Nostradamus predictions 2023 King Charles

Looks like we are in for a big year

Five chilling predictions for 2023 have been revealed by French astrologer Michel de Nostradame.

After predicting that King Charles III is set to abdicate the throne soon  people who following his prediction have been pointing out 2023 looks a bit bleak.

While French mystic astrologer de Nostradame, who wrote the 6,338 prophecies, died on 2 July, 1566 - his worldly predictions have proved to be scarily accurate, with over 70 percent having been reported by Yearly-Horoscope as actually having come true.

He has been attracting more attention this century for seemingly predicting events such as the Iraq War, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and even 9/11.

So what do we have in store for 2023?

World War 3

Nostradamus predictions 2023 King Charles
More war? (Photo by Hollie Adams/Getty Images)

Firstly up, the conflict in Ukraine caused by Russia's invasion is predicted by Nostradame as growing even bigger and even turning into a full scale World War III.

The forecast is based on a line Nostradame wrote, which reads: "Seven months the Great War, people dead of evil-doing."

Another war

It must be noted that, it could also refer to the conflict going on in Southeast Asia between China and Taiwan and the possibility of nuclear-related conflict.


Not everything is ab0ut war and death though. One of Nostradame's predictions claims there could be a huge breakthrough in space next year.

The astrologer wrote that a light will 'fall' on Mars, suggesting an opening up of possibility.

Are humans going to be visiting the fourth planet from the sun by 2023? Someone check in on what NASA, Elon Musk and Jeff Besoz are up to?

Someone check on the Pope

Nostradamus predictions 2023 King Charles
Pope Francis, 85,, Via Getty

Nostradame has prophesied that the religious leader will step down by 2023, with a rather menacing leader taking his place.

The prediction reads: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.

"The End."

A 'celestial fire on the Royal edifice' has also been predicted by the astrologer, which suggests the whole world changing in a significant manner. Is this what they call 'end times'?

New world order

However, Nostradame also speaks of a 'new world order', which will see the alliance of two powers - potentially a man and women - coming together.

But, his guess is that it won't be a lasting union.

So basically, it sounds like we shouldn't really be getting our hopes up for 2023.

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The philosopher also made some interesting forecasts about King Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry

A French philosopher and astrologer predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth II over 450 years before it actually happened - and over 350 years before the late monarch was even born.

That’s the astonishing claim being made in a newly resurfaced book, Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future, in which the 16th century writings of the philosopher Nostradamus have been interpreted by Mario Reading.

Nostradamus has allegedly previously predicted other events in history; including the Great Fire of London in 1666, Hitler’s rise to power in 1919, the two world wars from 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, and even the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

In the week leading up to the late monarch’s death, the book sold just five copies. By the end of the week ending September 17, almost 8,000 copies were sold according to the Sunday Times.

So, what exactly did Nostradamus predict about the Queen’s death, how accurate was his prediction, and what did he say will happen in 2023?

Here’s what you need to know.

French philosopher Nostradamus allegedly made predictions about the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the lives of King Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry.

Who was Nostradamus?

Nostradamus was a French astrologer, born Michel de Nostradame, who was best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains which allegedly predicted future events. He was born on 14 December 1503 and died on 2 July 1566.

Academic experts do not believe that Nostradamus had any genuine supernatural prophetic abilities and instead say that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus’s quatrains are the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations.

These academics also argue that Nostradamus’s predictions are very vague, meaning they could be applied to any happening.

What did Nostradamus supposedly predict about the Queen’s death?

In the Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future book, which was first published in 2006, Reading interprets one of Nostradamus’ poems as "Queen Elizabeth II will die, circa 22, at the age of around 96, five years short of her mother’s term of life”.

In addition, he predicted that Prince Charles would be aged 74 when he took over the throne from his late mother and become King Charles III.

However, as much of the British public still supposedly feel negatively towards him because of the breakdown of his marriage with the late Princess Diana and his subsequent relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles, he would agree to abdicate the throne.

He then predicted that his son would become king, however this may not mean William - who actually is next in line to the throne - as the last line of his poem makes clear that “a man will replace him who never expected to be king”.

This could mean that he was predicting that Charles’ second son, Prince Charles, could become king at the age of 38.

How accurate were Nostradamus’ predictions?

Nostradamus’ predictions are partly accurate. Queen Elizabeth II did die on 8 September at the age of 96.

Her eldest son did automatically become the reigning monarch of the UK immediately after her death, meaning he is now King Charles III. His date of birth is 14 November 1948, however, and so he was 73 at the time he became king. His official coronation date has not yet been revealed, and so it is highly likely that he will be aged 74 at this time.

King Charles III has not abdicated the throne, however, and his eldest son Prince William is still the heir to throne, not his youngest son Prince Harry.

What did Nostradamus predict would happen in 2023?

Nostradamus made some concerning predictions for 2023. According to Reading, he predicted that “two great powers will unite together in order to combat a global increase in internecine warfare”. He added that “the alliance is a curious one and works almost in spite of itself, but its good effects will not be long lasting.”

The exact meaning of this is not clear, of course, in 2022 - but it appears that further conflicts could take place in the world.