Yes it is nghĩa là gì năm 2024

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Yes it is nghĩa là gì năm 2024

Well we found other things but, yes, they are man-made.

I believe this question cannot be answered with a straightforward yes or no.

There were two categories of verbal forms : yes (oui) and no (non).

Pointing gestures and responses, yes\no gestures and responses, imitations, unintelligible utterances, and utterances that included a participant that was not visible were excluded.

If the answer was yes, they were considered for inclusion.

Physicians who indicated "yes" were then asked to describe the differences they had observed.

Yes, because it points to different cognitive functions, different aspects of mind.

Regarding the follow-up bid, it appeared that the distribution of (yes, yes) responses diminished with bid size.

Yes, this is a difficult question, and one that many researchers, including myself, are investigating.

A series of yes/no questions for a telephony application, for instance, may just as well be implemented using touch-tone input.

And they appropriate this attributed authenticity for themselves to increase their own, yes, 'nocturnal capital', earning them bragging rights back home.

To maintain consistency across samples, transcription was initiated after the child had produced 10 consecutive, complete, nonstereotypical utterances such as yes-no responses, greetings, and routines.

For instance, if the answer to the first question is ' yes ', the second question becomes redundant.

This is obligatory in yes/no questions, wh-questions where the subject is not questioned and in topicalised declaratives.

Yes, and the visual has a very strong content.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.