Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services

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Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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Jan 20, 2020 at 22:16 UTC
Windows Server expert
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219 Helpful Votes

Where did you generate the CSR? on the RDS server? If so have you completed the cert request with the new cert?

Server manager > Remote Desktop Services > Overview
In the deployment overview section, click tasks > edit deployment properties > certificates

You will need to go into IIS and add a binding for the address you want to use( for example) and use the cert.
You will also need to create a cname or A record in DNS for this hostname.

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Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
devinsantillanes Jan 20, 2020 at 22:26 UTC

I just generated the new CSR from the server IIS (with the correct information, CN as my wildcard domain name) I imported the certificate into IIS with installing the intermediate certification authority certificate as well.

Right now the RDWeb is on the default site, can I change that to use my new domain that I bought from godaddy?

Also, I have two companies in the same building that both have servers that have DNS servers on them for different domains. These DNS servers are not separated on the network at all currently. Would I add an A record in both of these servers for the hostname?

  • Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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Jan 20, 2020 at 23:31 UTC
Windows Server expert
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219 Helpful Votes

devinsantillanes wrote:

I just generated the new CSR from the server IIS (with the correct information, CN as my wildcard domain name) I imported the certificate into IIS with installing the intermediate certification authority certificate as well.

Right now the RDWeb is on the default site, can I change that to use my new domain that I bought from godaddy?

Also, I have two companies in the same building that both have servers that have DNS servers on them for different domains. These DNS servers are not separated on the network at all currently. Would I add an A record in both of these servers for the hostname?

1. Yes, that is what I meant by adding the binding in IIS.
2a. If both servers have a Forward lookup zone for the new domain and the servers don't replicate between each other then yes, you'd add it on both.
2b. If you don't have a forward lookup zone for the new domain in your internal domain DNS servers then you would need to add the record wherever you host your external DNS records.
3. In both cases, you very well may get into nat'ing a public IP to a private IP.

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Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
m@x Jan 21, 2020 at 04:15 UTC

Make sure that internal clients can locate that is pointing to your internal resource that is actually

1) Identify which DNS server is being used by external clients when they connect via VPN. Let's say it's the Active Directory DNS on DC. Then create a new Forward Lookup Zone "" (yes, include the servername in the zone name). Then create a Host A record inside: leave the name blank, just enter the IP address of your RDS server. Run a test from a client connected over VPN if it can resolve the


2) Make sure to add the certificate to all entries under your RDS deployment properties.

3) Your connection broker role might continue using its local FQDN when replying to incoming remote connections, so you'll need to change it using powershell:

Set-RDClientAccessName -ConnectionBroker "" -ClientAccessName ""


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Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
m@x Jan 22, 2020 at 03:56 UTC

devinsantillanes wrote:


Is it considered unsafe to direct a domain from godaddy to hit the external IP address of my network to access RDWeb resources?

No, it is not unsafe. But this is different from what you wanted to accomplish in first place. Your clients were connecting to RDS internally, while on VPN, no?

To configure external access to RemoteApps etc without VPN, you need to change your deployment strategy. RD Gateway server must be used to secure and monitor incoming connections. It will be listening on 443 and relaying to Connection Broker over 3389.

You either configure forwarding on the firewall WANIP:pickaport ---> Gatewayserver:443. Or, to increase security even more you'll need to set up a Reverse Proxy (aka Web Server Protection feature). In both cases you will need to place your cert onto the firewall in addition to RDS server.


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Install updated GoDaddy Certificate for RDC on 2012r2

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    I have a certificate that was installed by the company that installed the server. It's about to expire. I have a new one and got it installed on the machine so it's now listed along with the old one in certlm under Certificates - Local Computer > Remote Desktop > Certificates.

    When I go to Server Manager > Overview > Tasks > Edit Deployment Properties > Certificates, then Get Details it looks like it's using the old one as it has the sooner expiration date.

    How do I tell Remote Desktop to use the new certificate?

    When I click Select Existing Certificate it gives me a couple choices, both with a passoword. What password is this? Is it provided by GoDaddy? I remember downloading the certificate but don't think I ever got prompted for a password.

    Also, it's looking for a "pfx" but godaddy gave me a "cert". Do I need to start again or is there a way to covert one kind to another?



    Tuesday, May 9, 2017 11:12 AM


  • Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
    Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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    Here’s what happened:

    Windows didn’t like that the GoDaddy auto-renewal was using the same private key. I generated a new certificate request for the FQDN, and I did it in IIS Manager, not in Certlm.

