Is the condensing unit inside or outside?

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Is the condensing unit inside or outside?

A standard aircon system is usually composed of two units — the interior and exterior. The exterior unit, located outdoors, is called the outdoor condenser unit. As the name suggests, this unit is responsible for condensing and liberating all the heat energy from the inside into the outdoors.‍

Read more below to find out how an aircon condenser unit works and its common problems that you should watch out for.

What is the Air Conditioner Condenser Coil?

The AC condenser unit helps the refrigerant or coolant in removing and absorbing the heat within a room, and emitting this heat outdoors. First, the refrigerant leaves the evaporator in the form of hot, high-pressure gas, and enters through the suction line. An AC condenser unit is equipped with a piston that does the job of condensing the gas together to a liquid state.

Both the temperature as well as the pressure of the gas increase. The condensed gas then exits and makes its way through the discharge line. Because the heat flows from a higher temperature to a lower temperature, the heat stored in the refrigerant gets automatically transmitted to the cooler air outside the room.

Once completed, the coolant returns to its normal temperature, and returns to the original point in the cycle. Condenser coils work with evaporator coils in creating cold air, and keeps the temperature of the unit cool throughout the process as it extracts the heat outside through the heat pump.

The Importance of the AC Condenser Unit

1. Allows the Air Conditioning System to Blow Cool Air

Air conditioners are installed to provide cool air to spaces, and the AC condenser unit works to remove heat from air conditioners to create cool air. The AC condenser unit works with the evaporator coil, and allows the refrigerant to cool the surrounding air in the unit, delivering cold air into the room where the cooling system is located.

2. Keeps the HVAC System Cool

At the same time, condenser coils work with the evaporator coil to keep the air conditioner cool, which prevents overheating the unit. The condenser unit sits outside, and removes the heat from the AC unit. The AC condenser coils work to keep the unit from overloading itself, which protects the other components of the unit like the capacitor, and the evaporator coil.

Diagnosing a Faulty Aircon Condenser Coil

#1 The Air Conditioner is No Longer Blowing Cool Air

Has your air conditioner stopped blowing cold air altogether? Then it’s time to check the condenser for any sign of performance issues. While reduced or no cooling in a unit can mean a lot of things, starting with the condenser is a good way to diagnose the problem.

In order for an air conditioner to work correctly, the discharge pressure should be higher than the suction pressure. In the case of a discrepancy between the discharge pressure and the suction pressure, the condenser and the air conditioner will fail to do their job.

#2 The Air Conditioner is Leaking Refrigerant

In an AC system, thin tubes are responsible for transferring refrigerant between the condenser and the aircon compressor. But once these tubes start leaking, they could pose a serious threat to the entire unit system. So if your aircon starts giving off an unusual sound or you see any frost formations along the system, it's time to get your unit checked.

#3 There’s an Accumulation of Dust, Dirt and Debris Inside the Condenser

Since condensers are commonly placed outside the house or an office space, it’s very easy for these parts to collect dirt over time. In addition to these particles, they can also get falling leaves, branches, stones, and sticks stuck inside the system. So always check for any of these elements regularly to keep your aircon condenser and unit properly maintained.

Fast and Easy Home or Office Aircon Repair in SG

While there are many ways that you can troubleshoot air conditioning condenser issues, performing regular maintenance is still your best option in prolonging your air conditioning unit’s lifespan. With our full suite of aircon services, our licensed aircon experts and technicians are guaranteed to solve your aircon woes in just one fast and easy appointment.

For residential and commercial aircon servicing and repairs, give us a call or send us a message here at Luce Aircon! 

Where is a condensing unit located?

In a central AC system, this includes the indoor evaporator coil and the outdoor condenser. The condenser should always go outside of your home and not in an attic, basement, garage, or crawl space. Why does the condenser need to go outside of your home?

Is the condenser the outside unit?

A condenser (or AC condenser) is the outdoor portion of an air conditioner or heat pump that either releases or collects heat, depending on the time of the year. Both split air conditioner and heat pump condensers are made of the same basic parts.

Is the condenser or compressor outside?

An AC condenser releases heat that the refrigerant has removed from the home's air. The condenser is the main unit located outside the home. It resembles a box encased in thin metal fins. The compressor removes heat from refrigerant vapor, turning the refrigerant back to a liquid as it cools.

Are condenser coils inside or outside?

The evaporator coil is located within the plenum of the indoor portion of the cooling system, while the condenser coil is located within the outdoor portion. The evaporator coil doesn't produce cold; instead, it takes away heat by absorbing the latent heat within the air using the refrigerant within the coils.