Desktop icons not staying in place

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Just looking for anyone that could help me out. I have a couple users say that usually after a reboot or log off then on again their icons move back to the default position and not to where they moved them too themselves. If someone could be able to tell me an easy fix I would appreciate it thanks.

Best Answer
Desktop icons not staying in place
jbl2383 Sep 16, 2011 at 11:44 UTC

take the computer and slam it on the ground..That will teach them to stay in place.

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14 Replies

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Ghost Chili
Kelly Armitage Sep 15, 2011 at 16:42 UTC

Where exactly are the icons ending up after the log off / logon ? Top left default? Randomly scattered? Slightly out of place from where the user has set them?

Does anyone remote in to the system via RDP?

Do you use any special software to prevent OS changes?

Are they thin clients?

Using RDP from a system with a different monitor/resolution can cause icons to move when logging back in normally. If they are thin clients (WYSE Terminals / Bosa Nova for example) then after the icons are "arranged" you would have to commit those changes, same for the software.... something like Norton GoBack (I beleive that is what it was called) might also have the same affect. Essentially reverting it back prior to the icons being arranged.

Do the users you mention use the same or different systems (are we talking about one pc or multiple pcs?)

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Justin0811 Sep 15, 2011 at 16:49 UTC

One is using an XP machine and the other is using a windows 7 machine, both 32 bit and both have dual monitors. They don't remote into anything so thier resolution shouldn't be an issue. The default im talking about is on the left side but they like to move icons to put them together over both of the screens. Ive looked everywhere for a solution and found some things that has to do with registry errors but im just a support tech and not the admin yet and sort of afraid to mess with the registry just yet.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
JPo1215 Sep 15, 2011 at 16:57 UTC

you may look into software that will manage your multiple monitors. We have had the same issue but no longer as we use Ultramon.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Ghost Chili
Kelly Armitage Sep 15, 2011 at 16:58 UTC

Could be a corrupt profile(s). Can you create your own login on either/both machines, login with that, arrange some icons, then logoff and back on and see if it does it for you as well?

edit* I meant to say originally are they remoting IN to those machines... say working from home on occasion or something? Not remoting out from those machines.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Justin0811 Sep 15, 2011 at 17:04 UTC

Well i have admin rights for the company because tech. im the only IT guy in the company. I've logged into my user account and it doesn't do it for me. I might try and have them resettheirpasswords and maybe that could do it.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Ghost Chili
Kelly Armitage Sep 15, 2011 at 17:11 UTC

When you log in are you logging in via the same method they are.... ie: local machine vs domain account?

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Asturia Sep 16, 2011 at 02:40 UTC

I had that problem too when I was using an external screen on my laptop.

I 've began to use the software called Fences.

Easy way to orden your icons and they always stay at the same place.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Simon N Sep 16, 2011 at 04:30 UTC

+1 for profile issue.

Generally this sort of thing is changes not being committed to the profile at logoff, especially with roaming profiles enabled. Check permissions on the profile folders, perhaps even try clearing out the roaming profile so the system creates a new one.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Justin0811 Sep 16, 2011 at 08:08 UTC

I log in the same way that they are logging in. We log in to the domain not to the local machine.

Is there a specific place that you can download that fences program, and does it cost to use?

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Best Answer
jbl2383 Sep 16, 2011 at 11:44 UTC

take the computer and slam it on the ground..That will teach them to stay in place.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Justin0811 Sep 16, 2011 at 11:47 UTC

That is great.

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Muse Sep 21, 2011 at 05:35 UTC

As suggested, sounds like a profile issue.

I presume you have roaming profiles? If so, rename the existing version on the server & local computer and then get the user to log in again. This will create a new profile for them, then try and create the same icon moving scenario.

If the problem persists, it's more than likely to be a local setting as simple as "Auto-arrange Icons".

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Desktop icons not staying in place
Thai Pepper
RS6 Sep 21, 2011 at 05:39 UTC

make sure align to grid is off

use a small program called ezdesk to save the desktop layout and restore it after they move

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Desktop icons not staying in place
LiterateGeek Sep 21, 2011 at 14:45 UTC

This sounds like one of those issues that just gets a user stared at till they go away, right along with the "The CD player won't play my music" and "The firewall blocks me from facebook".

Oh, and the profile isn't saving correctly. Check the permissions on the /my documents/ and /users/ folders depending on the OS.

I'd consider recreating the profiles if you don't feel like spending hours dealing with this.

Alternatively you can just stare at your users like they grew a second head until they sheepishly go back to their desk.

oh and turn off roaming profiles b'god they are nothin but trouble.


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