Tải the sims 4 cho mac

Tải the sims 4 cho mac

1.0 out of 5 stars Can't play, unusable product code.
Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2022

Figures that would happen from buying used. Can't play, the product code has already been redeemed and EA says your out of luck. My question is, why would you sell a game no one can play?! Disappointed to say the least. Returning, what a waste of time. Other than that it looked in good condition. Boooo

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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 20, 2015

The first thing I would like to make clear is that I am a Sims virgin. For 18 years I have been untainted by the highly played sandbox game, but everything changed on February 9th, 2015. My knowledge of the Sims universe is very limited, but I did my best to read up on the Sims 4 game as well as its predecessors. My review for the Sims 4 game is going to be very unique and may only appeal to one type of audience—I will not be comparing the Sims 4 game to the previous Sims 3 game like many other reviews before mine. My review will be just on Sims 4 and how much I did or did not enjoy it so that other people who are like me and have not played the Sims before can decide if they would like to purchase the Sims 4 or not. The purpose of my review is to reassure other “Sims Virgins” like myself, that you don’t have to have the knowledge of all three previous Sims games to enjoy (or not enjoy) Sims 4 and you don’t have to have much gaming experience either. All you need is a bucket-ton of imagination and a god-complex. (I’m just kidding about that god-complex.)
The day I started to play the Sims was the day that I realized how loosely I could define the word play. I am basically a god. I am the great god Zeus, constructing monuments that bring me pleasure and screwing with the mortal’s lives just for kicks and giggles. Needless to say I went a little crazy. I had no previous experience with past Sims games so everything was so new and vibrant to me (“what the heck are simoleons?”, “oh my gosh, how do I rotate the screen?”, “wait, wait, wait, wait! How do I put a roof on my house?”). The metaphor of me as a Greek god is as close as I can get to describe the experience. Well maybe a god who is also an exasperated parent (did you know Sims can’t go to the bathroom on their own? An adult man cannot use the toilet by himself and will wet his pants if not commanded by his creator to use the bathroom). For those who are unfamiliar with the Sims game (which most likely is a very small audience) you basically create a character, or two characters (in my case), or a family and you help them live life. You pick out their personalities, their traits, what they’re good at; you help them build up their skills (cooking, cleaning, singing, exercising…) until basically their death. In simplest terms, you’re playing house. Which, unfortunately, for me got boring pretty fast.
So you get a better idea of Sims 4 allow me to walk you through a typical day of my two Sims, Pepper and Teddy. Teddy wakes up around 6--well that depends on whether or not I put him to bed on time and whether or not it looks like his bladder will explode—after waking up I feed him breakfast (that I had him cook beforehand) then I send him off to work all by 7:00 am. Pepper will be woken up at 7:00 so she will have enough to time to shower, eat, and pee before school at 8:00. Then I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait until finally both my Sims return home at 3:00. Thank goodness for the fast forward button or I would be (even more) bored out of my mind! The tricky thing with time in the Sims is that it goes impossibly fast. So as soon as my Sims come home I make Pepper do her homework and Teddy make dinner or relax (depending on his mood--he can be really tense after working as a secret agent all day) its already 6:00 o’clock or so and I don’t have enough time to take them to the town or have them take a walk, basically I have them chat or watch TV or swim in the pool in their backyard (which is the size of a puddle practically—pools are expensive). Then they are off to bed by 9:00 pm. Keep in mind though that the day is absolutely full of random bathroom visits, showers/baths, eating and napping. Sims are extremely needy.
It’s hard rating a game on its level of fun. Fun is such an individualistic opinion. What I find fun might not be what everyone else finds fun. Any who, with that being said, I’m breaking my “play time” into three different parts so that I can show you the three different categories of “fun” you may or may not experience in Sims 4.
I began the game by creating my avatar. Well, I created two. For some reason I got it into my head that just playing with one avatar would be too boring, so I made two. Pepper Brown and Teddy Hoffman. My favorite part of the Sims was probably creating these two. I love dressing up characters and customizing them so I spent a lot of time in the “dressing room” making them perfect. Only I couldn’t make them as perfect as I wanted to. Sims 4 actually is pretty slim on hairstyles and clothing choices. Like their entire wardrobe looks like it was decked out by a couple of early 2000s pre teens. No one wears this kind of stuff! So, unfortunately, I had to send Pepper and Teddy into the world looking like disasters. The thing I didn’t quite understand is why they have such sparse fashion choices but a plethora of eyes to choose from, or noses, or even eyebrows. They had at least 20 eyes to scroll over that looked practically identical to the next.
The next part of the game was building. Building mode will become your friend. I spent close to two hours decking out my house from scratch—which I do not recommend. You have the option of making your own rooms or purchasing pre-built rooms and then maybe swapping some furniture in and out. I did the latter and let me tell you my wallet was not thanking me for it later. It was a lot of work and a lot of work for nothing. I assumed that my drones would make enough money for me to fix up my house later so I was pretty chill with starting out with my drab little house. Little did I know jobs in the Sims 4 world pay just as little as jobs in the real world. It’s been three weeks and I’ve never broke $2,000. My house still remains as cozy as a homeless man’s cardboard box. If you’re a first time Sims player, do yourself a favor and buy a pre-furnished house, you will thank yourself for it later.
The third part of the game was the actual play time. At first I was obsessed with getting my two Sims to interact with each other. I was hell bent on making them best friends. I got to choose their personalities when I was customizing them so I was busy with that trying to make them win certain achievements to get them to develop as a “person”, but after a while it all just got…boring. It was just all the same. I expected the Sims to be like some wonderful life, like the whole “oh I created an avatar so I can live through it and be what I always wanted to be”, but instead it was just like regular life (only worse, I never clean my bathroom sink as much as they do). There are certain parts that pop up that are fun (like your Sim falling in love, or your Sim getting a promotion, stuff like that), but there are also things that are just chores. Maybe it’s different for everyone, but about seven hours into the Sims I was pretty much already done with virtual Pepper and Teddy.
