Which action would the nurse perform when a client is in ventricular fibrillation?

QuestionAnswerA nurse hears S3 in a patient c/o of swelling in her legs, this indicates to the nurse that the patient may be experiencing? hypervolemia. What would indicate to a nurse that a patient has hypervolemia? rapid bounding pulse, ↑BP, S3, DJV. Patients with hypervolemia that has progressed w/o tx causes their? BP to fall and cardiac output to drop. a patient with hypervolemia has edema in perpheral tissues, with this information the nurse knows that this patient is displaying? Right sided heart failure. describe right sided heart failure? blood When auscultating a patients lungs and heart sounds A patient with crackles in lungs, non productive cough, falling BP hence reduced CO, & additional heart sounds of S3 the nurse suspects? drug is angina prophylaxis for acute attacks acts by reducing vascular resistance nitroglycerin.(-nitrate) drug ending (-olol), is anginal prophylaxis that reduces oxygen demand beta blockers. patient comes in wtih chest pain radiating from jaw, should, epigastric, has headache, flushing, weakness, hypotension & nausea the nurse would suspect and anticipate ? angina and prescription of nitroglycerin (-nitrate). patient comes in with angina, c/o fatigue, lethargy, hallucinating, BP 60, showing signs of HF & wheezing, but refuses to take their meds because of ED the nurse recognizes that the med they are on is? a beta blocker (-olol). drug used as angina prophylaxis that inhibits calcium influx ends with (-dipine & -zem) calcium channel blocker. Patient comes in with c/o of angina that is dizzy, has hypotension, syncope spells, peripheral edema, hypokalemia, dysrhythmias & HF is on calcium channel blockers (-dipine, -zem). angina is caused my heart ischemia, which med would be used for acute angina and why? nitroglycerin (-nitrates) b/c it causes dilation of coronary arteries-->allowing more O2 to get to heart. for long term management of stable angina what antianginal drug would be used and why? a beta blocker (-olol) b/c it acts by controlling vasoconstriction. chest discomfort/pain when O2 demand exceeds supply eg exercise is a sign of? angina. relationship of kidneys to cardiac? CO ↓--> ↓urinary output (minimal to function 30ml/hr) sign of cardiac problem temporary deficient blood flow is called? ischemia. causes of ischemia are? atherosclerosis, CAD, HTN, coronary artery spasm, hypertrophic cardiomayopathy. pain caused by angina? heavy, squeeze, burning, choking, aching, feeling apprehension, radiating L. arm up to jaw, & r. shoulder precipitated by exercise, cold, heavy meal, stress &sex.and usually relieved by rest or nitro chest pain no relieved by nitro is ? not angina, could be MI. patient comes w/heavy squeezing pain when exercising, has tachycardia & palpitations, spells of syncope& dyspnea, diaphoretic, N.V.weak & pale, heart sounds are dysrhythmic, nurse suspects client is suffering from & anticipates prescription of? Angina that will be treated w/ nitroglycerin, -nitrates, beta -olol, or ca, blockers (-dipine, -zem). Patient in hospital being monitored with ECG, nurse realizes when patient gets up the ECG st seg depresses and the T wave inverts, indicating to the nurse that the patient may have? angina (ischemic events ocuuring upon exertion. Patient taking stress test w/ecg shows st segment depression & patient get hypotension from laying, sitting, and standing 20mmhg differences, the diagnostic info shows that? patient is suffering from angina. what do nurses do for a patient with angina? stay with, OPQRST assessment (pain is constant), tell to rest semifowler, 12lead ECG check then give nitro, admin O2 (2-3L), IV access (saline lock), continually monitor ECG. Modifiable risk factors for angina are hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol, HTN, smoking which all cause inflammation, what non pharmacological nursing intervention can be applied to this patient? Nurse can refer patient to the simple 7 diet plan or dr weils antiinflammatory diet. what does coronary artery disease lead to? MI, HF, SCD, & angina. which disease is the leading cause of death in western society claims 5000,000 women a year? CAD coronary artery disease. Dx studies ECG for CAD & angina shows? ECG (ST depress, T invert) DX study of cardiac enzymes for CAD or angina shows? tropinin I & T would be normal w/angina, I <.03, T <.20,( above --> MI), CK- MB, would