mel gibsons là gì - Nghĩa của từ mel gibsons

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

A great friend to the jewish people. As much has been proved under the influence of an extremely potent truth drug.


Mel Gibson: Fucking Jews...The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

Mel Gibson is so hot when he is older.


Carol: Mel Gibson looks hott in signs!

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

Mel Gibson
Born: 3 January 1956
Birthplace: Peekskill, New York
Best Known As: Star of the Lethal Weapon movies
Mel Gibson got his start as an action hero in Mad Max (1979), a low-budget thriller which cast him as a grim, leather-clad ex-cop in a barren Australian future. When he reprised the Mad Max character in a bigger-budget sequel, The Road Warrior (1981), Gibson became an international star. His turn as a goofy rogue cop in 1987's Lethal Weapon cemented his status as Hollywood's leading young blue-eyed action hero. He made three more films in the Lethal Weapon series (1989, 1992 and 1998) and starred in other big-budget action flicks like Air America (1990, with Robert Downey, Jr.) and The Patriot (2000, with Heath Ledger). Gibson also showed a thoughtful side, taking the lead in Hamlet (1990) and directing and starring in the sentimental drama The Man Without a Face (1993). In 1995 he directed, produced and starred as historical hero William Wallace in the swords-and-Scotsmen epic Braveheart, for which Gibson took home Oscars for best director and best picture. His 2004 film about the last hours of Jesus, The Passion of the Christ (starring Jim Caviezel), was a surprise hit but stirred up controversy after critics accused it of anti-semitism. Gibson was born in New York and raised in Australia, which he has continued to make his home. He and his wife, the former Robyn Moore, have seven children.

A devout Catholic, Gibson directed, co-wrote, co-produced and self-financed the $25 million The Passion of the Christ... The Road Warrior was followed by Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome in 1985... Gibson played another historical figure, mutineer Fletcher Christian, in The Bounty (1984); Christian also has been played on-screen by Marlon Brando (Mutiny on the Bounty, 1962) and Clark Gable (Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935).


Mel Gibson
Mad Max (1979)
Gallipoli (1981)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Braveheart (1995)
Passion Of The Christ (2004)

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

Mel Gibson is actualy really Hott, im not really a celeb worshipper but brad pitt Ryan phillipe ben afleck there all alright but mel Gibson is like the epitome of hottness, like wine he is better with age, in Signs i practacly explosded when i saw that, he was so gorgeous i totally love him as a father figure. HOT!!!


"Hay Bo, did u see Mel Gibson in signs last night?'
"Holy Sshit carrol he was bangen!!!!"

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

amazing film maker that made a mistake one night. Falsely called an anti-semite by people that do not consider his history over the past 2 years


guy 1- the passion of the christ, is a very well done piece of art despite the fact it has nothing at all to do with christ's teachings
dude, watch the movie before you comment out of your ignorance!

guy1- Mel Gibson may have been drunk, but what he said must have come from somewhere.
guy2- yea, like the way he was attacked for absolutely no reason because of the passion, perhaps? It doesn't justify what he said, but you have to understand that you have to look at his personal history first

guy1- Mel Gibson is an anti-semite
guy2- riiiiight, that is what you said 2 years ago, before he said that....

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

somebody whose opinions I could honestly care less about and have little to no effect on mine, or anybody else's, life.


Celebrity obsessed a-hole: "OMG!! What do you think of Mel Gibson saying those things about the Jews!?!?!?! It's horrible!!"

Me: "Well, I feel as if it will make absolutly no difference in either your life or mine, so you should really stop going nuts over it."

COAH: That's what people said about Hitler.....

Me: uhh....Mel Gibson isn't Hitler...

COAH: That's what people said about Hitler.....

:I run away frightened and ponder the state of our nation:

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

A bloodthirsty Highlander who has the urge to make bloodier than usual historical films. Showed his true colors with the addition of some ethanol. He has this fascination with seeing red human blood spurt out of cut arteries and veins rhythmically with the heartbeat. He's a Catholic.


Mel Gibson has a good chance of starring in the next Cannibal Holocaust movie and he gets to be the person who does ritual sacrifices on film. Oops, they did something like that, see apocalypto.

Braveheart:Blood-painted swords, blood dripping down his face.
Apocalypto:Cutting a father's throat in front of his son, removing human hearts.
Passion of the Christ:Whipping Jesus, nailing him to the plus sign (he's drizzled like a cinnamon bun with blood).
The Patriot:People getting shot and stabbed with bayonets.

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

"Mad" Max Rockatansky.


The Road Warrior is fucking badass.

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

A drink served in restaurants containing root beer and grenadine (the "cherry" flavor in a cherry coke).


"Can I have a Root Beer and can you add grenadine in it as if it were a cherry coke?"

"Oh so ... you want a Mel Gibson?"

"Oh. Yeah."

mel gibsons có nghĩa là

To become beligerently drunk and make very bad decisions.


Riggs got Mel Gibsoned and jumped through the glass at 7-11. He then decided he wanted a carton of cigarettes and some fried pork skins. They would not serve him.