Okay imagine you wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, watch TV, maybe talk with your friends, go to bed, and then start all over in the morning! Oh, you’re not a student? Okay, imagine you wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV, maybe talk to your friends, go to bed, and then start all over in the morning! Sound like fun? Oh I forgot, on weekends you can go to the park that has absolutely nothing to do in it, go to a night club where all you do is dance, go to the museum and “view” art, or go to the gym and stink up the place. There we go, there’s the fun! That’s literally all you can do in “Sims World”, there’s nowhere else to go. You create this Sim and you feed it, care for it, bathe it, help it use the bathroom, send it to work/school, and help it achieve its dreams until it dies. That’s it. That’s the game. Well there’s a little more than that. Take Pepper for example. Pepper was given certain traits like ambition, criminal master-mind, and confidence (she’s based off of my dog) and throughout the game I am to help Pepper develop these skills so that she can use them to get ahead in life. So if I follow the rules the Sims game gives me I can level her up or earn Sims points that can go toward buying her new traits (like cleanliness or fertility). The same went for Teddy who had traits such as mischief, romance, and humor (he is based off of my best friend’s dog). After a while though I got bored of trying to level up these Sims. It was truly a grueling task. And I’m at it alone, they’re not trying to level up by themselves—it’s all up to me. I started to feel like a very put-up god. What was supposed to be the game’s fun value and playability became more like a chore and we all know how people feel about chores. However, the “fun” as well as the replay value is dependent on the individual. The replay value is tricky. Here’s the thing, you will always have the opportunity to start a new story and to create new characters who have different dreams and different goals. However, the chores most likely will remain the same, and the world itself won’t get bigger.
The story is Sims 4’s saving grace. It is seriously the best part of Sims 4. The story is what makes a Sims game a Sims game—it is its bestselling feature. The types of stories are endless (the story itself may be endless depending on how long you get your Sim to live). You can be anything you want or you can create anyone you want! You can personify your dogs for Pete’s sake! You are the god of your own universe. However, that is where Sims 4 has its limits, as stated in previous discussion. You may be the god of your own universe, but your universe basically consists of 3 neighborhoods, a town, and a park. So while the story may be unique, your experiences may not be since you are subject to the same old places each time you start out.
The main reason I chose to purchase Sims 4 instead of Sims 3 (which has way more extension packs and is generally more liked by the players than Sims 4) was because of the graphics. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sit through a game with poor (early 2000’s) graphics so I splurged and bought Sims 4. So…the graphics are good. They’re not great, but how can they be? It’s a sandbox game. They’re good enough. Not enough to make up for some other poorer aspects of the game, but like I can appreciate how the river behind my house looks like a river, and how the people actually look like people, and that pretty tree that blocks half of my house. Before purchasing Sims 4 I read up on it and found that Sims 4 was supposed to be more focused on the Sims so the game designers worked pretty hard to give your Sim as many expressions as they could. And in that regard they did a pretty bang-up job. The facial expressions are gold in this game. And not only the facial expressions but the whole body language. If Pepper is mad, you can tell she’s made from her head to her toes, from her scowled brow to her stomping feet.
The Sims 4 game is a constant battle between commanding your Sim to do something and waiting for them to do it. I may click on a dish from Teddy to clean up and wait for him to finish talking to Pepper, walk over to the table, pick up the plate, and wash it (this all can take a minute in real life and close to 5 minutes in Sims time). Even though it’s fun to watch Pepper and Teddy chat it can get pretty annoying when their too caught up with that that they forget to use the bathroom and get close to wetting themselves. The thing I enjoy most about the cut-scenes (which is also ironically one of the things I dislike the least) is the anticipation. I like telling Pepper to insult someone and wait for her voice to change to a mocking sneer and for her hand to fall on her hip. I like telling Teddy to kiss Pepper’s hand and wait for him to drop to his knees and confess his adoration for her. However I don’t like how I usually have to wait a good four minutes for this to happen. If a Sim is talking with three of more people they can get pretty distracted and forget to follow through with one of your commands.
If you’re an old time Sims player the controls are probably old news. If you’re a newbie like me it may cause you a bit of trouble. The thing is, the game doesn’t really ever explain the controls, and you kind of have to be smart enough to figure them out for yourself. The controls weren’t really a huge issue until you were done creating your minion and sat down to fix your house. It probably took me longer than average to figure out that if you hold right click and drag the mouse you can rotate the angle of the camera (at least from left to right), but other than that small tidbit everything else was pretty easy. The key to the controls is patience; and to be adventurous with the buttons on the mouse.
There is something I must warn every new user of. You’re radio is magic. Either that or its haunted. It literally never turns off. You can turn it off and seconds later it will turn itself back on. However, just because your radio is constantly playing doesn’t mean that you’re listening to its music. Most likely you’re listening to your Sims speak in Simlish (something that was hilarious the first few hours of game play and now grates on my ears) or listening to the little horn medley that plays every time you win an achievement. Be prepared to hand your life over to hearing that little jingle.
My overall opinion on Sims 4 is try it for yourself. I’m not you; I’m not sure what you like. For me I wasn’t satisfied with it, maybe that will change when I retry it, but I don’t know. If you want more adventure in your games and more activities to do, I suggest you do not get Sims 4. Sims 4 may have pretty rad graphics and Sims with fun, new personalities and such, but Sims 4 doesn’t have a lot of playability. I’m giving it a 3 out of 5—its good, but it unfortunately had the opportunity to be so much more.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on September 12, 2014