be normal with angina M 55-170 F: 30-135 u/L,( above 0-->MI). An angiogram for angina can detect? coronary artery spasms. A Dx study for CAD that will detect blockages in the coronary artery by puncturing groin to put balloon in to dilate stenosed artery is called? cardiac catheterization. a normal Q wave, St elevation and T wave inversion is an indication of? Infarction, cardiac death. A normal Q wave, with St elevation and normal Twave is an indication of? injury to heart, beginnings of MI. A normal Q wave,, ST depression, normal T wave is an indication of ? angina, ischemic event w/o damage occurring yet. A normal QRS but inverted T wave is an indication of? Angina, ischemic event but w/o damage occurring yet. One of the major causes of CAD is? atherosclerosis. Modifiable Risk factors for angina & CAD? Hyperlipidemia↑lipids, triglycerides >150, HTN, smoking, obese, inactive, DM or stress. Clinical manefestations of CAD and results in Angina? coronary artery occlusion reduces blood flow & ↓O2 to heart muscle causing ischemic event. definition of angina and usually caused by? need for O2 demand exceeds supply usually caused by atherosclerosis (narrowing of arterioles), coronary artery spasm, or anything ↑O2 consumption or stress. Goal of tx for Angina? to tx like MI, stay w/pt, provide relief give O2 (2-3L), semi fowler, rest, ECG then nitro. prevent progression to MI Tx for stable angina? rest and nitro, 1 subling q5min up to 15min (3subling) not relieved call 911. definition of stable angina? predictable, temporary & reversible pain, exertional angina & relief when rested, from heart hypoxic (occluded); ↑O2 demand & ↓O2 supply, deprives heart of O2 & glucose (aerobic metab) -->lactic acid accum), ST or T↓;pain radiates arm-jaw. definition of unstable Angina? preinfarction angina possibly going to have MI (911), is unpredictable unrelieved by rest, increases over time or does not respond to nitro, no stress but getting the pain. nursing Dx for CAD/angina are? Pain r/t ↓O2, ineffective tissue perfusion r/t ↓O2 supply, decreased CO r/t, anxiety r/t nonspecific fear apprehension, ineffective regimen r/t ED, high cost or no medicare D. definition of variant (prinzmetal/vasospastic) angina & results from coronary artery spasms (arteryspasm shut) b/c of ↑ca influx, can occur at rest b/c ↑O2 demand during REM & if smoker, menopausal women get assoc w/low estrogen, ECG ST elevated, (occur w/o CAD) usually patient has migraines or Raynauds. Definition of silent angina? asymptomatic ischemia, diabetics get b/c neuropathy can have MI w/o knowing so use Holter monitor to see. definition of intractable/refractory angina chronic, incapacitating that is unresponsive to tx medications to tx CAD & angina? nitrates, blockers (ca--> -dipine, -zem, beta (-olol), ace inhibit -pril) cholesterol lowering -statin, antiplatlets NSAIDS. describe pain associated w/CAD and angina? pain mild/mod substernal, squeezing, crushing, in arm to jaw & back, pain uneffected by breathing, usually 5 min up to 15-20min & releived by rest or nitro.(if not relieved from nitro not angina) S/S caused by CAD or angina? pain, dyspnea, pallor, diaphoric, palpitation, tachy, dizzy, suncope, HTN, GI upset. which Medications can be used to treat HTN, CAD, and angina are? blockers Calcium (-dipine, -zem) & beta -olol, ace inhibitors (-pril). prehypertension BP 120-139 /80-89mm hg. stage 1 HTN 140-159/90-99 mmhg. Stage 2 HTN >160/>100 mmhg. HTN has a direct relationship w/CVD and it increases risk of? MI (men), RF, HF, CVA (women), & dementia, b/c ↑BP causes damage to organs. HTN is highest in the world for? african americans & developes @ younger age (poss from higher risk of diabetes), men most b4 55 & get MI, women get CVA, women same rate as men after menopause b/c ↓estrogen. African americans with HTN are treated with what medications and why? calcium channel blockers (-dipine, -zem) b/c Ace inhibitors (-pril) work on RAAS (renin) which they produce less than whites.African & asian using -pril (ace) are at high risk of angioedema & dry cough too. first line of tx for HTN is? and why? -thiazides, b/c gentler than loop diuretics & decrease fluid volume. patients states that they have pain in legs when walking is a hallmark sign of? atherosclerosis. Are you the sort of questions. Which population is at higher risk for dying from myocardial infarction? African American female which preprocedure information should be