What kind of year is 2024?


What kind of year is 2024?

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

The Chinese year of the Dragon is the fifth year of the 12-year-cycle of Chinese Zodiac animals. The old Chinese story behind this was that the Jade emperor ordered a race to select the 12 animals to be his personal guards. The animals arrived in the order of the cycle.

People born in the Year of the Dragon were born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024.

Though be careful, our Gregorian calendar does not line up perfectly with the Chinese lunisolar calendar. If you were born in January or February (generally, the Chinese New Year begins in late January or early February), check the Chinese New Year dates from your birth year to determine your correct zodiac sign.

If you’re a Dragon, read on for a few more details!

Dragon Personality

Bill was born in the year of the dragon, so read on and get to know what he is like from the eyes of the Chinese Zodiac!

This sign is an auspicious one, as dragons are seen as intelligent and bold self-starters with big ambitions.

They’re passionate about their goals and have the self-reliance, smarts, and charm to win over people, succeed at business dealings, and in general enjoy life!

Unsurprisingly, they can sometimes get hamstrung by their own egos, and will do what’s necessary to remain on top.

Dragon leaders make for tough bosses, as they’re good at giving orders, and will hold people accountable to big results! 

Compatible with: Monkey or Rooster, but Rat, Tiger, or Snake are best

Be careful around: Ox, Goat, Dog

Chinese Zodiac Elements

Chinese astrology assigns each year with one of the five elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Earth, and Fire). When you combine these five elements with the 12-year cycle of animal signs, you get a 60-year cycle.

Each of those elements have associated meanings. Here they are on a rather simplistic level:

  • Wood: creativity, imagination
  • Fire: passion, adventure
  • Metal: persistence, ambition
  • Water: agility, eloquence
  • Earth: patience, stability

To find your Chinese element, look at the last number of your birth year:

  • For birth years ending in 0 or 1, your element is metal.
  • For birth years ending 2 or 3, your element is water.
  • For birth years ending in 4 or 5, your element is wood.
  • For birth years ending in 6 or 7, your element is fire.
  • For birth years ending in 8 or 9, your element is earth.

Again, though, remember that the Chinese calendar and the regular Gregorian calendar do not line up perfectly. If you were born in January or February, check to see which Chinese year you were actually born in!

Full Zodiac Animal chart

Below is the full spectrum of Chinese zodiac animals. Click on the image to look up your own sign by birth year and read more about how Judy, Sarah and Kaitlin rediscovered their Chinese Zodiac signs in Hong Kong.

What kind of year is 2024?

If you’re looking to shower your family and friends with well-wishes and greetings or at least understand them, check out 23 of the most common Chinese New Year greetings in both Mandarin and Cantonese.

Don’t forget to visit our Chinese New Year recipe planning guide to plan your own celebration meal.

What kind of year is 2024?

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Reader Interactions

What was 2025 the year of?

Years of the Snake: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953... The Snake occupies the sixth position in the Chinese zodiac.

What type of Dragon is 2024?

Years and the Five Elements.

Is 2024 a good year for Tiger?

Remember that 2024 will be a good year for Tigers as long as they can stop the impulsive nature from getting them in trouble. The Tigers born in 1950 are said to have good career development in 2024, while those born in 1962 may encounter many obstacles in work, though their capability improve significantly.

What does the Year of the Dragon symbolize?

In the Chinese culture, the dragon represents good luck, strength, health and also the male element Yang. The dragon is unique because it is the only mythical creature of all the animals in the Chinese zodiac and babies are born in the year of the dragon more than any other animal.