dylans là gì - Nghĩa của từ dylans

dylans có nghĩa là

The one guy who's a complete ass and yet you feel comfort when he's next to you. Dylan is that one friend who makes the most retarded jokes, has weird inside jokes and has the carefree vibe about him. The friend group he is apart of is weird and you wouldn't understand it unless you were in the group too. He has mental dificulties and that can rub off on people. He speaks about it openly though and isn't afraid to say he has depression. When he thinks something is wrong, he says something. He may seem happy at times, but pay close attention and you can see the pain in his eyes sometimes. You'll have to know when to leave him alone and when to talk to him with only little clues within his tone and his body language. If you happen to fall in love with him, you'll have to learn quick otherwise he could give up. Don't let him. If he's your brother, you're damn lucky. He's always teased and made fun of you. No matter what. It was joke after joke made to insult you. He did that to toughen you up. You've learned to fight back cause of him. You might even be a mini him. It may seem as if he doesn't care for you but the moment something bad happens, he'll run to you, get their number and say a simple line. "Don't worry bout it." And take off. He would do what he does best: Protect you. Dylan isn't perfect but he's damn amazing. He's strong and cool. An ass but protective. Emo and reserved. But quite open when you're his friend or lover. Don't ever let him go.


Sibling:Fuck you
Dylan: who? What's their number? Sibling: Uhm. What are you gonna do?
Dylan: Don't worry bout it *smirks*

dylans có nghĩa là

A person that can be childish at times, and is great ato messing things up, but would never try to hurt the girl he likes.


That guy is such a Dylan

dylans có nghĩa là

A man with an incredibly huge penis. Legend has it that his penis caused the big bang


"Where is Dylan"
"Just look down his penis is so big it wraps around the world, we can trace him"

dylans có nghĩa là

The sweetest guy you will ever meet, he'se been through a lot of shit but has a heart of gold. He has lost of friends and loves to hang out and joke around with them. He has the softest hair in the world and the bestest friend and boyfriend you could ever ask for. He is perfect in every way and everything he does is perfect. Hese very adventurous and has a lot of ambition. If you ever find a flat rock at a beach you should give it to him because Dylan's are very talented in many ways expectially at skipping rocks. Dylan's have a deep love for pizza and apple juice. Dylan's eyes are the prettiest shade of blue and you can get lost just looking in them. If you every come across a Dylan keep him close to your heart because they are rare and very special.c


When I met Dylan it was love at first sight.

dylans có nghĩa là

Dylan can be the coolest guy in the world or the biggest asshole, depending on how you take him. Dylan has a funny and a dark sense of humor that takes time to understand. There are people that wanna kill Dylan, and there are people be his bro. He can be an total backstabbing bitch, but that's how he is . Dylan can be known for getting along with strangers, being nice to them, or being a total jerk to them. Dylan is a brave and strong. He can be a leader if he wanted to be one. Dylan almost always has a plan B. He is a trouble maker but always finds a way out of it. The only times he gets in trouble is probably when he is getting ratted out by others. Dylan is not known for his looks, but people that do see that in him are people that wanna be with him for a long time. Don't get hooked on the fact that guys should break the ice. Dylan is different, he tends to act shy differently around girls he likes. Dylan can be a really sweat romantic guy if you give he the chance to be. Dylan has a soft side that very few people will ever see. You can see this side of him only if you get his trust. If you’re a guy good luck getting to this part of him. If you know a Dylan stay in contact with him because you will never ever find anyone like him.
Remember to hold on to Dylan because their is no one like him.


Hey Dylan!

dylans có nghĩa là

Dylan is someone you would never want to let go of. If you ever come across this amazing, talented,heart stealer,handsome,charmer, loving, kind, and brave person you would not want to see him go. He is someone that will win your heart and never stop fighting for what he wants. He is an out going person and he is all of the meanings of nice in any possible way. He is someone that will be there for you through the ups and downs and twist and turns. If you ever bump into a Dylan or come across one never let them out of your grip. Have you ever fought for something you wanted so bad but for one thing he would fight for everything for you to make you even the slightest bit of happy. He will fight for what is right all the time and never give up until he is satisfied. He will pick you up when you are down and keep on lifting you up until you can reach the stars with out his help. And there is always a plot twist at the end of every Dylan there is always a story to tell about them you can even pick a bone with them. He will also be the best boyfriend you can ask for. As well as a bestfriend i don't know what I would do if I didn't have a Dylan by my side.


Dylan is someone you would love.

dylans có nghĩa là

A guy who is so fucking attractive that everyone instantly wants to be fucked by him. Also, everyone wants to be his date/spouse.


Girl #1: Look! It is Dylan!
Girl #2: He is SO fucking attractive. I want him to fuck me!

dylans có nghĩa là

god, i have no words to describe this man. everything about him is perfect, his smile, his laugh, when he blushes after you compliment him. he’s got the biggest heart, even if he doesn’t show it that often. he’s very sweet and very romantic if given the chance. Dylan treats girls the way they deserve. and he respects that you need space, cause he does too. when dylan is happy, he decides that he wants to spread his happiness to the other people around him. he’s very kinky, but will never admit to it. His biggest kink, though, is daddy. dylan is the biggest softy, and has the most beautiful eyes in the world. although he has a very crude sense of humor, he isn’t always that horrific when he jokes. i love dylan, more then i can explain.


dylan treats every girl with respect, and won’t be afraid to fuck anyone up for you.

dylans có nghĩa là

Dylan is a boy who's ego is strengthened solely by the presence of a positive definition about his name on UrbanDictionary.


Oh my god, he's such a Dylan!

dylans có nghĩa là

A decent guy


Person 1: hey do you know dylan?
Person 2: yeah that hoe stole my microwave but he’s a decent guy.