Let me start by saying i understand that people are upset thinking that there is less content. I was a bit worried about getting the sims4 because of reviews and everything they took out like alot of you. Luckily i had amazon points that i used to pay for most of the game.

Now for the game :
I started playing and enjoyed the create a sim, it was very clear and you can customize every body part basically. If you played the CAS demo there is a lot more clothing once you get the game by the way. Getting into the game I played for about 2 hours thinking is this it? But as i played on the game offers a lot more than it's first impression. You go to work and have to do certain tasks to get a promotion but they aren't as tedious as the sims 3 when it was just getting the same skill higher for the most part. For example as a painter you need to complete a painting as a daily task, you don't have to but it helps with your job performance. Then they're are also the requirements such as paint a abstract painting, research art references etc. Then you also have your ambition which so far seems to be seperate from your job, much like real life your ambition and your job may not go hand in hand or they may be similiar in category but require you to do different things to achieve or fufill each one. The game started to get good when i got my sim hitched and had a kid. I know some people are upset about the toddler phase taken away but I am not one of those people the growing up of your child in Sims 3 seemed so repetitive and honestly just a nuisance, clicking potty train or teach to walk a bunch of times got pretty boring to me. In the sims 4 you have a baby and you can age it up to a child whenever you feel like it by having a parent click on the baby and clicking age up. Unrealistic? Ya. But for me i hated the baby and toddler stages they weren't fun to have to play through for me. But if you like the baby stage you can keep them there if you wish.