taught to the female client having an exercise stress test in the morning? Do not eat anything for hours before b/c risk of aspiration& inaccurate test results. Which intervention should the nurse implement with the client diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy? Prepare the client for coronary artery bypass graftb/c will end up with end-stage heart failure, it's the only treatment. Which patient problems. Should the nurse included in the plan of care for a patient diagnosed with cardiomyopathy? HF. The client has an implantable cardioverter D fib, which discharge instructions should the nurse teach the client? Cell phones interfere with function if placed too close. 2. What areas should the nurse place the stethoscope to best the skull tape the apical pulse? mitral valve (apex) 5ICS mid-clav line. What areas should the nurse placed the stethoscope to hear the aortic valve? R 2ICS sternal boarder, base of heart. What areas should the nurse placed the stethoscope to hear the Pulmonic it valve? L 2ICS sternal. What areas should the nurse placed the stethoscope to hear the tricuspid valve? 3ICS Lsternal. Nurse notes a peak tea weight for the client diagnosed with HF, which lab data should the nurse assess? Potassium b/c a tall peak tea ways indicates hyperkalemia. The client comes to the emergency department, saying, I am having a heart attack. What question is most pertinent when assessing the client? Can you describe the pain b/c if it is MI, the pain will feel like an elephant on chest, squeezing, radiating from jaw to arm & ST elevated & T wave inverted indicating damage. Patient with CAD prescribed transdermal nitroglycerin a coronary vasodilator, which behavior indicates client understands discharge teaching concerning med? Client removes old patch before placing new, transdermal nitro should be placed on hairless skin, changed every 12 to 24 hours, & old removed 1st. Client most likely be misdiagnosed for having MI? 40yr Hispanic female w/normal cardio gram b/c atypical symptoms with normal ECG. Which mill would indicate the client understands the discharge teaching concerning recommended diet for CAD? Baked fish, steamed broccoli and garden salad because it's a low-fat and high-fiber diet, b/c ↑cholesterol's and triglycerides causes plaque. UAP tells primary nurse that client diagnosed with CAD is having chest pain, what action should nurse take first? Go to the room and assess the clients to for chest pain, assessment is the first, and pains priority. Which intervention should the nurse discuss with the client diagnosed with CAD? Stop smoking, exercise three days a week (to produce collateral circulation &↓ Anxiety & weight loss), teach about nitroglycerin med. Being a coronary vasodilator. Which lab data confirms the diagnosis of HF? B – type natriuretic peptide (BNP norm: <100mcg) >100mcg b/c hormone released by cardiac muscle in response to changes in blood volume & ↓CO, dx & grades diastolic HF in pt w/dyspnea. Priority problem in patient diagnosed with HF? decreased cardiac output b/c responsible for all signs and symptoms associated with HF, eventually causes death. Which data would cause the nurse, to question administering digoxin to a client diagnosed with HF? Potassium level 3.2mEq/L, b/c hypoKalemia potentiates digoxin toxicity causing cardiac dysrhythmias. Nurse on cardiac floor, what client would the nurse assess first? The client diagnosed with me. Control valve prolapse with an audible as three sound b/c indicates development of left-sided heart failure, and emergent situation. The nurses told in report. The client has aortic stenosis, which anatomical position should the nurse assess murmur? 2ICS R sternal because aortic valve is heard best. Caring for patient who goes into ventricular tachycardia. What's the first intervention? Assess the client for a pulse b/c nurse have to determine if client has a pulse, no pulse tx w/ ventricular fib, w/ pulse tx w/ med. What's the best medication to give a diabetic with HTN? Ace inhibitors (– pril). Client admitted to ER, nurse suspects cardiac problem. Which assessment, intervention should nurse implement? Attach telemetry monitor, start saline lock R. Arm, order 12 lead ECG stat b/c any time cardiac problem suspected: need assess heart w/ECG, emergency meds anticipated start saline lock in R. AG evaluates conductivity of the heart. Patient 3 hour post MI, what data I would warrant immediate