united states of america là gì - Nghĩa của từ united states of america

united states of america có nghĩa là

A piece of land below Canada and above Mexico. Leave all the political bullshite out of it and that is just what it is, a piece o' land.


Jane: uh, what's that place above Mexico called again???
Carl: the united states of america

united states of america có nghĩa là

FTR Canada is actually the best friend of the United States of America as opposed to that "great piece of crap" up north. And also for the most part Canadians and Americans do like each other so this "bitching" you so talk about doesn't really apply except to minority groups.


Person 1: What's that great piece of crap up north?

Person 2: That's no piece of crap at all loser, that's Canada the best friend of the United States of America.

Person 1: OK

united states of america có nghĩa là

The opposite of the Confederate States of America.


Now I feel half ashamed of living here.

united states of america có nghĩa là

Oh god don't get me started on the USA! It's the worst country in the world. Around 3% of them are normal people. The 97% are one or more of the following: "gangstas", racists, gang bangers, dumbasses, over patriotic! Everybody hates america! And they especially hate George Bush. He's ruined that country! Iraq, 9/11, 7/7 all because of USA!


English Representative: Hey ur from the united states of america aint ya! See we english don't speak posh and retarded like we do in ur films!

American Representative: Oh yea. Oh well i am too dumb to think your normal!

united states of america có nghĩa là

A beautiful nation, with many diverse people living together. The fact that we can openly critisize and make rediculous claims about the government freely is what makes USA such a wonderful nation. Many people bash America as it seems the "cool" and "popular" thing to do. Ofcourse America isn't perfect, but it's going well, and has been doing tremendously--especially for it's youth. America fought a long battle against racism, and everyone's rights are equal and protected, yet there is still underlying racism among some people.


The United states of america, despite it's problems, has many diverse citizens, and is overall a great country for anyone to visit.

united states of america có nghĩa là

A very large country in North America who consider themselves best in the world. But they are not. All presidents come from rich family because to be president, you need to be rich. If someone criticizes this country, they become angry and say things like "you're just jealous," why the hell would we be jealous of a place where you can't go faster than 55 without being pulled over and everyone solves disputes by waving guns around. They say that they saved the UK's arse [yes "arse" not "ass" ass is a donkey] from invasion in WW2 even though we'd saved our own two years before the US joined when the RAF won the Battle of Britain. They refuse to use the metric system or spell colour properly, full stop [no, not period, that's the blood that comes out a woman every month or so]. The US asked us to go to Iraq with them and we did but they thanked us by repeated "friendly" fire. Now they want to pull out and leave us dealing with the mess they created. America think they can push every other country around and most prime ministers obviously agree. If i were prime minister, i'd tell the rich, stupid president a thing or two. For a start, they would have to get their planes the hell out of the UK and our overseas territories!
In conclusion, wouldn't it be great if the government of America collapsed and they could stop being such a hindrance to peace and happiness.


"Hey, lets go to the united states of america for our holiday"
"god no, do you want to get shot?"

united states of america có nghĩa là

A nation consisting of 98% intellegent, decent, hard working individuals who are easy to work with or talk to and make pleasant company. Unfortunately, 2% are ethnocentric, racist, and very loud, thereby giving a huge black eye to the balance of the polulation. The second largest country by land mass in the western hemisphere. Currently being repeatedly humilated by the lies and corrupt practices of thier leadership.


I like the United States of America, but I wouldn't want to live there.

united states of america có nghĩa là

Great country that is constantly bitched about by stupid europeans, despite the fact that we saved their sorry asses during WWII. Were it not for the USA, europe would be controlled by Nazis, asia by the USSR and oter communist regimes. Fuck all you stupid U.S haters. We shed blood for your sorry ass and this is how you thank us.


The United States of America continues to help other countries, despite all the bullshit we get from them

united states of america có nghĩa là

the best country in the world. everything in the world is based off of what the united states does. i dont care if you think this country is shit. without us, the world would have nothing and for the people that live in here and hate it, get the hell out. we dont want you if youre gonna bitch about how much you hate this country while youre liveing in it.


guy1: the united states of america sucks guy2: get the hell out. stop complaining.

united states of america có nghĩa là

Undeniably the best country on the planet. Americans enjoy many rights that most other countries don't have. It sickens me to hear the conspiracy theorists and "non-conformists" complain about the corruption and problems with the United States. If it's so bad, then just leave and stop complaining. I mean those people would obviously rather be as far away from the United States as possible instead of living here. Apparently the worst country in the world allows you to bitch and moan as much as you want, keeps you from going hungry, and keeps you safe from people who threaten our freedom. Try finding that in the Middle East and tell me how it goes.

This isn't meant to bash other countries but the citizens of the U.S. that take the freedoms presented to them for granted every day of their lives.


Non-conformist: This country is filled with corruption and hate in the government, and it's holding me down. We live in a horrible country.

Me: Then why don't you leave the United States of America?

Non-conformist: "..."

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