Once i aged the baby into a child it was similiar to the sims 3 as you go to school and do homework. You are tasked with gaining skill to level 4 in 2 skills these are similiar to the adults as far as gaining the skill. (maybe a little easier). This is the point I am up to in the game. The best part for me has been this point, the game really shines when you have a household of 2 or more people the sims interaction seems more intuitive and flows very nicely. The multi tasking helps to keep the household alive when doing certain things instead of being cut off like in the sims 3.

Content and moods:
I know people are worried the game doesn't have alot to offer in the way of content and i was worried about this as well. Luckily i have found that it has alot of different elements to keep the game interesting. The different objects such as paintings, furniture etc. All influence your sims mood. The mood seems like some cheap gimmick when you are being told or shown what it is, but as you play the game the mood can drive the sims to do different activities and help them in their careers. I have so far discovered that if you are a painter if you are in a certain mood such as confident you can draw a confident painting and put it on the wall then depending on your skill it will increase the mood by that amount. The moods have different points which is hard to explain in review but it really helps in the game. Doing things your sim loves helps there mood much like in real life. If you love body building in real life it is the same in the Sims 4 you will have points going towards happy after a good workout and may have points going toward energized. But if your sim isnt that involved or skilled in working out they will get no fun from it, if they have a good workout they may get a point in happiness moodlet. It is hard to explain but all of the moods influence your sims to do different activities and each mood has certain perks and certain downfalls such as the sad or tense or angry mood.
They're are a range of different types of furniture and video games some that aren't invented today. As well as some things we do have today such as a tablet. If you buy a tablet your sims can put it in there inventory and walk around with it, use it on the toilet etc.

Graphics: i feel they are more cartoon but also more clear and crisp which means you can make a closer lookalike of a person but it will be more cartoonish, you can google comparisons of celebrities to characters people have made they seem pretty close.

Careers: Not a lot of career choices but at the same time the game has ambitions and other activities your character can do to make money in my opinion it would have been nice to have at least 3 more careers in there but it doesn't really hurt the game in my opinion since their is so much else to do in the game.

Ambitions: Ambitions seem accurate and to me i have no complaints about them.

Objects furniture decorations activities etc: I feel the game has alot of different objects i was unhappy that they only had 2 different kinds of carpets that look the same and not a very wide selection of colors considering they only have 2 kinds. Again not a big deal to me though. Other than this so far they have plenty of different types of things to choose from as far as ovens(you have to unlock one good oven with cooking) Gym equipment they have at least 5 different types and atleast 2 different unlockable punching bags from 2 different career paths. 4 or 5 different easels 3 are unlocked through painting career i believe. Different desks some you unlock through careers and give you mood bonus towards the mood that helps you in your career. And more obviously but i don't want to type anymore.

clothing: The clothing seems like there is not too much to choose from but i wouldnt say much less if it is less than the sims 3 had in it's base version.

Toddlers are smaller than adult just btw.

Hair styles: I won't lie i wish they had more to choose from but i think they have a wider range than the sim3 base version. Also if you like hats your hair can stick out the way it would in real life now instead of just disappearing under a cap.

Object placement: You can now put something on the wall higher than something else example you can put a mirror above a sink on the wall and then put lights above the mirror and if you have room on a higher wall you can put windows above those lights so on and so forth. This helps also when i was trying to fit things into a smaller room because of a tight budget. You can put things on a diagnol now which also can help with fitting furniture also just more realistic.

Building: I haven't spent alot of time building honestly but it is easier. I enjoyed building in the other sims this game seems like building will take less time to do. I ran into less (you cant do this because...) notices so far.

Interactions: More intuitive. More life like. Only problem is if you are having a one on one convo with someone other people may just join in on the conversation. Which is I guess more life like. Oh ya if you are married or have woohoo'd you wont get embarrassed when your partner walks in anymore. Other people you will be embarrassed for though.

I'm tired of typing.

The Sims 4 is alot more then it's first impression which at first i felt sucked. As you play it is very intuitive and flows a lot easier. I haven't been able to explain in great detail what makes this game better than the rest because i feel you really have to play it to understand. The game keeps you from wasting time on tedious things and seems to keep you more into the playful side of the game. In my opinion this so far is the best sims game i have played BUT I also feel that everyone has a different taste for what they're favorite is and may like the sims 3 more. Btw they also put in a option to turn off aging sims when they are not used or you can turn it on. Also yes you can't drive but it keeps you saving time. The load screens are maybe 6 seconds and keeps people from being tired out by the time you go out. It seems easier to have a night on the town without your sim getting upset which is nice, they throw less temper tantrums it seems.

