ghouled là gì - Nghĩa của từ ghouled

ghouled có nghĩa là

Foul being of legend which robs graves and feeds upon corpses.


That hungry hobo is a real ghoul - he'll eat anything!

ghouled có nghĩa là

A monster that blends right in with humans and can only eat human flesh, upon consumption of human food the ghoul must throw it up. The ghoul can also drink water and coffee and has many Powerade its most powerful one being its kagane


Kaneki is a half ghoul

ghouled có nghĩa là

Can be a Necrophile or Necrophage.
Not necesarilly a Killer, as they may just disinter already deceased people.


Ed Gein, Dahmer, that guy in "The Loved Dead"....

ghouled có nghĩa là

A methhead or crackhead that drinks Steel Reserve all day and projectile shits on the back wall of various park facilities. Covered in dried vomit, usually missing many teeth and reeking, since they haven't bathed in weeks, they are sometimes found pissing themselves as well. They are generally harmless but caution is urged when approaching them, depending upon how fucked-up they are. Because of their extreme abuse and mistreatment of their bodies, they look much older than they actually are. Summary execution is urged, but that is not yet legal in the United States.


Goddamn, dude, the ghouls are out tonight. That one just pissed on that car and one just drunkenly lurched toward me. And I just saw one passed out in his own vomit on that bathroom floor.

ghouled có nghĩa là

A Crackhead or Heroine Junkie.


Only the ghoul's are out at night.

ghouled có nghĩa là

Ghoul is a term that has came into popular parlance in the two thousand teens among leftists to describe career republican politicians who have been behind terrible policy decisions. Ghoul often refers not to charismatic figureheads like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush but the even more powerful and decrepit looking old white men who advise them and make big decisions from the shadows. These men (because they are almost always men) put up a guise of being boring bureaucrats while in actuality they are the architects of some of the most disastrous events of the 20th century, the most notable being the Iraq War. Some example of infamous ghouls are Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Bolton. Ghouls can also be applied to congressman who despite being universally despised by many still manage to cling to power by being the right mixture of conniving and boring, like Mitch McConnell. The 2018 movie Vice, about de-facto president Dick Cheney, served as a spotlight to the general public on the life of Ghouls.


Can you believe that Ghoul is using his experience of killing 1 million Iraqi civilians as a reason for why we should let him tell us why we don't need free healthcare and college on CNN?

ghouled có nghĩa là

A generic term for someone who possesses mannerisms, chat and characteristics that resemble an unorthodox individual with odd personality traits and reeking banter. Ghouls will commonly be found sporting terrible gear from retail outlets such as 'Primark' and 'Burton', and are insistent on continuously wearing these garments until observers feel physically sick from the sight of them. Upper class ghouls can be found primarily dressed in tweed, quaffing around town in pack of another two to three tweed clad ghouls. The most distinguishing feature of the ghoul is its rancid chat, and is known to talk a lot of dour bullshit which it insists on spraying over everyone. The Ghoul tends to try and show off with over elaborate hyperbole, and tends to raise its voice, which can usually be heard above the crowd after consuming a few meagre pints of lager.


Bobby P is SUCH a ghoul.

ghouled có nghĩa là

The act of an individual, mostly persons involved in the media, who exploit a tragedy to further their own gain. In the case of the media, persons often indulge in inappropriate acts to 'flesh out' a story.


"Oh look another bomb has gone off, Kay Burley will be around in a few hours for a spot of ghouling"

ghouled có nghĩa là

A ghoul is a living being whom looks exactly like a human, though there are very big differences between humans and ghouls. First of all, ghouls cannot eat the food humans eat, ghouls can only eat humans, and they can only drink coffee and water. Ghouls also have a muscle like object (called a kagune) that comes out of a position in their back, Depending on what kind of ghoul they are. It can either be an okaku (shoulders), kokaku (shoulderblades), rinkaku (waist), or binkaku (tailbone). Each type of kagune have their pros and cons. If a ghoul commits cannibalism, then they get a strong, hard to control kagune kalled a kakuja. Ghouls only have to eat one human once a month to keep their strength up and to keep their kagune 'fed'. When ghouls are hungry, the white part of their eye turnes black and their cornia turns red. If ghouls cannot control when their eyes change, it is something that points them out from the rest of society.


What was that thing with the red and black eyes? Was it a ghoul?

ghouled có nghĩa là

when your face gets covered in so much cum you look like a ghost


damn! there was so much cum on her face. she got ghouled!