intervention by the nurse? Cool, clammy, diaphoretic skin indicates cardiogenic shock. Nurse transcribing doctor's order for client with HF, order reads 2.5 MG of Lanoxin daily, which action should the nurse implement? Discuss the order with doc b/c Lanoxin is digoxin, dosages should be 10 to 15 MCG/kg, or maintenance dosage 125 two 350 MCG divided 1 to 2 doses, hence, dosage order is 10 times the amount which is lethal. definition of variant (prinzmetal/vasospastic) angina & results from coronary artery spasms (arteries spasm shut) b/c ↑Ca influx, can occur @ rest REM b/c ↑O2 demand & if smoker, menopausal women get assoc w/ ↓estrogen, ECG shows ST elevated, (occur w/o CAD) usually patient has migraines or Raynauds. Tx for variant (prinzmetal/vasospastic angina) would be? slow calcium influx down w/ calcium channel blockers (-dipine, -zem) and nitrates, quite smoking, for women menopausal tx w/estrogen b/c estrogen keeps receptors open on cells preventing spasms. patient admitted to telemetry unit dx w/ acute exacerbation of HF,s/s would've nurse expect to find when assessing the client? Apical pulse rate of 110 and pitting edema a feet 4+ b/c HF exhibits tachycardia (apical pulse 110) . Dependent edema, fatigue, F3 sounds, lung congestion, and change in mental status. Developing a care plan for patient diagnosed with HF, nurse dx of ↓ CO r/t inability of the heart pump effectively, what short-term goal would be best for this client? Client will have an audible S1 & S2 w/ no as three heard by end of shift. b/c as three indicates L. Ventricular failure life-threatening. Nurse developing discharge teaching plan for patient diagnosed with HF. What intervention should be included in the plan? Teach how to count radial pulse when taking digoxin (cardiac glycoside) b/c should not take digoxin if radial pulse is < 60, & remove salt shaker b/c needs to be on low-sodium diet to prevent water retention. Nurse enters room. Patient diagnosed with HF lying in bed, gasping for air, is cool, and clammy, has buccal cyanosis, what intervention should the nurse implement first? Assist the client to sitting position Fowlers b/c ↓ Workload of heart & ↓ Venous return --> lung expansion. Nurse assessing client diagnosed with HF . What s/s would indicate that treatment has been effective? Client is able to perform ADLs without dyspnea indicates heart is more effectively pumping and can oxygenate the body better without increasing fluid in the lungs nurse assessing client with HF. What lab data indicates client is in severe HF? Elevated B type natriuretic peptide (BNP), BNP >100mcg indicates HF, higher the number the more severe. Normal values of BNP: b . Type natruiretic peptide? <100mcg. Doc ordered angiotensin converting enzyme Ace (-pril) for patientdx with HF. What discharge instructions should the nurse include? Teach the client how to prevent orthostatic hypotension b/c it occurs as a result of vasodilation, rise slow, sit on bed until equilibrium is restored. Telemetry nurse just received PM shift report, what client should nurse assess first? A client diagnosed with MI, who has audible S3 sound b/c indicates L. Heart failure, which is emergent. Nurse and UAP caring for clients on telemetry unit, which nursing task would be best for the UAP? Help position the client was having a portable x-ray done b/c this does not require judgment. The charge nurses making shift assignments for the medical floor. What client should be assigned to the most experienced registered nurse? Client with pulse rate of 116, rr 26, BP 94/62 b/c exhibitss/s of shock which makes client the most unstable, experienced nurse should care for. Client diagnosed with HF complaining of leg cramps at night. What nursing intervention should be implemented? Monitor clients potassium level & assess client intake bananas, orange juice b/c most probable cause of leg cramping is potassium excretion. As a result of diuretic medications & bananas and orange juice are high in potassium. And how come goal: Demonstrates tolerance for increased activity", for patient dx w/ HF. What intervention should the nurse implement to assist client to achieve this outcome? Planned for frequent rest periods b/c scheduling activities & rest periods allows the client to participate in own care & addresses desired outcome. which cardiac enzyme with the nurse expect to be elevated first in patient diagnosed with MI? Troponin b/c elevated within one