donkey punching là gì - Nghĩa của từ donkey punching

donkey punching có nghĩa là

Punching someone in the back of the head may lead to serious brain damage and even death.

Donkey punching involves the male punching the sexual partner in the back of the head during anal or vaginal sex prior to orgasm, to provoke a shock causing the vaginal or anal muscles to contract around the male's penis.

The move can be prosecuted as sexual assault and even rape in the case of surprise anal penetration.



-"Ooooh, that feels so good!!! Isn't it love? ...Love? hello? Are you okay? .... aaaaaargh!!!! Love?? Wake up!!!! Aaaaaargh!!!"

donkey punching có nghĩa là

For anybody even remotely considering this stunt (adequately explained in the definitions) or for those who somehow think the idea of a donkey punch is amusing, I have the following opinion from a prosecutor at our local District Attorney's Office:


Donkey punching is easily indictable as a serious felony on two counts.

First: deadly assault. A blow to the back of the head is can easily cause a severe or fatal brain stem injury; even no-holes-barred professional fights ban it.

Second: it is rape, pure and simple. The logic of this would be easily understood by any jury. The object and motivation of donkey punching is clear and unambiguous: it is to render the victim unconcious and thus incapable of saying "NO" to something the victim would ordinarily and vigorously object to.

Our office, given proper evidence would, with great eagerness and dertermination, prosecute a case such as this. The probablility of conviction would be virtually certain. Furthermore, we could convincingly argue that the perpetrator(s) are to be regarded as dangerous sex criminials and thus pose a clear community danger while awaiting trial. Few judges would deny our argument that the perpetrators should be imprisioned while awaiting trial.

In addition, there is ample precedence for conviction of those encouraging these crimes on seperate felony crimes of aiding and abetting a sexual assault. A viewing of Jody Foster's "The Accused", based on an actual rape conviction, should make this plain to people.

In the case of a prearranged or planned assault, an additional and more serious charge of conspiracy would be added to the indictment.

donkey punching có nghĩa là

Pathetic urban myth about anal sex and misogynist violence made up by virgins who don't get laid much. Besides being medically impossible (read a biology book folks, knocking someone out doesn't cause that effect), any gay male will tell you that smacking someone who you are having sex with will lead to you getting beaten to a pulp.


Men who talk big about "donkey punching some ho" are usually just too immature to admit that they are actually gay.

donkey punching có nghĩa là

A sleazy sex move in which while the guy is taking the girl anally he punches her in the back of the head, making her ass or vagina contract.


Kevin donkey punched me. What a fucking sleazebag!

donkey punching có nghĩa là

Every hear of asking? No need to punch a woman to get her to squeeze your dick with her asshole. Just ask, you'd be surprised what you might get. You'd be surprised what you might not get too: a charge of felony assault, hard time, and maybe even a Lorena Bobbit.


I donkey punched the bitch and was found guilty of felony assault.

donkey punching có nghĩa là

Donkey punching is more safe and effective when you use a swift but controlled open-handed karate chop to the very base of the skull, near its insertion on the neck. I believe this stimulates nerves that contract the anal sphincter muscles.
The legal definition should be removed because the goal is not to make the recipient unconscious. Also, this is not something that people actually do, its a freaken joke, you feminazi.
But, if you were to do it, a donkey punch to the spine just above the ass would probably work better (and provoke fewer lawsuits) than a blow to the head, which might even relax the anus. This is because sacral nerve stimulation has been linked to sphincter contraction (in cats)- dont ask.
Now, if you really want to get some sphincter contraction, without the whole punching thing, you cover the recipient's nose and mouth with a hankerchief full of ground pepper or something that will make her cough (or just ask her to cough repeatedly). Coughing tightens the anus twice as much as voluntarily squeezing.


My girlfriend asked me if I would like to donkey punch her, but I asked her to induce a coughing fit instead. Her cornhole puckered up so tight that I got sperm backwash and blew out my prostate!

donkey punching có nghĩa là

An attack in Super Smash Bros.; To perform this move, you must wind up Donkey Kong's regular "B" button attack, and then unleash it on unsuspecting players.


Aww fuck man, why do you always have to donkey punch me when i'm trying to get back on the edge?!

donkey punching có nghĩa là

(Pertaining to the classic videogame Super Smash Bros.) When Donkey Kong unleashes his maximum power punch in the face of an opponent.


Puncher: DONKEY PUNCH!!!
Punchee: That f***ing Donkey Punch is too powerful! That s**t isn't fair!

donkey punching có nghĩa là

The melee attack with the plasma pistol in Halo 2.


I just donked that mother fuckin covenant with a donkey punch.

donkey punching có nghĩa là

when gettin down anal style punchin the spine of the girl you're with (not hard unless you're both into that shit) so her muscless contact for when you pop


i cant think of an everyday sentance when youd mention it