    I submitted the CSR it generated (2048bit) and got a new certificate issued. I downloaded the IIS one, then imported it into Certificates - Local Computer > Personal in certlm. I could then export it by itself to a pfx file (I did export the private key, did not delete the private key, and did export all extended properties).

    This made a pfx file I could set as the certificate for each item in the Remote Desktop > Deployment Properties > Certificates window of Server Manager. Note that I had to “Select Existing Certificate” select the pfx from the file path and enter the password, and clicked Apply four separate times.



    Ps - every time I need to renew or generate certificates my gut tightens. I really hope some day soon they come to a consensus on file types, extensions, etc, so all that’s required is “new Cert - wait for Bit size - submit request - get certificate - Apply.” Without all this jumping between snap-ins, plug-ins, import/export garbage. I really don’t like having to dedicate most of a day to something that should really take about 20 minutes tops, including giving an Authority my CC #.

    • Proposed as answer by TP []MVP Tuesday, May 9, 2017 7:23 PM
    • Marked as answer by TP []MVP Tuesday, August 1, 2017 7:45 AM
    Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:26 PM

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    Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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    OK, I was able to figure out how to make an SPX certificate: go into certlm, select both the certificate I got from godady AND the Certificate Authority Certificate (I assume basically, everything you can find that's in the Certificate Path tab of my certificate).

    Now, when I try to add it to my remote Desktop Deployment, I get the message "the specified certificate is not valid. The certificate properties must match the requirements of the role service."

    What Role Service and what box did I forget to check when exporting this thing?



    Tuesday, May 9, 2017 11:51 AM
  • Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
    Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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    Here’s what happened:

    Windows didn’t like that the GoDaddy auto-renewal was using the same private key. I generated a new certificate request for the FQDN, and I did it in IIS Manager, not in Certlm.

    I submitted the CSR it generated (2048bit) and got a new certificate issued. I downloaded the IIS one, then imported it into Certificates - Local Computer > Personal in certlm. I could then export it by itself to a pfx file (I did export the private key, did not delete the private key, and did export all extended properties).

    This made a pfx file I could set as the certificate for each item in the Remote Desktop > Deployment Properties > Certificates window of Server Manager. Note that I had to “Select Existing Certificate” select the pfx from the file path and enter the password, and clicked Apply four separate times.



    Ps - every time I need to renew or generate certificates my gut tightens. I really hope some day soon they come to a consensus on file types, extensions, etc, so all that’s required is “new Cert - wait for Bit size - submit request - get certificate - Apply.” Without all this jumping between snap-ins, plug-ins, import/export garbage. I really don’t like having to dedicate most of a day to something that should really take about 20 minutes tops, including giving an Authority my CC #.

    • Proposed as answer by TP []MVP Tuesday, May 9, 2017 7:23 PM
    • Marked as answer by TP []MVP Tuesday, August 1, 2017 7:45 AM
    Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:26 PM
  • Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
    Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
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    Wednesday, May 10, 2017 2:19 AM

Generate a CSR Code for Remote Desktop Services

When applying for an SSL Certificate, you must generate a CSR code and submit it to the CA. The CSR includes contact details about your website or company. Depending on the version of your Remote Desktop Gateway Server, you can create the CSR in the same release of IIS. Microsoft IIS server comes pre-installed with every version of Windows.

For instance, if you use RDS 2016, you will generate your CSR in IIS 10 which is included in Windows Server 2016.

We’ve already written comprehensive guides on how to generate a CSR code on various IIS versions. Use the links below to find the relevant guide:

  • How to Generate a CSR code in Microsoft IIS 7? (RDS 2008)
  • How to Generate a CSR code in Microsoft IIS 8 & 8.5? (RDS 2012)
  • How to Generate a CSR code in Microsoft IIS 10? (RDS 2016)

After you create your CSR and complete the SSL validation, the CA will send all the necessary certificate files to your inbox. You can now proceed to SSL installation.

How to install an SSL Certificate on Remote Desktop Services?

Install GoDaddy SSL certificate Remote Desktop Services
How to install an SSL Certificate on Remote Desktop Services?

This step by step guide will show you how to install an SSL Certificate on Remote Desktop Services (RDS). You will also learn a few interesting facts about RDS, and discover the best place to shop for any type of SSL Certificates. If you still haven’t generated your CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and passed the SSL authentication, refer to the CSR Generation tutorials in the first part of this guide.