netherlands là gì - Nghĩa của từ netherlands

netherlands có nghĩa là

awesome country best french fries and cheese


the netherlands are going to win world cup 2006

netherlands có nghĩa là

a fictional place where peter pan lives, fights with captain hook and all the widdle orphans live forever. and wendy would lose her bloody button and then make out with jeremy sumpter.


or maybe i got it wrong...

netherlands có nghĩa là

Small, flat and wet country somewhere in Northern Europe where everyone is tall, smokes weed and rides a bike.


I'm a Dutch citizen, I come from the Netherlands.

The Netherlands are far out!

I'm smoking weed in The Netherlands.

netherlands có nghĩa là

My country: above Belgium and next to Germany. The beautifull Northsea creating a coast with lots of beaches.
Very modern with very big city's but also small ones. Famous designers for shoes, clothes and bling-bling.
And NO we don't wear wooden shoes, that's like 300 years ago lol! The windmile is very rare here, because it's so boring! :P

The weather is either good or bad, it depends. Our language is cool and we use many weird expressions such as: Dat breekt mijn klomp
[ That breaks my wooden shoe ]as in: I'm suprised by this, Im shocked

Our gouverment is very soft, the jails are like hotels with playstations and it's legal to have 5 grams of weed/pod/dutch with you!!!


Dutch person A: Alles goed?

Dutch person B: Ach doe gezond man, wat is niau?!

Dutch person A: Je bent een sjembek dat zeurt maar je weet niet wastkeburt :P

Dutch person B: stfu....

netherlands có nghĩa là

A nation full of people who complain about everything.


A better name for the Netherlands would be Piss and moan land

netherlands có nghĩa là

A country where you get bored to death the first day you set foot on it.


Trust me, ive been there.

netherlands có nghĩa là

hairy area where the wind blows free


I occasionally like a cool breeze in the netherland, but otherwise I wear cotton.

netherlands có nghĩa là

the netherlands are great because nothing ever happens here.

be as it may, you hate use dont you.... because weed is legal here and we can have sex with hookers... and gays can get married here. most of you republicans are closet gays arent you. the netherlands is a great country, the last bastion of free thought and civilizations. unlike america and..or china who all gave in to either capitalism or communism...

we are socialist, you see balance that what we dutch are good at. capitalism..socialism..communism.

most of the dutch people here are GAY, and LIBERAL. and we are all COMMIES and we hate CHRISTIANS. that why i love my country. and we worship the dark lord.

think about it christians.. 60 procent is devoutly atheist, weed is legal and so is prostitution. there are sex shops everywhere. and you can watch PORN on public tv after 8 o´clock. satanism is very populair here too.


i love the netherlands

netherlands có nghĩa là

a little country who could do nothing from 1900's to 1950's except producing weed. they ignored the fact that only god can create land and created 2,412 km² of land. Indonesia had spices and the Netherlands was like: 'real shit tho?' and colonized it. everytime a meme is related to nederland, they say: "G E K O L O N I S E E R D" wich means colonized. once the netherlands came under the direction of the spanish king through family and things. then a random dude came up to say that everyone should be Protestant [something like Catholic but without gold paintings]. then the netherlands was like: 'he is a genius' and started building his protestant churches. the spanish king did not like this and started killing everyone. then there was eighty years of war and then the Netherlands had won. if all countries were all on a small separate island with only five people, America would look for oil at another island, Britain would colonize islands, and the Netherlands? he had made an island big enough to grow tulips. also, please watch out. you might confuse the netherlands with hell || ||
v gif of the legenend of the flying dutchman v


you saw that new kid? i think he's from the netherlands... i checked his browser history and the only thing i saw was tulip porn...

netherlands có nghĩa là

. their fascist dictator is AableKadoosh. When aablekadoosh came into power and into his ex, they took over the kingdo of cleves. then they took oldenburg. then they took burgundy, normandy, and france. The cold war between toulouse was long. his ally, savoy was being attacked by toulouse, switzerland, and venice. there were massive armies on both sides. But then, the attack was on. Toulouse was miraculously defeated. Netherlands turned on savoy and ate them. The war between castile and aragon in iberia was won by aragon and portugal crushing castile from both sides. Portugal was a spy freak and was rich and got lots of information. Netherlands didnt like that so they crushed portugal. It felt weird aragon being surrounding by netherlands and the ocean. so netherlands ended the misery and crushed aragon. Bavaria and Bohemia crushed the small nations and wanted to rule the world together. Ifriqiya, who owned modern day texas, austria and the majority of africa attacked bavaria, bohemia secretly turned on bavaria. toigether the three nations crushed bavaria and rid the world of evil until... A new leader awas leading The teutonic Order in modern day poland. he has a massive army considering his tiny size. He sent thousands of naval invasions to the mainland and to the mass of north american colonies controlled by netherlands. netherlands was crushed after his friends died of natural causes and was forced to stay in the iberian peninsula. netherlands commited suicide. not real


netherlands forever.

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