to two hours, troponin I gives best picture, elevates faster and stays longer. The three cardiac enzymes that become elevated after MI are? CK Mb, troponin I & T, myoglobin. Along with persistent, crushing, chest pain, what s/s would make the nurse suspect that the client is experiencing MI? Diaphoresis and cool clammy skin b/c diaphoresis indicates systemic reaction to MI, the body basso constricts to shunt blood from the periphery to the trunk of the body this is in turn leads to cold, clammy skin. Client diagnosed with rule out MI is experiencing chest pain while walking to the bathroom. What action should the nurse implement first? Sit down immediately b/c stopping all activity will ↓ Need for 02 and help↓ Chest pain. Nurse caring for client diagnosed with MI who is experiencing chest pain. What intervention should the nurse implement? Give oxygen (2-3L) ↓ ischemia ↓ pain & admin aspirin b/c antiplatelet decreases inflammation. Client had MI admitted to telemetry unit for intensive care. Which referral would be most appropriate for this client? Cardiac rehabilitation, they can start my hospital didn't do outpatient, includes progressive exercise, diet, teaching, and classes on modifying risk factors. Patient one day. Postop coronary artery bypass surgery c/o pain. Which intervention should the nurse implement first? Assess dressing and vital signs, b/c it must always assess the client to determine if the chest pain is from expected. Postop or if it's a complication of surgery. Client dx w/ MI is six hours post PTCA (balloon surgery). Which assessment data would require immediate intervention by the nurse? The client is complaining of numbness in the right foot; Any neurovascular assessment data that are abnormal require intervention by the nurse numbness indicates decreased blood supply to the right foot. Intensive care department nurse is assessing client who has 12 hours post MI. nurse assesses and as three sound, which intervention should the nurse implement? Elevated head of bed b/c as three sound indicates L. then curricular failure. It should be reported to doctor. It's life-threatening. Nurse is administering a calcium channel blocker (-dipine, -zem) to patient diagnosed with MI. what assessment data would cause the nurse to question administering this medication? BP 90/62 b/c the clients blood pressure is low and a calcium channel blocker could cause the blood pressure to bottom out. Client diagnosed with MI is on bed rest, the UAP is encouraging the client to move the legs. Which action should the nurse implement? Praise the UAP for encouraging the client to move the legs, b/c client on bed rest are at risk for deep vein thrombosis and move the legs will help prevent this from occurring. Client diagnosed with MI asked the nurse. Why I have to rest and take it easy?, My chest doesn't hurt anymore, what statement from the nurse would be the best response? Your heart is damaged and needs about 4 to 6 weeks to heal: heart tissue is dead, stress or activity may cause HF, it takes about six weeks for scar tissue to form. Patient has just returned from cardiac catheterization which assessment data would warrant immediate intervention from the nurse? Client refusing to keep the legs straight, if the client ventilated because the insertion site bleed. This is arterial blood in the client could bleed to death very quickly, so this requires immediate intervention. client diagnosed with CAD and is prescribed sublingual nitroglycerin. What statement indicates client needs for teaching? If my chest pain is not gone with one tablet I'll go to ER: if chest pain occurs, take one tablet every 5 min. and if no relief occurs after the third tablet have somebody driving to the emergency department or call 911. Mel client is diagnosed with CAD, prescribed sublingual nitroglycerin. What indicates to the client that the Nitro is working? Tingling or burning under the tongue. Client with CAD asked the nurse. Why do I get chest pain?, What statement would be the most appropriate response by the nurse? Chest pain is caused by decreased oxygen to the heart muscle: when the coronary arteries can not supply adequate oxygen to the heart muscle causes chest pain. Patient scheduled for right for moral cardiac catheterized Asian. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement after the procedure? The nurse must make sure that the blood is circulating to the right late, assess for pulses, parathesia, paralysis, coldness, pallor; so the nurse should assess the clients neurovascular status. Nurse preparing to administer beta blocker (olol, lol) to client diagnosed with CAD. What assessment data would cost the nurse to question administering the med? Apical pulse of 56 b/c beta blockers decrease sympathetic stimulation to the heart, ↓ HR. Pulse <60 indicates lower than normal HR & beta blocker will make it worse. Which intervention should the nurse implement when administering a loop diuretic (lasix, furo- semide) to client diagnosed with CAD? Assess serum potassium level b/c loop diuretics is potassium wasting, lost in urine, if patient is hypokalemia do not administer. Which client teaching should the nurse implement for client diagnosed with CAD? Low-fat ↓plaque in arteries , high-fiber diet removes cholesterol through G.I., stress reduction helps prevent excessive stress on heart muscle. Elderly client has CAD, what question should the nurse asked during client teaching? Are you sexually active?, It's a risk factor for angina resulting from CAD. Nurse discussing importance of exercise with client diagnosed with CAD. What intervention should the nurse implement? Do not walk outside. If it is less than 40°: when it's cold outside vasoconstriction occurs and this will decrease oxygen to the heart. Therefore client should not exercise when it's cold outside. Nurses discussing angina with a client who is diagnosed with CAD. What action should didn't client take first when experiencing angina? Stop the activity immediately and rest: stopping the activity and three creases the hearts need for oxygen and may help decrease angina. Client with CAD is prescribed Holter monitor. One intervention should the nurse implement? Instruct the client to keep a diary of activity, esp when having chest pain: Holter is 24 HR ECG pt must keep accurate record of activity so doctor can compare ECG w/different levels of activity. What statement by the client diagnosed with CAD indicates that the client understands the discharge teaching concerning his diet? I will bake or grill any meat I eat: b/c avoid fried food especially meats and bake, broil or grill any meat. The charge nurses making assignment patients on a cardiac unit, what client should the nurse assigned to a new graduate nurses? A 75yr old client scheduled for a cardiac catheterization, b/c they should be able to complete a pre-procedure checklist and get the client to the catheterization laboratory. ph 7.35-7.45. Pco2 35- 45. HCO3 22-26mEq/L Pa O2 80- 100 mm hg. O2 sat 93- 100% cholesterol <200mg/dl HDL LDL <100mg/dl creatinine glucose 60- 110 mg/dl potassium 3.5- 5.5 mEq/L sodium 135-145 mEq/L triglycerides <150 mg/dl blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 10-31 mg/dl HCT M: 43-49%, F: 38-44% Hgb M: 13.2 - 17.3, F: 11.7 - 15.5 aPTT (activated partial prothroplastin) 25- 35s or 30- 40 seconds PT prothrombin tim 10-13sec Digoxin (lanoxin) .8 - 2.0 ng/mL INR 2- 3, Mechanical Heart valve 2.5-3.5, anti coags 1.5-2 Lithium .6 - 1.2 mEq/L a client is being seen in the clinic to R/O mitral valve stenosis. What assessment data would be most significant? The client complains of dyspnea SOB when walking: dyspnea on exertion DOE is the earliest manifestation of mitral valve stenosis. What assessment data with the nurse expect to auscultate in a patient diagnosed with mitral valve insufficiency? Holo systolic murmur best heard at the cardiac apex (mitral 5ICS mid clav) : the sound is loud, high-pitched, rumbling and holosystolic (occurs throughout systole) and is third best at the apex. Client has just received a mechanical valve replacement Erie and what behavior by the client indicates the client needs more teaching? The client takes and enteric coated aspirin daily: aspirin & nsaids, interfere with clotting and may potentiate the effects of anticoagulant therapy, which the client would be prescribed. Nurses preparing to administer warfarin Coumadin, anticoagulant, to patient with mechanical valve replacement. Clients INR is 2.7. What action should the nurse implement? Administer the medication as ordered: therapeutic range for most clients INR is 2 to 3, but for client with mechanical valve replacement. It is 2 to 3.5. Which s/s should the nurse assessing any client who has long-term valvular heart disease? Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: b/c it's a sudden attack of resp distress @ night b/c of reclining; orthopnea: abnormal pt must sit or stand to brief & cough: occurs when difficulty breathing when walking or performing any activity. Client has been evaluated for valvular heart disease. What information would be most significant? Patient has a history of rheumatic heart disease: because it is the most common cause of valvular heart disease. Elementary nurse unable to read the elementary monitor at the nurse's station which intervention should that elementary nurse implement first? Contact client on the call system: if client answers the call light and is not experiencing chest pain then it's probably a monitor artifact which is not emergent. After talking with client send a nurse to the room to check monitor. Client shows ventricular fibrillation on telemetry at the nurses station. What action should telemetry nurse implement first? Call a stat code: must call a code that activates the crash cart being brought to the room and a team that will care for the client. Client is experiencing multifocal premature ventricular contractions. What Antiochus written the medication with the nurse expect the doctor to order? Lidocaine b/c suppresses ventricular ectopy & his drug of choice for ventricular dysrhythmias. Client is exhibiting sinus bradycardia, is complaining of syncope, and weakness . BP 98/60. What collaborate of treatment should the nurse anticipate? Prepare for insertion of pacemaker: client is symptomatic row acquire pacemaker. Client has chronic a fib. What discharge teaching should the nurse discuss with the client? Instruct the client to use a soft bristle toothbrush because anticoagulants will be prescribed to prevent clots, and they'll have the risk for bleeding. Client is exhibiting ventricular tachycardia. What intervention should the nurse implement first? assess apical pulse and blood pressure: to determine if the client is in cardiac arrest and then treat then curricular fib, if client heart is beating the nurse would then administer lidocaine. Client one day. Postop coronary artery bypass is exhibiting sinus tachycardia. What intervention should the nurse implement? determine if client has pain: sinus tachycardia means that the SA node is the pacemaker, but the rate is greater than 100 b/c pain, anxiety or fever, determine cause and treat there is no specific med. Client to elementary reading shows P-wave before each QRS complex and the rate is 78 which action should the nurse implement? Document. This is the normal sinus rhythm. Which client problem has priority for the client with the cardiac dysrhythmia: alteration in comfort, decreased cardiac output, impaired gas exchange, activity intolerance? Decreased cardiac output because it indicates abnormal electrical activity of the heart. albumin 3.5-5.0 high: dehydration, more calcium bound low: liv dis, mal nutrition less calcium bound more in blood calcitonin prevent bone break down & promotes excretion Mg 1.5-2.5 TSH .5-5.0

What are nursing interventions for ventricular fibrillation?

Treatment includes:.
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). The first response to V-fib may be CPR. ... .
Defibrillation. This is an electrical shock that is delivered to your chest wall to restore normal rhythm. ... .
Medicines. ... .
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). ... .
Catheter ablation. ... .
Left cardiac sympathetic denervation..

What is the treatment of choice for ventricular fibrillation?

External electrical defibrillation remains the most successful treatment for ventricular fibrillation (VF). A shock is delivered to the heart to uniformly and simultaneously depolarize a critical mass of the excitable myocardium.

What is the first line treatment for ventricular fibrillation?

Ventricular fibrillation is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. CPR and defibrillation can restore your heart to its normal rhythm and may be life saving. Medications and cardiac procedures after an episode of ventricular fibrillation can prevent or reduce the chances of another episode.

What immediate steps must be taken if the patient has pulseless ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation?

Pulseless VT is a medical emergency that requires immediate defibrillation. The energy of 150-200 J on biphasic and 360 J on monophasic defibrillator should be used. Delaying defibrillation of pulseless VT dramatically decreases the survival rate.