Im sure there are other things i haven't mentioned but i'm not getting paid for this and i really don't feel a need to continue typing lol.
But i hope this has helped you in your decision. Also i couldn't get the game with points for the instant download or w.e. but if you buy the physical copy and have it sent to your house you can use points on that. You still have to install and get the patch it all and all took about 20-40 minutes for me.

Top reviews from other countries


Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on June 9, 2021

I feel so stupid for buying this because I could have just downloaded origin and buy Sims 4 for $8!!! It’s usually on sale online so please people, download origin, make an account and buy sims 4 on there and you can buy all the expansion packs as well. They are frequently on sale.


Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on September 3, 2021

The discs are useless if the product key has already been redeemed by the seller. I had EA customer service help to see if there was any way around it, because I know it will be returned and another hassle. So this game is very useless without the product key. The representative confirmed that they cannot grant another product key because only 1 product key per game, meaning this isn't meant to be sold at all. because we won't be able to use it.

5.0 out of 5 stars I did not like Sims 3

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on April 18, 2016

I did not like Sims 3. I don't know what they did to it, but I just couldn't stir up the interest to keep playing with it. I did love the toddlers, but my favorite has always been Sims 2. But with all my custom content, it would take hours to load.. then if it had an error, you had to start over. Add to that it did not run properly on my current version of windows.. Sad fail. But SIMS 4 loads fantastically fast. If there is an error or problem with my custom content I can just quit, fix the problem and I'm playing again in 5 minutes tops. FANTASTIC.

I love the new decor/building options and just how much your able to customize the game with Modded content. Don't know what to build or what sort of family to create to play with? Connect online and download someone else's creation. I don't always like to build, but I always love to decorate, so there are thousands of options of other people's houses built to re-decorate.

I do wish the game and it's add-ons were less expensive, as I'd love to have all of them, but it's something I can collect over time. I also wish they'd give us better control of content in game - the ability to delete ugly walls from within the game.. a feature I do miss from Sims 3.
All in all, Of all the games I've ever played.. Sims is the one I keep playing/returning to.

3.0 out of 5 stars A different feel, enjoyment probably subjective to player

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on December 4, 2018

I've been playing The Sims for 15 years now. I get each game when it comes out and always have. The thing about Sims is that it is a player built simulation, so the things that each player requires to make it fun vary drastically. For me personally, Sims 4 is one of the weaker of the base games they've put out. I thoroughly enjoyed Sims 3 and it's features, it was everything I had hoped for after playing Sims 1 and 2 for so long.

With that being said, I know many people who enjoy Sims 4 over Sims 3 any day. The possibilities for customizing your Sims and houses are endless. If customization and storytelling are priorities for you, then this may be the game for you. People's complaints through the first 3 Sims games were much directed at the fact that there were no goals. In Sims 3 EA tried to cater to this with many of the expansion packs adding adventures and new careers, but in Sims 4 they made it an integral part of the game. Sims moods directly effect everything and have influence over their day to day lives. There is always "something to do", which many players find brings life to the game.

At the end of the day, the open world and neighborhood story progression of Sims 3 are what keep me playing that game. Sims 4 is not bad, but it is a different game and a different idea. If the open world and story progression were added to The Sims 4 as a platform, I would rate it 5 stars. But these two integral things for me are missing. However, if those things aren't important to you, then this is your game.

1.0 out of 5 stars Ça marche pas, je crois que c'est de l'arnaque

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on February 18, 2021

J'ai commandé le produit, mais il n'a jamais fonctionné sur mon PC et le code dans la boîte avait déjà été utilisé. J'ai illustré le problème au vendeur qui m'a proposé de me fournir un nouveau code (c'est quoi il va juste ouvrir un autre boitier? Est-ce que c'est pour ça que le code de mon jeu ne fonctionnait pas, parce qu'il l'avait refilé à quelqu'un d'autre avant?). Finalement, bien que j'étais d'accord d'essayer avec un nouveau code, le vendeur ne m'en a jamais envoyé un. Je me suis pas contre dit que le produit allait fonctionner avec le disque sur MAC (pcq c'est écrit sur la boîte you know...), mais non, ça ne fonctionne pas plus. Je crois sincèrement que c'est une grosse arnaque tout ça malheureusement.