

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phases that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38:

    People have always dreamt of living forever. Although we all know this will never happen, we will want to live as long as possible. __(34)__, there are advantages and disadvantages of a long life.In the first place, people who live longer can spend more time with their family and friends. Secondly, __(35)__ have busy working lives look forward to a long, relaxing life, when they can do the things they‘ve never had time for. __(36)__, there are some serious disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill and consequently have to spend time in hospital or become burden __(37)__ the children and friends. Many of them find this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, __(38)__ the fewer friends they seem to have because old friends die or become and it’s often difficult to make new friends. To sum up, living to a very old age is worthwhile for those who stay healthy enough to remain independent and enjoy life.

    Question 34:

  • Chia 2m gam hỗn hợp X gồm 2 kim loại có hoá trị không đổi thành 2 phần bằng nhau. Cho phần một tan hết trong dung dịch HCl (dư) thu được 2,688 lít H2 (đo ở đktc). Nung nóng phần hai trong oxi (dư) thu được 4,26 gam hỗn hợp oxit. Giá trị của m là: