Từ vựng tiếng anh lớp 12 cơ bản

Từ vựng tiếng Anh [Vocabulary] đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng trong quá trình học tiếng Anh cơ bản cũng như Tiếng Anh nâng cao và tiếng Anh giao tiếp thông dụng. Song song với nắm chắc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản, việc mở rộng vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh giúp bạn đọc phát triển câu và vận dụng vào giao tiếp tiếng Anh hàng ngày hiệu quả.

Nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu học tiếng Anh của các em học sinh lớp 12, bên cạnh tài liệu Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 12.Cùng A+ English cung cấp đến các bạn học sinh từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 12 để cùng nhau ôn tập.

New Vocabulary Meaning in English Meaning in Vietnamese [ Student’s homework ]
general : [adj] considering or including the main  features or elements of something, and  disregarding exceptions; overall.
category: [n] a class or division of people or things  regarded as having particular shared  characteristics.
common:[adj] ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without  special rank or position.
  particular:[adj] used to single out an individual  member of a specified group or class.
survey: [n] a general view, examination, or  description of someone or something.
percentage:[n] a rate, number, or amount in each  hundred.
structure: [n] the arrangement of and relations  between the parts or elements of  something complex.
  summary[v] give a brief statement of the main  points of [something].
Network [n] a group or system of interconnected  people or things..
figure [n] a number, especially one which forms  part of official statistics or relates to the  financial performance of a company.
relevant [adj] closely connected or appropriate to  what is being done or considered.
select [v] carefully choose as being the best or  most suitable.
report [v] give a spoken or written account of  something that one has observed,  heard, done, or investigated.
browse [v] give a spoken or written account of  something that one has observed,  heard, done, or investigated.
general : [adj] considering or including the main  features or elements of something, and  disregarding exceptions; overall.
category: [n] a class or division of people or things  regarded as having particular shared  characteristics.
common:[adj] ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without  special rank or position.
  particular:[adj] used to single out an individual  member of a specified group or class.
survey: [n] a general view, examination, or  description of someone or something.
percentage:[n] a rate, number, or amount in each  hundred.
structure: [n] the arrangement of and relations  between the parts or elements of  something complex.
  summarise:[v] give a brief statement of the main  points of [something].
network [n] a group or system of interconnected  people or things..
figure [n] a number, especially one which forms  part of official statistics or relates to the  financial performance of a company.
sculpture: [v] the art of making two- or three dimensional representative or abstract  forms, especially by carving stone or  wood or by casting metal or plaster.
performance :[n] an act of staging or presenting a play,  concert, or other form of entertainment.
Recommend[v] put forward [someone or something]  with approval as being suitable for a  particular purpose or role.
digital: [adj] [of signals or data] expressed as series  of the digits 0 and 1, typically  represented by values of a physical  quantity such as voltage or magnetic  polarization.
conjunction :[n] a word used to connect clauses or  sentences or to coordinate words in the  same clause [e.g. and, but, if ].
coordination :[n] the organization of the different  elements of a complex body or activity  so as to enable them to work together  effectively.
self- motivation:  [n]the reason or reasons one has for acting  or behaving in a particular way.
. gallery [n] a room or building for the display or  sale of works of art. “an art gallery”
statement [n] a definite or clear expression of  something in speech or writing.
development [n] the process of developing or being  developed.
improve [v] make or become better.
government [n] the governing body of a nation, state, or  community.
facility [n] a place, amenity, or piece of equipment  provided for a particular purpose.
excellent [adj] extremely good; outstanding.
correct [n] free from error; in accordance with fact  or truth.
  entertainment the action of providing or being  provided with amusement or  enjoyment.
represent [v] be entitled or appointed to act or speak  for [someone], especially in an official  capacity.
cautious: [adj] [of a person] careful to avoid potential  problems or dangers.
contain:[v] have or hold [someone or something]  within.
  supportive:[adj] providing encouragement or emotional  help.
manage : [v] be in charge of [a company,  establishment, or undertaking];  administer; run.
misbehave :[v] [of a person, especially a child] fail to  conduct oneself in a way that is  acceptable to others; behave badly.
  beneficial: [adj] favorable or advantageous; resulting in  good.
efficient: [adj] [especially of a system or machine]  achieving maximum productivity with  minimum wasted effort or expense.
terrible: [adj] extremely or distressingly bad or  serious.
strict [adj] exact in correspondence or adherence  to something; not allowing or admitting  deviation or relaxation.
behave [v] act or conduct oneself in a specified  way, especially toward others.
rule [n] a principle that operates within a  particular sphere of knowledge,  describing or prescribing what is  possible or allowable. “the rules of grammar”
fluctuate: [v] rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.
remain: [v] continue to exist, especially after other  similar or related people or things have  ceased to exist.
stable: [adj] not likely to change or fail; firmly  established.
decrease :[v] make or become smaller or fewer in  size, amount, intensity, or degree.
increase: [v] become or make greater in size,  amount, intensity, or degree.
rapidly: [adv] very quickly; at a great rate.
slightly:[adv] to a small degree; not considerably.
gradually:[adv] in a gradual way; slowly; by degrees.
predict: [v] say or estimate that [a specified thing]  will happen in the future or will be a  consequence of something.
slight [adj] small in degree; inconsiderable.
effect: [n] a change which is a result or  consequence of an action or other  cause.
proportion: [n] a part, share, or number considered in  comparative relation to a whole.
format: [n] the way in which something is  arranged or set out.
fraction:[n] a small or tiny part, amount, or  proportion of something.
fiction: [n] literature in the form of prose,  especially short stories and novels,  that describes imaginary events and  people.
comedy[n] professional entertainment consisting  of jokes and satirical sketches,  intended to make an audience laugh.
percentage [n] any proportion or share in relation to  a whole.
quarter [n] each of four equal or corresponding  parts into which something is or can  be divided.
documentary [n] [of a movie, a television or radio  program, or photography] using  pictures or interviews with people  involved in real events to provide a  factual record or report.
  destination: [n] the place to which someone or  something is going or being sent.
negative: [adj] consisting in or characterized by the  absence rather than the presence of  distinguishing features.
positive : [adj] consisting in or characterized by the  presence or possession of features or  qualities rather than their absence.
  damage:[v] physical harm caused to something in  such a way as to impair its value,  usefulness, or normal function.
affect:[v] have an effect on; make a difference to.
steadily:[adv] in a regular and even manner.
represent:[v] be entitled or appointed to act or speak  for [someone], especially in an official  capacity.
wealthy: [n] having a great deal of money,  resources, or assets; rich.
possession:[n] the state of having, owning, or  controlling something.
income: [n] money received, especially on a  regular basis, for work or through  investments.
approach:[v] come near or nearer to [someone or  something] in distance or time.
region: [n an area or division, especially part  of a country or the world having  definable characteristics but not  always fixed boundaries.
poverty:[n] the state of being extremely poor.
opinion:[n] a view or judgment formed about  something, not necessarily based on  fact or knowledge.
contrast:[v] compare in such a way as to  emphasize differences.
aspect :[n] a particular part or feature of  something.
viewpoint: [n] A point of view, opinion about s.th 
Standard[n] a level of quality or attainment.
Tax[n] a compulsory contribution to state  revenue, levied by the government  on workers’ income and business  profits, or added to the cost of some  goods, services, and transactions.
measurement:[n] the action of measuring something.
damage: [v] inflict physical harm on  [something] so as to impair its  value, usefulness, or normal  function.
pollution: [n] the presence in or introduction into  the environment of a substance or  thing that has harmful or poisonous  effects.
separate: [adj] forming or viewed as a unit apart or  by itself.
expand: [v] become or make larger or more  extensive.
diagram [n] a simplified drawing showing the  appearance, structure, or workings  of something; a schematic  representation.
eventually [adv] in the end, especially after a long  delay, dispute, or series of  problems.
chemical [adj] relating to chemistry, or the  interactions of substances as studied  in chemistry.
scientist [n] a person who is studying or has  expert knowledge of one or more of  the natural or physical sciences.
disaster [n] a sudden event, such as an accident  or a natural catastrophe, that causes  great damage or loss of life.

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