Why do websites have autoplay videos?

When you upload a video to your website through your content management system, or when you add a video to your YouTube channel, you have the option to allow your video to play automatically without the visitor pressing play. This feature, called autoplay, is a considered a dirty word to some and a marketing secret to others.

While some believe that autoplay is a great way to reach views that might otherwise miss what you have so say, others believe that starting a video without the permission of the visitor could be an annoyance. In the end, it is solely up to you when it comes to autoplaying your videos. Here are some questions that you can ask when considering the autoplay option for your lawyer videos:

  • Do my potential clients know how to watch videos online, or would they need a feature like autoplay to encourage them?
  • Are my potential clients surfing the Web from work or another venue that might not allow sound or video?
  • Do I want to take an aggressive approach to my video marketing by autoplaying my videos?
  • Do I think a significant number of visitors would navigate away from my page if a video started playing, or would they just press the stop button?

If you still arent sure what to think of the autoplay option for your videos, dont fear. Call up one of our marketing consultants and speak with someone who can help you figure out whats best for your wishes and your website. Contact us today at 888-886-0939.