One thing that strikes me about là gì

That example sentence, as a native speaker, doesn't quite flow [beyond the it's typo]. "It strikes me" is a metaphoric phrase where the an idea comes to your mind suddenly and without warning, like being unexpectedly struck by the thought as if it were a projectile. Seeing some clouds looming in the distance and assuming future rain doesn't really seem to be something that would cause you to suddenly realize that golf is a bad idea. In this case, I would use "It seems to me..." instead.

Honestly, most usages I can come up with are past tense, "As I pondered the cherry trees in bloom, I was suddenly struck by the blossom's delicate beauty and wondered why I had not noticed this before."

With the lightning example, maybe: "I know you wanted to golf today, but after just seeing the lightning, it strikes me that perhaps golf isn't the greatest idea right now." Where you get the added bonus of striking being a pun on lightning "striking" things. Notice here also that the time element is "now" on when the idea appeared in my head, where the original had "going to rain" in the future. I think that might be the key to making that phrase work as well.

This one is a bit fuzzy to me honestly and really has me thinking deeply about that phrase, so I thank you for helping learn a bit more about my native language as well.

It strikes sb that s+v : tấn công 1 ai đó [ trong suy nghĩ, cảm xúc ]

+Example: It strikes me [that] you'd be better off working for someone else. [Nó tấn công tôi [rằng] bạn sẽ tốt hơn khi làm việc cho người khác. ] Giống như là tạo 1 luồng suy nghĩ, 1 cảm xúc á.

At the ouset of something : trong sự khởi đầu của 1 cái gì đó.

+Example: At the outset of the 1990s, there was remarkable consensus within the business community as to what kind of political economy it wanted.

[Vào đầu những năm 1990, đã có sự đồng thuận đáng chú ý trong cộng đồng doanh nghiệp về loại nền kinh tế chính trị mà nó muốn.]

It seems to me that [something] is true or the case. I know you want to golf today, but look at those clouds—it's strikes me that it's going to rain. Sure, you don't think so, but it strikes me that Andrew has a little crush on you.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Fig. it seems to me that. Henry: It strikes me that you are losing a little weight. Mary: Oh, I'm so glad you noticed! "It strikes me that all this money we are spending is accomplishing very little," said Bill.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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it strikes me that

Nhưng điều mà khiến tôi bất ngờ là trong lúc giận dữ một nhà sinh học thần

kinh rất nổi tiếng đã nói:" Xem kìa trong nguyên tắc của tôi ổn thôi nếu bạn quan tâm sự nhận thức nhưng hãy nhận nghiên cứu trước đi.

But the thing that struck me is one guy said in exasperation

a very famous neurobiologist he said"Look in my discipline it's okay to be interested in consciousness but get tenure first. Get tenure first.".

Nhưng điều mà khiến tôi bất ngờ là trong lúc giận dữ một nhà sinh học thần

kinh rất nổi tiếng đã nói:" Xem kìa trong nguyên tắc của tôi ổn thôi nếu bạn quan tâm sự nhận thức nhưng hãy nhận nghiên cứu trước đi. Nhận nghiên cứu đầu tiên.".

CA: One minute.[Laughter] LC: You know what really impressed me about the workers is how much they're self-motivated self-driven

resourceful and the thing that struck me what they want most is education

to learn because most of them come from very poor backgrounds.

CA: Một phút.[ Tiếng cười] LC: Bạn biết đấy những gì thực sự khiến tôi ấn tượng về người lao động là họ rất vị kỷ

tham vọng và tháo vát và điều khiến tôi hết sức bất ngờ là những gì mà họ muốn hầu hết là giáo dục

để học hỏi bởi vì hầu hết trong số họ đến từ các gia đình rất nghèo.

BG: The thing that strikes me about your proposals for rehabilitating growth and taking a different direction is that you're

kind of suggesting to fix capitalism with more capitalism-- with putting a price tag on good behavior as incentive or developing a bigger role for business in social issues.

BG: Điều làm tôi ngạc nhiên trong đề xuất của bạn về khôi phục tăng trưởng và đi theo một chiều hướng mới đó là hình như bạn đang đề

xuất chấn chỉnh chủ nghĩa tư bản bằng cách khuyến khích nó nhiều hơn-- gắn cho những hành vi sáng suốt một cái giá tiền để khích lệ chúng hay cải thiện vai trò của doanh nghiệp trong những vấn đề xã hội.

One thing that strikes me throughout the visit is the lack of medical facilities in this country.

One thing that strikes me about young teenage kids now is that they are much more accepting of difference.

One thing that strikes me is that new painting in galleries now looks very like street art.

One thing that strikes me about McInerney's image in that era is that he was only a "bad boy" in comparison to some perversely old-fashioned idea of the novelist.

One thing that strikes me about the last few years is how much my own generation has begun to tell its war stories, and its parents' war stories, to one another and to the world.

The New York Times - Magazine

MR. TENET -- I think that personally when I think about this, the one thing that strikes me that we all just let pass from the scene after the millennium threat was this fellow who tried to cross the border from Canada into the United States.

One thing that strikes me: teens don't like advertising, yet they want everything for free?

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